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  1. G

    Little dilemma

    Good luck with that. You can't even figure out how to start a conversation with her.
  2. G

    No Fap Challenge Progress

    Has anyone else noticed their *enis literally doubling in length during the No Fap Challenge? Is this just me? I'm going to need looser pants soon.
  3. G

    Need a quick opinion...not utterly important

    Even if you weren't too nice to her....maybe she just wasn't attracted to you. You people always forget that! Despite C&F and being too nice and all the PUA stuff, the girl has to be attracted to you. Which this girl wasnt. Sorry.
  4. G

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Maybe he doesn't want to appear over-eager. If you ever want to chat about these things, just know...I'm here for you.
  5. G

    Do you have a sister?

    Is there a "not sure" option in the poll?
  6. G

    Would you date a woman that does not drink?

    yeah but you're a paranoid weirdo. you probably think all girls who enjoy a glass of wine are drunken sluts. you must have been cheated on. repeatedly.
  7. G

    Where Do Players Hang Out?

    Seems like he'd rather insult us first!
  8. G

    No Fap Challenge Progress

    Did I insult you?! Did I curse? No? Then why ban me?! Because I question you!? The message board needs MORE questions and LESS blind agreement!
  9. G

    No Fap Challenge Progress

    So far i hear stories of jogging, 'feeling more manly', and f**king girls you've already f**ked So I see no evidence that this is anything better than hippie sh!t. Like drinking tea or chanting. Sorry!
  10. G

    POF nerdy looking white guy experiment

    I'm forrealz, guys. This totally isn't trolling.
  11. G

    POF ain't working anymore (1 month 3 hours a day)

    One time I had a nice email exchange with a girl on POF. I got her number and I called her, and she answered "Who the f**k is this?" And I told her my name. And she said, "I don't talk to online losers." So then I started crying and deleted my account. If this is how women treat men in...
  12. G

    She wants a man with a real job but shes a social services worker!

    When I Get My First Girlfriend, I'm Going To Watch Out For Girls Like This! This Is Crazy! Mom?
  13. G

    Women who do E

    bigneil are you talking about your stripper again?! I'd love to hear yet another tale!
  14. G

    No Fap Challenge Progress

    I've completed 14 days. I've already doubled my bench press strength and tripled my long distance running. I've also gotten several inches taller. It really works!
  15. G

    married woman.

    you pick fruits for a living?
  16. G

    My mom told me to get good grades and HBs will be lining up to chase me

    If I leave, who am I going to talk to? I ask people about the weather or where they got their pants from. No one seems interested in being social with me. My mom makes me watch America's Got Talent and game shows with her every day. I can talk to 10 new girls every day. They still...
  17. G

    My mom told me to get good grades and HBs will be lining up to chase me

    It's not whining. My mom always says that a closed mouth never gets fed. So if I dont TELL you about my problems how can you FIX them for me?!
  18. G

    Unemployed dutchbags from highschool got money and game.

    I don't get it. I work so hard and study so hard. How come guys like this get girls while guys like US get nothing? My mom says if I eat more vegetables more women will like me. But I've been eating vegetables all my life. I'm foreveralone
  19. G

    No Fap Challenge Progress

    My mom says that Julius Caesar went on the No Fap challenge right before he conquered the known world and bedded Cleopatra. It really works!
  20. G

    My mom told me to get good grades and HBs will be lining up to chase me

    I just want to know why my mom doesn't think of me as a sexual being. Why do I have to be good to my boss to get HBs? It is so frustrating. Mom why don't you understand what a grown man must do? Can anyone explain?