POF nerdy looking white guy experiment


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
IF a girl ever asks why you are on online dating respond with
-I travel a lot and don't get a chance to meet many women in my city, thought i'd try out meeting women online.
-I don't like the club scene.
-"The same reason everyone else is; I secretly enjoy screening and judging people I've never met. You like it too, don't lie"
-"I thought it was pretty lame at first, but my friend met a really cool girl off this site so I thought I would give it a try."
-In 2 years online dating will be the ****. I am a pioneer.

the fact is girls are hit with a **** ton of messages a day ao you need to get the number after about 4 messages. So once you build a little comfort or maybe get her laughing hit her with 1 of these

"****, sorry im doing like 10 things at once here, why don't you give me your number and I'll call you in like...5 minutes?"

"I hate playing email tag, why don't you give me your number so we can talk like normal people."

Some women will **** test you on asking for the number. Things like "Ohh maybe im not ready to give you my number just yet" this actually happens a lot. Just cut through their bull**** with:

"Yeah you should totally play hard to get. Well im going to go grab something to eat now, when you're ready to give me your number let me know and we can talk like normal people...dork."

most of this stuff is quoted from pua cajun but it has all treated me very well last night alone was first night back on pof after reading pof thread no word of a lie I got 6 #'s in about 30 messages would have got more sometimes im just too lazy to continue talking to girls because they bore me.

This thread will help you get a # read it bra http://www.theattractionforums.com/...-profiles-messaging-closing-techniques-2.html

But the 1 sad truth about online dating is if your a below average looking dude youre not going to succeed. So if this is the case "Do steroids, lift heavy weights, get contacts, go tanning. And stop playing all those gay loving video games. You can’t get ***** in front of a TV playing games with your geeky friends. Go out to night clubs and bars, hit the beach. If you got money, floss" -Phil Baroni


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
so pretty much you want, for you point of view, use someone pic worse and uglier then you, just to prove you suck?

dude plase drop the drama queen act and go do something, anything you like, stop looking for girls and work on your mental, or you are too stressfull with everything and it starting to get crazy, or you are trooling hard.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
It doesn't look real, I need a guy who looks like he would never get girls, but looks like a real pic.

I'm going to prove this guy will get more numbers than me.
I'm forrealz, guys. This totally isn't trolling.