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  1. D

    Social Rut/ Getting Invited to Parties

    How bout college/university? Are parties different there? And is it easier to get invited to one, since I hear they are big?
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    Social Rut/ Getting Invited to Parties

    Guys, I have a problem - how do I pull alcohol? The hellhole I live in has a drinking age of 19 - I got 2 fÜcking years to go! I don't know anyone who's old enough to get alcohol, or even if there was, don't know why they'd do it for me. My mom doesn't drink at all. She forbids sex, drugs...
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    Best way to initiate the first kiss?

    Dude, this isn't a science. Stop making it one.
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    Programs that eliminate vocals, and those that isolate them

    Are you talking about isolating vocals from a .wav or .mp3? No such program exists. If all you got is a finished .wav or .mp3 file, you have to work with the entire frequency spectrum. I'm not sure where the vocals sit (I don't do vocals), but you can't extract them cleanly. Try to obtain...
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    If you are good looking then you will get #. If not, then you wont

    Not another looks vs game thread.... :rolleyes: It's proven that both work as separate qualities - possessing one and none of the other - to an extent. But having both guarantees maximum success.
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    Girls dig guys who scream into the mike over gritty industrial guitar - who doesn't? ;) None of that sissy boy crap. <-- Chicks who like pansy boy bands still have to mature (anyone who listens to NSYNC should be shot). Performing in a [good] band, just like sporting piercings and tough...
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    Becoming too nice

    True that. Just wait. You think she doesn't realize what's going on? She knows at least as much as you posted, so don't be predictable like that - don't call her yet. She'll wonder where you are and why aren't you on your knees begging her to give in. :p From what you posted, it doesn't seem...
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    This forum is a joke.. how to become a real PUA

    Oh, cmon, she's not that bad, but its easier to judge by a body shot. By the way, this is a dumb thread. Instead of trying to convince the other party about whose balls are bigger, why not do something more productive? Though, I have to agree I wanna see the outcome :D
  9. D

    What am I doing wrong?

    One advice: keep sifting through the crap. But: Never forget to check your game, trying to constantly improve it. Only you can tell if you're doing something wrong. Oh, and.... If you know what will be told to you, go do it.
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    Do you have this habit?

    Know what helps? It's the same thing that gets you to jump off the plane with a chute, or ski down that double diamond slope, all the way knowing there is no going back, and no stopping. Being able to put yourself in hands of fate. It's called nuts. I'm a reckless person, and find that it...
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    Help -- I'm boring.

    Answer sounds simple: get a life. But I, sharing your problem, know that it's infact not as simple as I make it out to be. You need MOTIVATION to get off that lazy ass and do something. Hell, that's the easy part. Sticking with it is the hard one. Do extreme sports - winter =...
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    Strict Parents...

    Get a job and then a car. That way, you won't have to rely on rides from your parents. Agreed with the above - don't ask, state. Wanna go out, go ahead, you don't need permission UNLESS you got crap to do, like homework or chores, for which they can bìtch at you if you didn't do them. So be...
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    Long/WILD story - Lost my virginity tonight!

    YAH, all this virginity bullshìt is way overrated. Know what changes after your first time? Absolutely nothing! I think I am becoming a manwh0re lol, or will be one later. Accepting payments for sex is satisfying - my gf cooks for me or takes me out in return for sex :D.
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    Frat Guys = DJs?

    Do colleges only have frats? Or do Universities have them too? How does the system work? BTW, how do you join a frat? I ve read some stuff on Rushes, but for me the problem may be financial, if what I hear is right - frats are very expensive. Am I right?
  15. D

    Dam **** blocker

    Rofl! ^ This situation is pretty classic - called competition. Comprende? :D The same answer goes for all of them - don't take his ****. Let him know that he's nothing, and he has no business fvcking with you. They way you do that is up to you.
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    Strict Parents...

    Know how they say "Family before everything else"? Well, that's a crock of shìt if I ever heard one, since parents are still people like everyone else, and while they wish the best for you, they may not know everything about life (regardless of how much they like to think otherwise). Your dad is...
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    Tips from women - How AFC's are created

    You, sir, have made my day
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    Test your will

    First off, nice thread! Good idea. I will be in once second semester starts, so I can hit the gym regularly.
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    Why Nerds are Unpopular: An Essay

    ^ Right on. Getting right answers is more important than to look cool. Everytime I look at the wiggers at our school, I can't help but laugh. It's just so obvious they are trying their hardest to look 'gangsta' in front of others, that it reeks of fakeness. I don't think anyone else tries as...