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  1. D

    Make your life as positive as you can

    Yeah, today I was called 'Mr. Happy as always' :). Other people notice the difference, if not instantly.
  2. D

    The key to high school success - by someone who never found it

    How do you get into bars and clubs? Are you older than most? Or do you use fake ID? In any case, tell about the difference between high school and bar/club scenes. Where is it easier to sarge? Which scene is more sexually/socially open? Any other things you'd like to note? I haven't been...
  3. D

    Make your life as positive as you can

    While this may be obvious to some, it dawned on me just a short while ago. Furthermore, this may be more applicable to some than others, but hope it helps somebody. Until recently, even on my journey to self-improvement, my life was still centered around a few negative aspects. My group of...
  4. D

    The key to high school success - by someone who never found it

    All the popular guys I know have a friendly, outgoing attitude. They know they're the sh1t, so they go extra ways to show it, to rub it in at every opportunity. They talk to *everybody*, including the most pathetic losers. That way, everyone loves them. Tiger, what's your problem? If you are...
  5. D

    How many of you can truly trust your women not screw around?

    Amen to the above. Show her that if she decides to screw around, it will be her loss. Just be a man, and men are rare.
  6. D

    You think you'v heard all the afc stories well this one tops them

    Wiggers ARE funny lol. Fo' Shizzle, yo! :D
  7. D

    veins on arms

    Spot on, man! Just a while ago, I was training all arms, until someone pointed out that my arms look way out of proportion. I took a second look at myself, and was like hell yah, this is g-a-y! So now, im trying to get the chest and back proportional.
  8. D

    Unusual/Embarassing Prob... Need guidance!

    googled "hematoma" under images. If yours is anything as bad as the pics i saw, remove it asap, mate!
  9. D

    cold water

    Amen to the above! If you re trying to bulk up, drink a gallon of water a day, whether you're training or not.