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    LOL, this thread cracks me up!
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    How to become a great clubber

    And how do you do that? :confused:
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    The Power of Beauty

    It's way easier to get along with a girl if she has more than looks to offer, which alot of beautiful women don't. They never have stuff to talk about. Of course, there are exceptions :D, and they should be our goal.
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    How to spark her interest ?

    Ah shiznit (bizump ROFL!:D), whatever you do, don't come off as a fake! Saw a guy at taco time flirting with the cashier person, and it came off so phony as if he was playing by the book, no improv. Be at ease, relax, dont let her looks get you worried. She sh1ts just like I do - MASSIVE melange...
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    What are appropriate places to have sex

    Ooh, cars are not as comfortable as they make em out to be. Unless you're really good, don't try the car. You know, most of those positions you see in porn are pretty hard to master to the point where they are enjoyable to both. In fact, porn stars say that fvcking on a bed during a shoot is a...
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    The key to high school success - by someone who never found it

    What I mean is playins sports gives you access to ladies. It gets you noticed. "Congratulations to name for making 6 touchdowns against 'team'!" they announce on the intercom during daily student notices. The entire freaking school hears your name! I meant wrong. I saw the flaw in my...
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    Hello. New RAFC here...

    Welcome aboard, matey! :D Im kinda curious: since it was your friend who pointed you here, what was your initial reaction? Did you take it seriously from the start? I tried to point a totally AFC friend to this site, but he never mentioned it again, didnt even look prolly.
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    Awful evening clubbing

    Never been to a club, but this applies to all situations ever imagined: Don't try so hard! Go to have fun, and the chicks will come. Stress over why you're not getting any, and others will feel your negative vibe. You want it to be positive.
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    How to become a great clubber

    Awesome posts here. I'm too young to be a clubber (4 more freaking years to go), but this is some useful stuff. Im just getting into fashion. Those pants 6 sizes too big and a burlap sack for a shirt just won't do in Uni.
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    girls are intimidated

    Oh, girls are more shy than you think, even the hbs :D. If you are especially good looking, they will tend to avoid your gaze (see the archive section for the 'too good looking' thread). Not sure about the attitude thing. Any ideas anyone?
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    When the girl vanishes

    You left her your phone number... do you really think she'll call? I haven't been here as long as you have, but just imagine yourself in her position. You come to work one day and find a random guy's phone number on your desk. Will you call? I sure as hell wouldn't. What I would do is wait...
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    A DJ in disguise

    I went through a similar stage. TRYING to act as if no one mattered, and no opinions mattered. It gets easier eventually. Just don't give up now. I don't dance. At all. I was always too embarassed to try when there was even one person around. But a while ago, at the first school dance, I...
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    How do i get close to her?

    They're right, man. That s how we all started. How do we get one girl? We thought this site would help us do us, and live happily ever after. scroll down to the actual sets of articles. Read them all. You'll see things in a new light pretty soon.
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    Aniston, Pitt separating after 4 years of marriage

    Can you please elaborate on this?
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    Plan for the year

    Right on. I want to get my license, a car, and go to University. Also, will work on my body to further improve it. Planning to play more sports this year. Trying out new things: always wanted to try mountain biking :)
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    The key to high school success - by someone who never found it

    I was just basing my point on what I have observed in the 4 years. Sure, there are guys who don't play any sports, and get all the ladies. For example, the senior king (or pin or whatever). He doesnt do any sports and is quite out of shape, but he is a natural DJ, and everyone in the school...
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    cold water

    Just drink lots of water regularly. 3-4 litres every day you hit the gym. Less on rest days. 30% of Americans are dehydrated (forgot where I saw that. Think it was this forum though :)) And dehydration DOES affect your metabolism.
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    veins on arms

    Just train. Regularly. You get veins when blood pressure increases (due to exercise in our case). After every workout, the veins don't go completely back to normal (get bigger after every workout.)
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    Does anybody say stuff behind your back?

    If you have a delicate and sensitive ego, you couldn't just stop caring. Otherwise, why would he be asking us? The chinese proverb goes something like "A man can easily take a slap to the face. It's his ego that can't." Witnessed this a few years back. There was this annoying kid at my...