A DJ in disguise


Don Juan
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
brooklyn, New york
Man So many people in my school think of me as a DJ but the real thing is i am a ****ing afc that is scared to do the bootcamp and is still scared to bag girls and ****.

In school i am usually always baggin a girl whereever u go in school and if u see me i am sitting with a girl or something. But now its just so annoying on how fake i am and i still play this role and i'm not getting ****.

Currently i been trying to talk to this Hb7 w/Big breast. Now i didnt want to be a ****block on my homeboy who i don't even think he baggin her but she always takes the train with her and stuff. So lately i been trying to move in silent i talked to her a bit crappy convos when i first started talking to her. I mean like it was always her singing and me just saying stop singing and ****
and crappy little convos that were pointless. We only had probably 3 real good convos. Anyway i kinoed her alot i managed to have her always leaning on me and **** now. But my dumbass never makes a move its always "DAmn i shouldnt try to do anything she might find out i like her and then be like she doesnt like me." Today she was doing some heavy kino on me and i wasn't doing ****. I mean we were in the gym i sat next to her she was talking to her friends i was chillin and she would rest her arm on my leg or put her head against my leg. At one point her hand was close to my nutz. Then after gym were in the hall way me, her, the kid she takes train with and this other girl. Now she was saying if i think about her when i get home. I didn't know what to say so i just didnt say nothing to make it look liek she was talking to my friend. Then something happened and she put her whole body against me. and my dumbas looks like (WTF is she doing get off me) What i should have done which of course i never think of at the time i could have taken her pen and ran in the stairwell i know she would have followed and we could have madeout for a good 5 mins. We then had to go to the computers so she was sitting on the table right beside me. Thats when this other girl hb6 w/nice ass comes and sits with me so i'm like. Ok i can't do much cause i don't want her seeing that i want to try and get with hb7. But hb7 ends up giving me some more kino by putting her head next to mine, playing with my hair. Then i wised up a bit and had my hand on her thigh which she didnt mind. Then i had my hand on her hand and was rubbin it in a circular motion.

But i for some reason i still can't make a move on a girl some of my past reasons were:

-My Meat is too small which really it isnt for my age its actually pretty big (7 inches)
-She might think i'm ugly
-Other girls might say dumb **** to me
-I lose confidence when i see her with the other kid she takes the train with makes me feel as if she is done trying to gett me to talk to her it happens with other girls too

or some other kinds of stupid reasons. one time she even said her butt got bigger and said if i want to see and i was feeling and **** but still i cant do nothing.

There are many other girls in the school i had the same problem with.

But still everyone sees me as a DJ cause i'm just spitting some game at all these girls i they don't know i havent kissed or boned not even one of the girls i talk with. Overall i am a damn AFC that is scared and i need to ****ing grow some balls and just get those ladies. So As of Today i will try new **** I am going to finish reading Weapons of MAss seducition then i will be trying to bootcamp when its warmer. I will get numbers, dates,lays, and have fun. I know i have said i would do the bootcamp 3 times so far and stopped after the first week because of my worries of not getting girls and stuff. But lately i have been becoming fearless. I know i have wat it takes cause i can help my friends with there problems and manage to tell them what to do in order to get what he wants/

I shall become a DJ (Which reminds me that same hb7 she was giving me her number and i never even wrote the **** down. I'm just a dumbass all around lol)


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
well ill be the first to reply. this really reminds me a lot of my friend. he's the biggest fake ever. really sounds a lot similar to you. Just really start doing even more kino, become more confident and stop caring what other people think.

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer

do the bootcamp, read the bible religiously (pardon the pun :D )
and above all NEVER LOSE HOPE

some people pick this stuff up really quick, but it took me about a year and a half to finally get to the i don't care what people think stage.

I live life for FUN. getting some action is nice, but its not nearly as great as all the hype. and sex doesn't last for that long(unless your mr. debonaire;) )

btw, i don't think your that much of a fake. the girls like you, and that is what being a dj IS. don't focus on getting laid, just do what your doing and it will come naturally. If you know a girl just say you want to hang out, watch some movies or something. not a date, just hanging out. she will likely pounce on you, you manly studmuffin you ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
I went through a similar stage. TRYING to act as if no one mattered, and no opinions mattered. It gets easier eventually. Just don't give up now.

I don't dance. At all. I was always too embarassed to try when there was even one person around. But a while ago, at the first school dance, I let myself loose. People said I was the craziest dancer there, and when I got up on the platform, pushed everyone off, and started stripdancing until the teachers kicked me off..... people still talk about it :D

California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
The Bay Area
Bro, it looks like your game is set, you're probably good lookin enough, and you're doing well with the women folk.

The bads - you lack confidence and you are sexually insecure. Girls do not care about the **** size at this age. Hell, they just wanna fckin look at it cuz they have no idea what it is. Start moving those hands ASAP. One thing you are doing right, although unconciously, is that you seem to be "hard to get." All of them want your **** now. It's up to you to give it to them. Sexual incapability usually comes from the parents when they act rather coldly towards each other. You are in your prime; go soften up that *****.