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  1. D

    I need some new friends...

    Sports sports sports. Endorphins. Testosterone. Is that what you r looking for?
  2. D

    i feel like i have no friends.. read

    Join a sport. Preferrably a very competitive and team-oriented one. Football or Rugby are good. That way, you really get tight with your teammates, since all of you are fighting against a common enemy, so to speak.
  3. D

    I don't get it?

    Somewhere in between. It hurts to be quiet all the time, but you shouldn't be a clown. Show that you can have fun, but don't lose the tough attitude.
  4. D

    How does a man take disrespect like THIS?

    She's trying to manipulate you by saying that there's other people waiting in line to marry her, and if you know what's good for you, you should run after her like a little puppy and make sure things go her way from now on. Otherwise she'd leave you. Don't listen to that bs. Let her know you...
  5. D

    If you look like a nerd, you're screwed

    I'm tempted to say AMEN, but that wouldn't be quite right. Looks are NOT everything, but if you have them (facial structure, body, smell, clothes, so on), half the battle is already won. Though that is not always the case. I know this 6.5-7 (general highschool standard) who is totally into...
  6. D

    Number- CRUNCH!!

    funny ****
  7. D


    ^Hmm, never had that happen. Trojans fit me like a ... glove? Never heard of the Twisted kind, though.
  8. D

    Teen Club Advice (Foam Party)

    Hmm, never heard of a teen club period. I'll take a look around the hellhole I live in :p
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    Teen Club Advice (Foam Party)

    Hey, tell more about this club. I never heard of a club that had a foam party! :D
  10. D

    Anyone here have sex without a condom?

    My girl just gone on the pill, and there is a week to go until it takes effect. Can't wait :D
  11. D

    TV for Men

    I agree that the crime shows are a major crock of crap. It's the same tired old stuff over and over. A murder... Clues left - saliva, hair, jizz and whatnot... The plot thickens as the culprit attempts to hide, but still leaves subtle clues, on which the 'experts' always pick up... The killer...
  12. D

    i'm a loser

    ^ Thats bullshìt, right there. MEN are polygamous by nature. Women are the ones who get emotionally attached to a single person only. (There are exceptions though) Jay-X, I know how you feel - the 'cheating' wasn't committed for any emotional reasons. Just a bit of physical variety, and...
  13. D

    i'm a loser

    Hmm, double post. See below.
  14. D

    Wierd Thing Happened Today....

    Tell them to take a hike, but don't be rude about it - simply because you are new there, and they could give you sh1t for the remainder of your time there. Make friends instead of enemies.
  15. D

    Wake up call to all your questions

    I needed that encouragement. I've been here for a while, but not anywhere near the mark I've set to myself. I found myself slacking off as of late, and need to get back on track. Thank you.
  16. D

    HELP! gf, prom, another guy

    Because she is going to prom with another guy?? :rolleyes: That's a pretty obvious reason. From what you typed, she seems to be getting a lot more than drum lessons out of the deal. But that's just a speculation. Let her go to prom with that guy, but find another hot(ter) girl to go with.
  17. D

    I am a disappointment

    Ok, I got this **** under control. I talked to her about it, and we got it sorted out. Thanks for the input, everybody! :D
  18. D

    What does she mean?

    It means she thinks you dont wanna try new things. As in, your relationship had fallen into its own pattern. Variety is key here. EDIT: What the hell? What if you don't know what kind of food they have?
  19. D

    I am a disappointment

    Just now, I was deleting my old emails, and came accross this: I substituted according alphabet number, and it translates to: "I don't think I can do this any more." I got this email on december 28, 3 days before I...
  20. D

    keys to be a super hot male

    I had a pimple on my d1ck once. Gf thought it was gonorrhea or some weird sh1t like that lol Hey, thanx for the reminder of not touching face. Just caught myself doing that again.