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  1. D

    Progress Journal from AFC to DJ

    Good job. I liked this post :D
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    I am a disappointment

    Ok, there's a misunderstanding. I DO NOT KNOW who hit on her today. This guy is another story entirely. I would say that he has 0 game and 0 looks, but that would be the jealousy talking - obviously she's interested in him. The guy that hit on her today was smooth and apparently hot. If I ever...
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    Is this normal? GF keeping old letters from ex...

    Why? If you don't use it to remember your ex, then it's nothing more than a bunch of trash. Obviously, if you keep something from the past, you still have some sort of a connection to it. Maybe she has trouble letting go. I personally throw all of it out, cards, notes, letters... unless the...
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    I am a disappointment

    No matter how much my ego tries to say otherwise, I am not the don juan I thought I was. A couple days back, my gf and I had a blast of a time on a date. It rocked, and we parted on a happy note. Today, however, her and this guy who is really into her (he told me) went and did exactly the...
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    Awkward Silences

    What helped me is this exercise. Sit down in front of the comp, open notepad, and start typing. Anything and everything that comes to mind. This teaches you to be more in touch with the thoughts flowing just below the radar through your mind all day. They are always there, but you never...
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    Guys that talk a lot of SH!T

    (CableLight) Kid: "But dad, I don't want to mow the lawn..." Me: "Oh yeah?" <unbuckles belt> ... :D
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    Gain weight or practice DJ skills?

    Why not do both at the same time? Hit the weights early in the morning, and the rest of the time is yours to practice your game.
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    how to get preppy girls!

    so what's the problem?
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    Not Popular

    Yah, the idea is not to get tanked... at least not before everyone else does. I don't drink much, only because I prefer to keep control of the situation.
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    Man, I started having this problem too recently. I stopped watching what I eat, following the general 'no fastfood' principle most of the time, but hell... Not only do my farts rattle the doors into heaven, but they stink like no tomorrow! (broccoli smell sometimes, you know?) Basically, it...
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    What sport to get into?

    Boxing. Wrestling. Football. Violence is key if you are aiming for the alpha image. Other good sports are skiing/snowboarding, mountain biking (none of that xcountry crap :p ). In my opinion, save golf for the fat, balding CEO's, but some of the more 'refined' (as in, non-violent) sports go...
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    Eating P*ssy

    Re: Re: Re: Eating P*ssy Damn right. I couldn't live without going down on a girl. It's just so good.
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    Let her have her mood swings

    I agree with some of the post. Overreacting is suicide, but taking her crap is simply too much. If i'm not enjoying myself, I will eject, end the date early, or send her home (depends on who I'm with and what im doing). Same goes for when I don't get a vibe.
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    litle help?

    Ooh, if I was you, I would do something rediculous. Like slapping her on the ass twice and asking 'how much for that'. Something crazy that would make her hate me, but would totally rid me of all fear of hot babes. But I already did that, so come up with something new ;)
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    missing out on semi-formal

    You're not missing out, unless your semiformal is different from mine. Here it was about a month ago, and it sucked hard. The food was crap - can't believe I paid 25 bucks for that. The dance ticket cost only $5 - the only money I needed to pay to have a good time. As for the afterparty...
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    Girls who make guys wait for sex

    Or she is one of those prudes who get uptight and secretly hate you once you apply any kino. :rolleyes: But in some cases, keep at it, and soon they become uploose :D
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    Rank Yank Accent

    LOL :D
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    "8" pack abs?

    The 7th and 8th are the very lower abdomen, I think.
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    Exercises you hate most

    Squats and sprints. Though after sprints, I feel good and satisfied, while squats are just a bytch.
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    Will This Mess Up My Game?

    ^ Why? This is a valid question. Nobody gives a flying fvck if you can fight or not. What matters is whether you LOOK like you could kick some ass. It's part of the dominant image. Physical size is important. Being able to fight is not important - you can walk away from 98% of them...