Becoming too nice


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, flame me or w/e just get me into shape. Im really too be honest just pissed off with myself. I had the most awesome sucess with this girl, she was with me for 4 hours and even stayed to watch me perform - she wasnt clingy or anything just so fun and sort of seducitve/sexy. She nearly got me off by doing some sedution stuff on my ears, it was great.

So she comes to my party today and its all set, I make a move on her instantly because the night before she said while feeling me 'shouldnt we be doing something tomorrow night'. I move straight on her and put my arm round her...she I try and get around her and find out whats wrong...she doesnt give I move onto another girl and it was ok. Just I was really expecting something more tonight and It really bugs me that I nailed it last night but tonight even with all that groundwork the nightbefore I couldnt nail this one. Even better for me is that her ex-bf comes along and hangs out with her for half the movie..kino and so on...she doesnt go far with him but still at the end hugs him hard, I get hugged but so does everyone else.

I feel I nearly had it and just screwed up somewhere. I know I have and I think its because I became too nice....she was pissed before so I listened to her and just agreed and moved on with the kino and so on. I dont want to turn nice guy now.

Where do I need to go? I need to nail this one, she is 90% of the way there....just it can still go either way now.

I am planning on calling her and getting just a 1 on 1 with her somewhere ex-bfs coming in.

Im just reading what I wrote, I shouldnt even be saying this, I should just move on but shes got under my skin and i gotta fix this somehow.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Don't call her tomorrow. Wait another day or so. Just to seem a little less desperate.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
True that. Just wait. You think she doesn't realize what's going on? She knows at least as much as you posted, so don't be predictable like that - don't call her yet. She'll wonder where you are and why aren't you on your knees begging her to give in. :p

From what you posted, it doesn't seem like you were too nice. Where the hell did you get that idea? It was a good idea that you moved on to another girl when she didn't give in. Just don't be a pvssy: don't give in instead - she's nothing to be obsessed about.


Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
When she suggested that you guys do something tommorrow like that it was her way of trying to seduce you.

Once you gave in and expected to do something with her right when you showed up you did exactly what she expected you too.

Therefore putting you in the "another guy i seduced and fvcked with" pile.

What you should've done was show up.... but don't give her much attention.

And when you do... use C and F.

Or you could've walked near her and gotten something near her.

So you fvck with HER expectency level.


Say there's your cup of beer next to her or something.... You can walk right next to her and act like you're going to talk to her but instead grab the cup of beer and walk off.

So pretty much she thought you were going to stop and talk to her but really you didn't even think about her and she thinks all you were thinking about was the beer.... It's a mind tease.

Give it a day or two before you talk to her. When you do talk to her... remember to change your gameplan.

Don't let her know you're really interested right off the bat and when she tries to seduce you act like it doesn't phase you or look at your watch or something. BUT.... Then give her a sly smile and/or an arm rub or a slight brush on the side of her ass or something. You can't make her think it's completely killed but you have to confuse the Shlt out of her.

Hm.... Call her in a day or two then post results and i'll try and give more advice.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice, Asian Biker - you really made some great points there.

I was thinking about her and last night, she was overall pissed because she got into one of those *****y girl fights. She rejected everyone, even her ex who was desperate to hit on her and just stuck his head on her lap and she was like...just leave me alone. It was in truth or dare he changed clothes with her (someone's dare to him) that it just hit me, she was like 'ugh w/e ok'...I guess you cant turn down dares. The game ended after that so I couldnt get back using a dare in my favor.

Anyway Ive started the mind games, Ive got a date with her best friend so Im going to play with jealousy.

At school she has a group of seduced guys around her, its pretty funny to watch. Shes an actor so she can make any guy feel special, I fell for it. Shes in half my life (Classes, musicals etc) so im going to have to work it out, try playing games with her now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Do not show any signs of being bothered by this. You must act like the one at loss is her. Calling her is a no.