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  1. L

    Rare case problem

    Make a decision you wont regret down the road. <--- Translates to = Do what the hell you wanna do... My opinion? I suggest you keep it 100% (be real). 9/10 you will regret when you lie...
  2. L

    Girlfriend suffers from depression

    Give her a better man to follow. I'm guessing she has a no good relationship with father? Who knows, who cares. You care so much about her then why is she depressed? Man up son
  3. L

    Dealing With Miscommunication

    Yeah its not a big issue. But understand, your are the guy, she is the woman. If you know how to assume your role she will assume hers. Not vice-versa.
  4. L

    Believe in myself

    Okay, now reread it and let it soak this time.
  5. L

    Suffering from depression and my update...((Read))

    Your 28 and depressed? You dont like men. Move on from what they did to u. If you can't trust them, then you already won half the battle. What makes you think u can trust a woman instead though? You will be mislead if you give all your "trust" to a woman. Hell, don't trust anyone. What the hell...
  6. L

    Advice for everyone

    This forum is full of men seeking attention from other men, full of boys who hate their father, full of boys who have .... LOW SELF ESTEEM? Please! Enough is enough. Lets not have a world where real men are scarce.
  7. L

    I still miss my ex, what do I do?

    To the original poster... Reread what the hell you just ****ing wrote, tell me that isnt funny as hell... How about you show it to your father or some of your friends...? Picture that scenario... Its time to grow up son
  8. L

    Believe in myself

    I may be rude and I'm sorry. Get the **** off this forum with this crazy ass thread. Do you have a ****? How about a pair of balls? Do you have any male friends? Make some now. You have low self-esteem from growing up. You been around too many females or maybe not, but you havent been around any...
  9. L

    Advice for everyone

    First please think of that girl you like and keep her in mind. Are you the type of person who likes to chat on forums? How about on a forum full of people trying to get and give advice on picking up women? If you don't love doing this then you should speak up a little bit. If you do love...
  10. L

    girl straight out said friends only.. wtf do i do now?

    What do you do? Get off this damn forum and don't come back. Answer your own questions. Seriously, it is the best thing in the world. Become your own person. Love yourself. If you dont know what to do. Do you. Never ask the internet what to do. What woman wants a man who gets on the internet and...
  11. L

    Is complimenting a good or bad thing?

    as long as you dont kiss ass and happy with who you are you can do whatever you want with chicks... You just don't want to feel like they are of some value, treat them as normal people with just a tad touch of i like you in there... There is no set don juan law so no need to worry about being a...
  12. L

    Is complimenting a good or bad thing?

    unless someone influenced you otherwise. can you say for sure that the negs werent part of you? do you have friends? if so how do you act around them? if your not fake to your friends, act the same way with her... its all about feeling comfortable with yourself and doing/acting whats comes...
  13. L

    Is complimenting a good or bad thing?

    The older you seem the more they want you... If you see a compliment you feel you must share then go ahead. If your thinking about complimenting a girl because it MIGHT be the right thing to do then leave it alone. Whatever comes natural to you. I really liked that last sentence I made for some...
  14. L

    Good Approach lines......

    yeah i know but thats what most guys do, try to please. dont get me wrong, it works and can get you a chick or sex but i dont like to think like a girl, especially if you cant teach a girl to think like a man... It is also more successful and attractive to a woman... okay, all women... every woman
  15. L

    Can a Man be blind and still pull chicks?

    I know man, survival of the fittest... No its nothing against blind people, just this one guy on here talking about being blind. Reading shouldnt be a word he even uses anymore. Non-talkative people sentence is a lie. When your blind you should learn to not care what other people think yet he is...
  16. L

    Is complimenting a good or bad thing?

    How do you see her? If she is timid by you then yeah a little beautiful comment will work wonders. If she isn't timid, then you prolly don't see beautiful in her, more like something sexy. Tell her she is sexy as f*ck. If she is more than you can handle, don't be shy and let her know... Say your...
  17. L

    Good Approach lines......

    Have good intuition with women first. Now do you have friends? If so, how do you approach them after not seeing them for a while? Whats up, Sup, Whats good, Hey, Hi, Hello??? What do you do? Ok, now goto woman and be yourself with your routine approach (should be easiest)... Understand if you...
  18. L

    Can a Man be blind and still pull chicks?

    I vant srr **** anf i;m cold ay pukking chicks,,,
  19. L

    Girl hanging out with ex-bfs. Do I have a right to put my foot down?

    Oh Oh Oh!! Lemme try, Lemme try... She asked you for permission? Her: Do you mind if I talk to my ex-bfs or guys as friends? You: Whos your daddy (man, bf, w/e)? Her: You are You: They why would I mind? She wouldn't dare cheat on you, as long as you act like you really don't...
  20. L

    What is the mindset of a man like?

    No... Everyone thinks differently. Did you have a certain man in mind? Read about 3 threads with a few pages of replies and choose what attributes sound good to you. Adapt them, and you will have created your own man. Nothing in the world feels better, plus there is no other way of doing it.