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  1. L

    I am pretty fvcking great

    From what I read, you are preparing for failure... If you read all the post back to yourself, you will see you are in denial. Your mind has changed back and fourth on the situation. Your mind is stuck in a cycle. Unless you are going around telling people "**** you", then there is no point...
  2. L

    How far would you drive to bang a woman?

    Hell naw, don't do that. Tell her, "yeah right", tell her how bad you want her... Also tell her that when she wants you that bad to drive her ass half-way and get a telly at half-point or closer (to you), tell her to come pick you up then drop you off(my choice), tell her to come where you are...
  3. L

    I am at my wits end.

    LOL, you tried not caring? Not caring isn't something you try out for a week to see if works... It becomes part of who you are. You are very intelligent, I believe... Women love intelligence... MAN! Women can't handle intelligence... You say you live in a rich people area, how high are your...
  4. L

    developing confidence

    So you can't handle the fact that your not social enough and the fact that you aren't confident? You can't accept yourself for who you are? Did these flaws just occur? No? Been a while now, huh? Why are you still alive? Quit lying to yourself, you don't care that your not social... You care...
  5. L

    I am pretty fvcking great

    note that the original post said "not anymore"... I'm almost certain that this is just a phase he is going through as he grows up... Probably won't last longer than the rest of this thread... The mindset, **** you I'm better than you sticks to people sometimes but those people don't amount to...
  6. L

    Too old?

    lol, yeah... I just want to keep it short but not sex only short... She will have wrinkles in a couple years and I'm pretty sure I will naturally leave her when I know I pulled her to the limits..
  7. L

    I don't know what to do anymore

    as much as I hated hearing this ****... You gotta accept everything for what it is... Yes, you can continue to read and learn how to be a better person, but understand it isn't NECESSARY, it is just for improvement. Structuring your life isn't NECESSARY, just improvement. Times like this, you...
  8. L

    just tell me the god damn magic

    Whats the point? It might make you feel good temporary. But do you really want the woman to call the shots? She doesn't either... Date chicks younger than you... Date pathetic chicks... That **** is just childish... Realize that and abra kadabra, you got a sophisticated chick calling you 15 mins...
  9. L

    Too old?

    ok... Now the details... She works for the same company... I'm in the warehouse, she is in the office... I only find time to talk to her after I get off cause she works an extra 30 mins... I don't want her number because I like to build suspense for attraction and the best sex ever... I have...
  10. L

    Too old?

    maybe I didn't seem serious? I serious as an heart-attack. I dont care if your answers aren't right.. I just need opinions... Yes, my over-thinking is killing me but... If she just wants to ****, then I will screw that up by showing more interest in her... If it isnt just about sex then I dont...
  11. L

    I am pretty fvcking great

    You know the subject is confidence? I walk around saying I can have anything I want. I just know if one man can do it, then so can I... I DO NOT feel I am better than anyone because I know that if one man can do it and I can do it then ANYONE else can do it... Never better than anyone... Lose...
  12. L

    I don't know what to do anymore

    OKAY, you got the same issue as me. Why the hell are woman backwards? If only our minds weren't so great... Hell, you went into the conversation TRYING to make her happy... I guess you can call me feminine too because I HATE when people try to make me happy... People sit here and whine about how...
  13. L

    I don't know what to do anymore

    not to come off as an ******* but just go with the flow... if that wasn't the most obvious suicide letter ever written... If you are ****ing girls and have friends then shut the hell up... What else can you do to be happy? Go make a million dollars or something. If you wear a mask then you wear...
  14. L

    I am pretty fvcking great

    Gotta love the ego. POWER TO THE BEST! Yes, having that attitude gets you places and I actually enjoy having that attitude(I'M THE ****) but I won't walk and talk like I'm better than you( unless there is a bad ass chick right next to you ) because you won't get no where in this world. As long...
  15. L

    Too old?

    Man everytime I find a girl or in this case a woman, I take interest in her... I'm 19 and she is 42 but a very fine 42 year old at that(trust me), she should have men hitting on her everyday type lady... I know how to avoid the nice guy thing but is dating her even called for? I'm willing but I...
  16. L

    just looking for friends

    i couldn't deal with a ***** like that, shes very immature, even for 18. You asked her the point of more friends? Thats her response? You can either say "Gotcha" or say nothing at all. Call her in a month and ask her about her manboy.
  17. L

    Do we give up too easily?

    their just opinions that some people want. Say someone writes, "she left me and I want her back. She told me to rot in hell and I can't get over her. HELP!!! PLEASE!!!" The OP will scroll through all the advice of nexting her until he sees one that leaves the slightest clue of getting her back...
  18. L

    Question the true players

    Thank You... Even if you have no clue in what your talking about yet believe in what your saying then, you have confidence. Oh and here's the best part, you can pull females on confidence ALONE.
  19. L

    Question the true players

    yeah that's what I'm talking about, the field... Don't you think feeling better about yourself on the subject at hand would give you a slight bit of confidence on that subject? Or are you saying the subject doesn't matter and your only feeling better because you "think" your helping someone...
  20. L

    She left me.

    Sorry I can't read all the in between threads so... She had a messed up life and you feel sorry for her??? She wants to marry at age 20??? Is she crazy or do you have outrageous game? You want to leave her and find a rebound? She left you first and... NO FAIR!!! I was gonna be first...