I am pretty fvcking great

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
And you are too. Arrogance...is underrated. For most people out there, they are mediocre. But not me, not us. Modesty is for mediocre people. I am tired of being afraid of being better, being the best, always hiding, suppressing my true abilities from the world...afraid of stepping on the toes of fvckers who are lesser than I am.

Not anymore. I don't care about their jealousy, their hate even, I don't care about their feelings. Everything is about me now. They may call me arrogant, but that's what the losers always say about people better than them. And yeah, it may sound selfish and insensitive to say it, but let's face it, some people are better than others. I have over come more **** than many people I've met and they just throw away what their parents and life hands to them. They deserve their misery and suffering and I will not be held back by compassion for the deadweight in this world. It's time to drop them and move forward until I'm just a spot in the horizon to them.

I mean, sometimes I think I might be a genius. I have all these great ideas and I don't share them, thank god. That's probably the only good thing that's come out of my insecurity, but now I have a different reason for not sharing...I am waiting for the right moment to make these ideas and the rewards my own.

What do you guys think about this? Am I out of my mind?


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Gotta love the ego. POWER TO THE BEST! Yes, having that attitude gets you places and I actually enjoy having that attitude(I'M THE ****) but I won't walk and talk like I'm better than you( unless there is a bad ass chick right next to you ) because you won't get no where in this world. As long as you feel that way but don't act that way than you are the coolest dude in the world and EVERYONE will want you around. As long as you dont walk around thinking how you can show everyone you're better than them and its NATURAL, then you are one of the very few who can do whatever they want in life the easy way. Doesn't mean you should quit reading though.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
There is a fine line between confident and ****y.
There is a fine line between pride and arrogance.
And there is a fine line between egotistical and delusions of grandeur.

Anyways, I think you're wrong. I don't even think you know what a genius means. You probably won't go down in history like Newton or Einstein. Those guys were geniuses. Even people like Oprah and Tony Robbins aren't geniuses. Even if you put out your ideas you're just going to be another so called PUA with an e-book online.

No one is above anyone else. If you walk around and act like you're better than people you won't be feared or respected, you'll just be another azzhole the world doesn't need.

But yeah, I can't stand ungrateful people either, but that's a completely different story.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
lghost said:
Gotta love the ego. POWER TO THE BEST! Yes, having that attitude gets you places and I actually enjoy having that attitude(I'M THE ****) but I won't walk and talk like I'm better than you( unless there is a bad ass chick right next to you ) because you won't get no where in this world. As long as you feel that way but don't act that way than you are the coolest dude in the world and EVERYONE will want you around. As long as you dont walk around thinking how you can show everyone you're better than them and its NATURAL, then you are one of the very few who can do whatever they want in life the easy way. Doesn't mean you should quit reading though.
This is a good point. Really brought me down a few notches, thanks man.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
SickAgain said:
There is a fine line between confident and ****y.
There is a fine line between pride and arrogance.
And there is a fine line between egotistical and delusions of grandeur.

Anyways, I think you're wrong. I don't even think you know what a genius means. You probably won't go down in history like Newton or Einstein. Those guys were geniuses. Even people like Oprah and Tony Robbins aren't geniuses. Even if you put out your ideas you're just going to be another so called PUA with an e-book online.

No one is above anyone else. If you walk around and act like you're better than people you won't be feared or respected, you'll just be another azzhole the world doesn't need.

But yeah, I can't stand ungrateful people either, but that's a completely different story.
I like how you say "even" people like Oprah/Robbins aren't geniuses...I don't consider them close to being geniuses. I don't give a crap about PUAs, they're losers in my mind.

Someone is ALWAYS above someone else. That is the TRUTH. There are WINNERS and LOSERS in LIFE.

I will always publicly act like I believe in what you stated, but inside it's all bull****.

lghost is right...you gotta act normal, but excel seemingly effortlessly. It's almost as if when others were sleeping you were working and somehow you have all this awesome stuff. People will be amazed and wonder how you did it, they will not believe your story of hard work even if you told them because their feeble minds and weak spirits cannot comprehend how a human being can work that hard and succeed so well. So I will lie to them, say it was easy. And from there you can build up the rest of your name.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Desert Fox said:
And yeah, it may sound selfish and insensitive to say it, but let's face it, some people are better than others.....

I am waiting for the right moment to make these ideas and the rewards my own.

What do you guys think about this? Am I out of my mind?
No, I feel like this as well. I have a ton of great ideas. I can't wait until I get into my 20's and put them into action. I'm going to be a great man.

But, you can never be arrogant. Beat everyone with a grin on your face.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
You know the subject is confidence? I walk around saying I can have anything I want. I just know if one man can do it, then so can I... I DO NOT feel I am better than anyone because I know that if one man can do it and I can do it then ANYONE else can do it... Never better than anyone... Lose the "EGO"... Ego doesn't work well in this world... Also if before this post, you were the complete opposite of what you wrote( say, no confidence ) then YES do what you are doing and it will build your confidence(fake it til you make it)... Smoke some marijuana (pass up the HAPPY first highs) and the world will hit you... You will understand, you are the same as the rest of em... As soon as you realize that, quit smoking weed and enjoy your life...


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
I feel like arrogance is underrated by most people ("AFC"s) and overrated by people that discover the community.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Desert Fox

In life, nobody is above anybody because it all begins with birth and it all ends in death.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Faded Image said:
Desert Fox

In life, nobody is above anybody because it all begins with birth and it all ends in death.
Sorry, that's bull****. If you weren't so full of sh*t and actually believed in what you just said, you'd have killed yourself by now.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Desert Fox said:
Sorry, that's bull****. If you weren't so full of sh*t and actually believed in what you just said, you'd have killed yourself by now.
I was hoping to get this kind of rise out of you.

What makes you believe your so much better than anyone else?


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
It's ok to be great and proud of it.. but a true man should also inspire others to greatness. If you don't care about other people you somehow lost a huge part of humanity.

The worst part is people are not blind. They can see your attitude and arrogance. I wonder how many true friends you have and how many that are just using you for parties, drinks, etc.
Desert Fox said:
What do you guys think about this? Am I out of my mind?
Seek professional help.. and I say that honestly in a non-hostile way.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Desert Fox said:
What do you guys think about this? Am I out of my mind?

I think you're a mad genius. :rockon:

Your lack of humility and your massive brain power is inspiring. :yes:


Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Nothing wrong with that attitude at all whatsoever. I'm on the same page as you. I used to DLV myself all the time in order come across as modest and quite frankly, I'm just sick of that.

After spending 6 months with the Top PUA's in Los Angeles, I hate that make people sound dispensable, but honestly, there are so many great people out there, and honestly, there's no reason to please everyone you come across, being yourself, some people will hate you, some people will love you.

Asian Playboy used to always tell me that people were afraid of being their true selves because they are afraid that people may not like them.

Walk Tall, Flaunt your strengths, if people dislike you, **** them.

Phenomenal One

Don Juan
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
Faded Image said:
I was hoping to get this kind of rise out of you.

What makes you believe your so much better than anyone else?
it's all in the attitude.

that whole "im no better than everyone else" are for people who want to wallow in self-pity.

the only problem i can see with his attitude is if he becomes depend on others thinking he's great,cool etc.

some people only use the words selfish, arrogance when they're on the recieving end of it.

i know a woman who thinks anyone who's not ready to drop whatever they're doing to play capt save a b!tch is selfish.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Arrogance isnt an attitude to strive for or be proud about. Why would you want to think youre better than everyone else and walk around like your sh*t doesnt stink. Thats how people get their asses beat and humbled. I think its just an immature trait. Being confident and and a little ****y is one thing. But thinking youre the best and smartest person ever is a little much. If you think youre a genius then you would be doing something that reflects that. Delusions of grandure may be a problem as well...

Phenomenal One

Don Juan
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
oakraiderz2 said:
Arrogance isnt an attitude to strive for or be proud about. Why would you want to think youre better than everyone else and walk around like your sh*t doesnt stink. Thats how people get their asses beat and humbled. I think its just an immature trait. Being confident and and a little ****y is one thing. But thinking youre the best and smartest person ever is a little much. If you think youre a genius then you would be doing something that reflects that. Delusions of grandure may be a problem as well...
some confrontations i've been in were for nothing else but me just walking down the street.

no one gives two sh!ts if i'm humble or not.

i don't deliberately step on toes but i know i don't have to do much or anything for me to be in a confrontation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Phenomenal One said:
some confrontations i've been in were for nothing else but me just walking down the street.

no one gives two sh!ts if i'm humble or not.

i don't deliberately step on toes but i know i don't have to do much or anything for me to be in a confrontation.
Like i said, i think being humble has to do with maturity. Superstar atheletes have an aire of confidence about them, but a lot of them dont stroke their own ego. Personally, id rather be the best and keep my mouth shut and take care of business. If you need the attention then cool for you.

Phenomenal One

Don Juan
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
oakraiderz2 said:
Like i said, i think being humble has to do with maturity. Superstar atheletes have an aire of confidence about them, but a lot of them dont stroke their own ego. Personally, id rather be the best and keep my mouth shut and take care of business. If you need the attention then cool for you.
i don't like to brag nor stroke my own ego.
but the whole "someone gonna make your ****y a$$ humble" is a load of bull.
i've seen ****y, arrogant people win more fights then lose them.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
note that the original post said "not anymore"... I'm almost certain that this is just a phase he is going through as he grows up... Probably won't last longer than the rest of this thread... The mindset, **** you I'm better than you sticks to people sometimes but those people don't amount to ****, maybe prison or depression... The mindset, I'll beat your mother****in ass you say that **** to me, is a confident one... Which is fine... If you were better than anyone, why are you here? Are you looking for help? Or are you helping people? Or are you bored out of your mind from having no friends that you want to get on here and say your better than me? I think he was looking for assurance... It only takes one person to agree and wola, we got two people who are screwed.. The OP is young and not a fully grown adult.