I am pretty fvcking great


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
I partially agree with you Desert Fox.

Extravagance and other displays of arrogance aren't worthwhile. They point to other issues in my opinion and don't really accomplish anything.

Here in CA we're having a big what to do about the way we graduate students from high school and how they're not prepared for state colleges.
A standardized sense of performance and the acceptance of mediocrity have infected our society to a considerable degree.

I believe that's what really motivated you to post. The bullsh1t tolerance index has spiked, and we're afraid ourselves to call ourselves better, regardless of whether we are or are not.

Lets get this straight because its become a matter of fact - Equality is an illusion. It is a dangerously precise concept and accepts broad substandard behavior for a lack of abundant aptitude.

We all believe we have fantastic, unique ideas. I know I do; I see no feasible avenue for their accomplishment, but they're rattling around there. You want to be a man of significance, I'm the same way - I seek places and undertakings that can capitalize on my strengths and desires.

I appreciate and concur with the spirit of the post, though I believe Oakraiderz is correct in the regards of humility. Humility is a disciplined mind set. In my eyes, Patience, Discipline and Drive equate to success.


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
He's trying to pump himself up lol nothing wrong with that

whatever it takes to get you going...do it


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
This thread has been a very intresting read. OP- you arent "there" yet. The only "complete" man gets there by being humble. Its very important to respect yourself and your values, But treating others unjustly, or feeding off their flaws is like eating junk food. It may feel/taste good at first. But it leaves you with a long lasting effect of feeling poor.

Im impressed with the amount of good responses in this thread, LGhost has especially given some good insight.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
lghost said:
note that the original post said "not anymore"... I'm almost certain that this is just a phase he is going through as he grows up... Probably won't last longer than the rest of this thread... The mindset, **** you I'm better than you sticks to people sometimes but those people don't amount to ****, maybe prison or depression... The mindset, I'll beat your mother****in ass you say that **** to me, is a confident one... Which is fine... If you were better than anyone, why are you here? Are you looking for help? Or are you helping people? Or are you bored out of your mind from having no friends that you want to get on here and say your better than me? I think he was looking for assurance... It only takes one person to agree and wola, we got two people who are screwed.. The OP is young and not a fully grown adult.
First off, thanks everyone who commented so far. I'm taking all of your posts in and thinking about them deeply. I do not have all the answers...not even close, so everything you guys post is a learning experience for me.

lghost once again, what you post, although I am quite ashamed to admit it, is mostly true about me.

Deep inside if I am honest with myself, and since this is an anonmyous forum I can be honest with you guys too...I am insecure, deeply insecure...I look for validation everywhere. When I was a kid I did well but it was never good enough for my parents and I was never recognized for my accomplishments. It was a very hard life back then and I have a lot of bitterness, anger, and hatred inside me. :( I don't really fully comprehend how to deal with those yet and I guess lashing out like this was the only way I thought was possible because it "felt good" to do. I'm just tired of that feeling of walking on egg shells all the time, but I guess I'll have to to fit into this society and not get fired or f*cked over because of my beliefs (see my thread in Anything Else about how I have to self-censor my words).

At this point I sitll don't know what to do. I am reading a lot about being humble, but that has gotten me nowhere in life. I guess people think I'm a nice guy and others say they feel safe, accepted, and familiar around me even if I just met them a few minutes ago. But I want somthing more...I want to be acknowledged and recognized and most of all, respected. I know many people that don't treat me as they would someone they respect and that angers me. I look at my life and theirs and this is not me being delusional, but I think "why the fvck do I need this guy's approval? He's a goddamn piece of dead weight...he does nothing to improve society or help others and I do. Why should I value his opinion? "

That's honestly what I think. Is it wrong? I'm not sure, but I just don't care to think about what any of these people think anymore. Of course I have to "self-censor" my behavior and smile when it is necessary to do so. I need to conform to what my professional peers and bosses expect of me, but beyond that I find it hard to care about anything.

The only things I really care about now are my job and my education. Everyting else is just a blur really. Even women...although I get urges recently (past few months) I've been kind of just getting angry really quickly and vowing to cut that fat away from my life. I get really motivated when I feel like it's me against the world, kind of like it actually was several years ago.

Eh, now I'm just ranting. I don't have many friends, if any. I can't even find people to eat lunch with, so I wolf down my sandwich in 5 mintues and go back to work. Boss loves me, people think I'm hard working, but outside of the office nobody gives a **** about that. It's like those people can just forget about work and be comfortable with themselves drinking and smoking and talking about nonsense. I do that and I feel like it's harming my health, boring, and a waste of time. Damn maybe I need to see a shrink...I realy don't want to see a shrink. I'd rather solve this on my own and with your guys' help.

Lastly, I think I have a huge ego. I constantly look at a list I made of my past accomplishments...aka a resume and I get giddy just reading it and thinking "I bet so and so doesn't have this...I bet if I were interviewing people I'd like my resume more than so and so's." Etc. It's ****ing pathetic.

But then again I am very self critical of myself...I am never satisfied with anything I do...I gotta be a perfectionist...I never feel confident about anything unless I amr eading the resume or watching something like a movie where I can pretend I'm the protagonist...it's pretty weird. Thanks for reading this far if you have. I might just be a messed up kid.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
If you got more going on in your life, and are achieving more than someone else, and are happier than someone else, then to be honest, I think that in this life (and this one only) you are better at life than them. Your success rates are higher, so you can consider yourself better at life. You should however, try not to take any sense of confidence/ ego from that because it is external validation. External validation is a bottomless pit that will leave you constantly needing more. Your validation needs to come from WITHIN YOU. You need to learn to provide it on your own. You do this by achieving the potential that you were put here to be tested to see if you could achieve. You need to find out WHY you were put here on this earth. Someone told me that you can find out your purpose in life by setting aside a few hours and writing ideas down on what you think your purpose might be, and you will get closer and closer. It might take 1000 different ideas, but when you eventually write down your true purpose, you'll be in tears or damn well close to them. If you write something down that makes you feel that very first hint that you might cry (well before you start blubbing) then you are on the right track.
Like I said if you are happier and achieving more than someone else, then you are doing better at life than they are. But instead of thinking "F*** them, I am better at living life than them, I'll go on without them" you should aim to be an influence to those people. We are all human and we need every bit of proper help from others that we can get. So you should aim to SHOW THEM THE WAY rather than leave them behind. Think of yourself as a beacon of light in a dark tunnel.

One last note is that I mentioned "better at life than them" rather than "better". We are all, under the flesh, soles. Soles that will never die. If you f*** things up in this life, you'll get another go. It might not be here but itll be somewhere similar. You can have as many goes at this particular life as you need, and that's why I said "better at this life than" because you have more chance of progressing to the next level than they do. They will head in a similar direction to you though, but it'll take them longer. How can you be better than them when eventually they'll achieve what you are now achieving? This is all based on my spiritual beliefs by the way, so anyone that thinks my beliefs are untrue is unlikely to agree with me. By the way, I also believe that the keys to a fulfilled life are to do what you love and to be a servant to others to help them achieve the same fullfillment.

I hope all this helps because I have spent quite a while typing it. If there is anything anyone doesn't understand (there will be!) then im more than happy to help you understand. Helping people understand this kinda stuff makes me feel fulfilled. There's a hint into my purpose here for you.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Lol, here's an eternal truth: arrogance always betrays insecurity.

Humility is the forerunner of success.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Alright guys you know what? FVCK EVERYONE who thinks I'm fvcked up including myself.

I am not fvcked up, everyone around me is fvcked up. Hell, I am better than 99% of those FVCKING DEADBEATS and they don't even take a second look at their lives to figure out how to improve and WTF is wrong with them.

I do that, I do that ALL THE FVCKING TIME.

Every time one of those fvckers does something as small as taking a SH*T they post it on facebook and talk all about it, you DUMBFVCKS don't know SH*T. They are so fvcking clueless....it's sad and pathetic. I just feed their self-destructive cycles of building up THEIR egos.

Hell, I've tried to help so many people...I just got laughed at and they said "are you ok man? you're too critical." FVCK that you loser, rot in the pits of mediocrity for eternity. On your death bed you will die a piece of SH*T AND WASTE OF SPACE.

HAHAHA FVCK THEM ALL ... everything is crystal clear now. This is simply a natural tendency. I need my mindset to be like this...competitive...cutthroat...but most importantly...JUST. I must have a JUST mindset. Fvck people who take advantage of others and put down people for NO FVCKING REASON. These are the DUMBFVCKS I deal with everyday who act like they're the SH*T in PUBLIC. I never act like that...I'm modest as hell...most people will hear about something I did through the grapevine and be like "WTF HOW DID YOU DO THAT??!!? YOOOUUU!?!?!"

Fvcking tards. It's done now. I'm going to laugh on the inside at all these idiots. I might laugh on the outside too, and lie to their faces. It's almost too fvckin easy...their puny lives just a big joke. I have big respect for people who at least try to change...these fvcks...these fat fvcks.

The other day, in the elevator these 2 people were joking around. A dude comes in and asks his friend "what's up preggy." And his fatass friend is like "I'm not pregnant duDe." and they laugh.

I wanted to say "no, but you ARE a fatass." Had to cough to hold that one in. Fvck I'm pissed right now...goddamnit ...


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
lghost said:
You know the subject is confidence? I walk around saying I can have anything I want. I just know if one man can do it, then so can I... I DO NOT feel I am better than anyone because I know that if one man can do it and I can do it then ANYONE else can do it...
Totally agree. There's a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Arrogance is not a pretty sight. See, an arrogant man relies on other men to be less than him. A confident man knows he can do what needs to be done.

Ighost is probably also right about Desert Fox going through a phase. This is a good mindset to adapt 'for a while' to get out of the AFC mindset, but be careful not to get stuck in it because you will scare people off.

Like x86 mentioned:
a true man should also inspire others to greatness
Imagine an arrogant general going to war.. Now imagine a confident, inspirational general going to war.

Which general would you imagine having most men standing behind him? Which general would have the men give their life for?

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Caveman said:
Totally agree. There's a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Arrogance is not a pretty sight. See, an arrogant man relies on other men to be less than him. A confident man knows he can do what needs to be done.

Ighost is probably also right about Desert Fox going through a phase. This is a good mindset to adapt 'for a while' to get out of the AFC mindset, but be careful not to get stuck in it because you will scare people off.

Like x86 mentioned:

Imagine an arrogant general going to war.. Now imagine a confident, inspirational general going to war.

Which general would you imagine having most men standing behind him? Which general would have the men give their life for?
Thanks, I agree with you and everything lghost said.

I just wanna be clear about the fact that I am not acting upon any of these feelings. I just feel them. I am the nicest, most humble person you will meet in real life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Desert Fox said:
Thanks, I agree with you and everything lghost said.

I just wanna be clear about the fact that I am not acting upon any of these feelings. I just feel them. I am the nicest, most humble person you will meet in real life.
Good. But no need to be humble though. Selfrespect is what should always keep you from being walked all over. Other than that I wish you the best of luck with your mindset and you´ll know you are on the good path when your arrogant mindset changes into a confident mindset. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Desert Fox said:
And you are too. Arrogance...is underrated. For most people out there, they are mediocre. But not me, not us. Modesty is for mediocre people. I am tired of being afraid of being better, being the best, always hiding, suppressing my true abilities from the world...afraid of stepping on the toes of fvckers who are lesser than I am.

Not anymore. I don't care about their jealousy, their hate even, I don't care about their feelings. Everything is about me now. They may call me arrogant, but that's what the losers always say about people better than them. And yeah, it may sound selfish and insensitive to say it, but let's face it, some people are better than others. I have over come more **** than many people I've met and they just throw away what their parents and life hands to them. They deserve their misery and suffering and I will not be held back by compassion for the deadweight in this world. It's time to drop them and move forward until I'm just a spot in the horizon to them.

I mean, sometimes I think I might be a genius. I have all these great ideas and I don't share them, thank god. That's probably the only good thing that's come out of my insecurity, but now I have a different reason for not sharing...I am waiting for the right moment to make these ideas and the rewards my own.

What do you guys think about this? Am I out of my mind?
I like your attitude. But a little heavy on the other people hate -


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Arrogance is just another term for AFCs to put real confident men down. The AFCs cannot stand the acts of pure confidence and pride of DJs, in comparison to their own low self-esteem and insecurities. So the term arrogance is often flung about by them generously, to lable any person who is confident.

Today I got called arrogant by two friends of mine. Apparently they did not like my laid back approach to studying for exams, yet feeling confident I would excel in them. Now I have never gone around saying "I'm the best" "I'm better than you", yet my attitude and actions are fuelled with confidence and belief in my abilities to succeed. Other people see this attitude, and are jealous and try to put me down, so that I don't highlight their own insecurities.

In order to succeed in life, you must be extremely confident, bordering on arrogance and a belief that you are one of the best and destined to change the world. This mindset will get you far.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
CaptainJ said:
Arrogance is just another term for AFCs to put real confident men down. The AFCs cannot stand the acts of pure confidence and pride of DJs, in comparison to their own low self-esteem and insecurities. So the term arrogance is often flung about by them generously, to lable any person who is confident.

Today I got called arrogant by two friends of mine. Apparently they did not like my laid back approach to studying for exams, yet feeling confident I would excel in them. Now I have never gone around saying "I'm the best" "I'm better than you", yet my attitude and actions are fuelled with confidence and belief in my abilities to succeed. Other people see this attitude, and are jealous and try to put me down, so that I don't highlight their own insecurities.

In order to succeed in life, you must be extremely confident, bordering on arrogance and a belief that you are one of the best and destined to change the world. This mindset will get you far.
You get it man. This is exactly what I experience. I dont' brag or anything, and I work steadily while others **** around, so guess waht I am successful. but hey stuff I do gets out and people hear about it. Those losers have the nerve to confront me and fvckin interrogate me like "how did YOU get this done?!!? I don't believe it ... I JUST DONT BELIEVE IT" at which point I pull a Christian Bale and say "you and me we're fvckin DONE professionally."

Anyhoooooo, because of your post I am fvckin resolved now. Seriously fvck those insecure people I will not compromise anything because of them. I am now 100% convinced that this is the right attitude to have. I am confident in myself that I make the calls, that they are the right calls because I put time and deep thought into making them, and that I will have no regrets about them. That is what 's best for my life, and if people are too insecure and b1tch about it they can go fvck themselves.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
CaptainJ said:
Arrogance is just another term for AFCs to put real confident men down. The AFCs cannot stand the acts of pure confidence and pride of DJs, in comparison to their own low self-esteem and insecurities. So the term arrogance is often flung about by them generously, to lable any person who is confident.

Today I got called arrogant by two friends of mine. Apparently they did not like my laid back approach to studying for exams, yet feeling confident I would excel in them. Now I have never gone around saying "I'm the best" "I'm better than you", yet my attitude and actions are fuelled with confidence and belief in my abilities to succeed. Other people see this attitude, and are jealous and try to put me down, so that I don't highlight their own insecurities.

In order to succeed in life, you must be extremely confident, bordering on arrogance and a belief that you are one of the best and destined to change the world. This mindset will get you far.
completely morally bankrupt and materialistic. You will never know that there is a higher dimension to life until you give up your animalistic mindset.

You know who displayed humility and character and at the same time was the best ever at what he did? Mike Tyson. He beat the s*** out of people when it was his place to do so, but he also tried to keep it in perspective. Not saying that he was a saint or anything, but considering how he grew up, he displayed a lot of character and awareness. You all should check out the documentary to see how a powerful man can display humility and character, and be enriched by it.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
omkara said:
completely morally bankrupt and materialistic. You will never know that there is a higher dimension to life until you give up your animalistic mindset.

You know who displayed humility and character and at the same time was the best ever at what he did? Mike Tyson. He beat the s*** out of people when it was his place to do so, but he also tried to keep it in perspective. Not saying that he was a saint or anything, but considering how he grew up, he displayed a lot of character and awareness. You all should check out the documentary to see how a powerful man can display humility and character, and be enriched by it.
Please don't preach bible verses to me, it may sound clever but it isn't.

Another person springs to mind who became the best he could be. Muhammid Ali. He was the most arrogant person anyone had ever met.

"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was"

Now that mindset took him to the top of his game. His arrogance gave him the strength, confidence and determination to become the best. Just by believing he was the best, his prophecy became self-fulfilling.

Please explain how I am morally bankrupt and have an animalistic mindset. Are men not allowed to be proud and extremely confident without being labelled "morally bankrupt" or "Animalistic".
This community goes on about the importance of confidence and respect for yourself, yet you wish to stifle it?

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
omkara said:
completely morally bankrupt and materialistic. You will never know that there is a higher dimension to life until you give up your animalistic mindset.

You know who displayed humility and character and at the same time was the best ever at what he did? Mike Tyson. He beat the s*** out of people when it was his place to do so, but he also tried to keep it in perspective. Not saying that he was a saint or anything, but considering how he grew up, he displayed a lot of character and awareness. You all should check out the documentary to see how a powerful man can display humility and character, and be enriched by it.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.
None of this actually MEANS anything. Take your religion and shove it. I hate your type that acts like you're so fvcking morally superior, then turn around and go rape little boys. :moon:


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Desert Fox said:
Alright guys you know what? FVCK EVERYONE who thinks I'm fvcked up including myself.

I am not fvcked up, everyone around me is fvcked up. Hell, I am better than 99% of those FVCKING DEADBEATS and they don't even take a second look at their lives to figure out how to improve and WTF is wrong with them.

I do that, I do that ALL THE FVCKING TIME.

Every time one of those fvckers does something as small as taking a SH*T they post it on facebook and talk all about it, you DUMBFVCKS don't know SH*T. They are so fvcking clueless....it's sad and pathetic. I just feed their self-destructive cycles of building up THEIR egos.

Hell, I've tried to help so many people...I just got laughed at and they said "are you ok man? you're too critical." FVCK that you loser, rot in the pits of mediocrity for eternity. On your death bed you will die a piece of SH*T AND WASTE OF SPACE.

HAHAHA FVCK THEM ALL ... everything is crystal clear now. This is simply a natural tendency. I need my mindset to be like this...competitive...cutthroat...but most importantly...JUST. I must have a JUST mindset. Fvck people who take advantage of others and put down people for NO FVCKING REASON. These are the DUMBFVCKS I deal with everyday who act like they're the SH*T in PUBLIC. I never act like that...I'm modest as hell...most people will hear about something I did through the grapevine and be like "WTF HOW DID YOU DO THAT??!!? YOOOUUU!?!?!"

Fvcking tards. It's done now. I'm going to laugh on the inside at all these idiots. I might laugh on the outside too, and lie to their faces. It's almost too fvckin easy...their puny lives just a big joke. I have big respect for people who at least try to change...these fvcks...these fat fvcks.

The other day, in the elevator these 2 people were joking around. A dude comes in and asks his friend "what's up preggy." And his fatass friend is like "I'm not pregnant duDe." and they laugh.

I wanted to say "no, but you ARE a fatass." Had to cough to hold that one in. Fvck I'm pissed right now...goddamnit ...
Wow, you sound like you have something to prove...and you seem insecure. Dont "act" arrogant to cover up your insecurities because the only person youre fooling is yourself. Oh yea, stop putting everyone else down. If you were as confident as you pretend to be you wouldnt compare yourself to these people or have so many negative things to say.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
oakraiderz2 said:
Wow, you sound like you have something to prove...and you seem insecure. Dont "act" arrogant to cover up your insecurities because the only person youre fooling is yourself. Oh yea, stop putting everyone else down. If you were as confident as you pretend to be you wouldnt compare yourself to these people or have so many negative things to say.
More bullsh1t.

1) I already said I'm not going to act arrogant, and I am not arrogant. I will simply adopt this mindset.

2) People who ask for it will get it. They will get no sympathy from me for their idiocy.

3) You're in denial. Competition drives the world and drives progress. People constantly compare themselves to each other. It's inevitable. The only difference is accepting this and not accepting it.

Reading your post is exaxctly like the kind of stuff I hear in real life about how people should just hold hands and sing kum ba ya and be happy with who they are. It's almost funny how much lack of initiative those vegetables have.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Desert Fox said:
More bullsh1t.

1) I already said I'm not going to act arrogant, and I am not arrogant. I will simply adopt this mindset.

2) People who ask for it will get it. They will get no sympathy from me for their idiocy.

3) You're in denial. Competition drives the world and drives progress. People constantly compare themselves to each other. It's inevitable. The only difference is accepting this and not accepting it.

Reading your post is exaxctly like the kind of stuff I hear in real life about how people should just hold hands and sing kum ba ya and be happy with who they are. It's almost funny how much lack of initiative those vegetables have.
People who ask for what? And what am i in denial of? Its called social comparison. Theres upward and downward social comparison. Upward comparisons are what people do when they feel someone else is "better" than them and more successful. This usually results in someone getting depressed and feeling as if they should have accomplished more. Downward social comparision are made when people talk sh*t about people who arent as "good" as them and is done by people who are higher on social standing than those they compare themselves to. A self esteem boost is the main purpose of doing this (this is what you do). Youre essentially trying to say im a vegetable and lack initiative, which is hard to do on account of the fact that you dont know me. Im down for competition and i compare myself to people as well to see where im out, but rarely do i tell myself that im better than them and that EVERYONE ELSE IS RETARDED AND IM SUPER AWESOME. The fact that you got so offended because i said you have something to prove just reaffirms what i said. You are arrogant and your ego is gigantic and sensitive. Bullies are arrogant and get butthurt when someone says ANYTHING about them. And at no point did i say everyone should hold hands and hug trees, and your lack of maturity disabled your ability to see my point. Karma is a b*tch. So have fun running around sh*ttin on people you believe are subserveant to you...And dont for a second get the idea that im some little passive aggressive kum ba ya singing, granola eating punk. I actually believe i have a good perception of how sh*t is...


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Awesome topic dude.

The board needs more of these sort of posts and less "masturbation discussion" mega threads and especially less Luke Skywalker posts. :up: