I am pretty fvcking great

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
oakraiderz2 said:
People who ask for what? And what am i in denial of? Its called social comparison. Theres upward and downward social comparison. Upward comparisons are what people do when they feel someone else is "better" than them and more successful. This usually results in someone getting depressed and feeling as if they should have accomplished more. Downward social comparision are made when people talk sh*t about people who arent as "good" as them and is done by people who are higher on social standing than those they compare themselves to. A self esteem boost is the main purpose of doing this (this is what you do). Youre essentially trying to say im a vegetable and lack initiative, which is hard to do on account of the fact that you dont know me. Im down for competition and i compare myself to people as well to see where im out, but rarely do i tell myself that im better than them and that EVERYONE ELSE IS RETARDED AND IM SUPER AWESOME. The fact that you got so offended because i said you have something to prove just reaffirms what i said. You are arrogant and your ego is gigantic and sensitive. Bullies are arrogant and get butthurt when someone says ANYTHING about them. And at no point did i say everyone should hold hands and hug trees, and your lack of maturity disabled your ability to see my point. Karma is a b*tch. So have fun running around sh*ttin on people you believe are subserveant to you...And dont for a second get the idea that im some little passive aggressive kum ba ya singing, granola eating punk. I actually believe i have a good perception of how sh*t is...
Your poor reading comprehension is pitiful. Go back and read my posts and take off your glasses. Oh yea, and stop making excuses for the deadbeats of this world who I called vegetables, not you. Again, improve your reading comprehension skills, thanks.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
From what I read, you are preparing for failure... If you read all the post back to yourself, you will see you are in denial. Your mind has changed back and fourth on the situation. Your mind is stuck in a cycle.

Unless you are going around telling people "**** you", then there is no point in doing it here. If you really adapt this mindset you want so badly, then you will be alone... ALONE.

How could you possibly succeed at anything when you feel you know it all. Who would you learn from if you think your better than everyone? Will you quit coming to forums for information written by lower status people? Is so suave the only exception?

Look dude, deep down you know this isn't for the best, so quit trying. People on here who do agree with you are not you and they sure as hell do not think like you.

I must have a big heart to try and help a stranger, along with the rest of the people on this 3 page thread. Some of us agree and some don't, but were not responding for the hell of it, are we? The ones who don't agree, receive the **** you attitude and the ones who do, well you tell me. Yeah, lets make it simple. You: If you don't agree with me, **** YOU, thanks for trying though...

You should really work on NOT adapting this attitude. The "**** you if you doubt me" attitude is cool, but **** you for no reason? Lastly, this forum is about females and pulling them. Females like men who are down to earth, not stuck in the ground. Fox, just skip this one and let your mind keep searching... I honestly can say I know what your going through, but even so, not one man will think like the other.

You know how many times I always wished for a refresh button for our minds. Well that wish won't come true, so lets just pretend we have one and click it.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
lghost said:
From what I read, you are preparing for failure... If you read all the post back to yourself, you will see you are in denial. Your mind has changed back and fourth on the situation. Your mind is stuck in a cycle.

Unless you are going around telling people "**** you", then there is no point in doing it here. If you really adapt this mindset you want so badly, then you will be alone... ALONE.

How could you possibly succeed at anything when you feel you know it all. Who would you learn from if you think your better than everyone? Will you quit coming to forums for information written by lower status people? Is so suave the only exception?

Look dude, deep down you know this isn't for the best, so quit trying. People on here who do agree with you are not you and they sure as hell do not think like you.

I must have a big heart to try and help a stranger, along with the rest of the people on this 3 page thread. Some of us agree and some don't, but were not responding for the hell of it, are we? The ones who don't agree, receive the **** you attitude and the ones who do, well you tell me. Yeah, lets make it simple. You: If you don't agree with me, **** YOU, thanks for trying though...

You should really work on NOT adapting this attitude. The "**** you if you doubt me" attitude is cool, but **** you for no reason? Lastly, this forum is about females and pulling them. Females like men who are down to earth, not stuck in the ground. Fox, just skip this one and let your mind keep searching... I honestly can say I know what your going through, but even so, not one man will think like the other.

You know how many times I always wished for a refresh button for our minds. Well that wish won't come true, so lets just pretend we have one and click it.
Ok you know what man, you're right. I think I'm taking this to an extreme.

Because of my past experiences at the OTHER extreme...taking **** from people...not standing up for myself...putting my own interests second...etc, I felt the need to REDEEM that lost time and cruel moments so I opted to the other extreme, which is to hate everyone and have a "screw you all I don't give a sh*t if you die tomorrow" attitude.

I need to have balance...balance is everything. I can't go to the other extreme because it's not healthy. It also won't make people like me, but I could care less about that...it's just not healthy for myself to live under that constant negativity and stress.

I am going to take a middle road here. I will just not give a sh*T about people in general in the sense that I will not invest time into people and care what they think of me....basically this will help me eliminate my insecurity.

I'm a black/white person...it's hard for me to act in a gray area so that's why I'm jumping back and forth so much between these extremes. I'll figure it out in time, but for now I'll stick to just 1 rule: do whatever I want, don't think about how it will affect the other person unless it has consequences for my job or future.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Yes gentlemen,

Males can have BPD too :).:D


My suggestion is stop worrying about what other people think. That means don't even bother with being an ******* or jerk just do what you do and have a good time.

Just read no more Mr. Nice Guy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
lghost said:
From what I read, you are preparing for failure... If you read all the post back to yourself, you will see you are in denial. Your mind has changed back and fourth on the situation. Your mind is stuck in a cycle.

Unless you are going around telling people "**** you", then there is no point in doing it here. If you really adapt this mindset you want so badly, then you will be alone... ALONE.

How could you possibly succeed at anything when you feel you know it all. Who would you learn from if you think your better than everyone? Will you quit coming to forums for information written by lower status people? Is so suave the only exception?

Look dude, deep down you know this isn't for the best, so quit trying. People on here who do agree with you are not you and they sure as hell do not think like you.

I must have a big heart to try and help a stranger, along with the rest of the people on this 3 page thread. Some of us agree and some don't, but were not responding for the hell of it, are we? The ones who don't agree, receive the **** you attitude and the ones who do, well you tell me. Yeah, lets make it simple. You: If you don't agree with me, **** YOU, thanks for trying though...

You should really work on NOT adapting this attitude. The "**** you if you doubt me" attitude is cool, but **** you for no reason? Lastly, this forum is about females and pulling them. Females like men who are down to earth, not stuck in the ground. Fox, just skip this one and let your mind keep searching... I honestly can say I know what your going through, but even so, not one man will think like the other.

You know how many times I always wished for a refresh button for our minds. Well that wish won't come true, so lets just pretend we have one and click it.
Couldnt have said it better myself.