Advice for everyone


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
First please think of that girl you like and keep her in mind. Are you the type of person who likes to chat on forums? How about on a forum full of people trying to get and give advice on picking up women? If you don't love doing this then you should speak up a little bit.

If you do love doing this, then I wonder, would you sit that girl next to you and get her in on the fun your having? Or would you be ashamed? Maybe forums isn't her thing. But forums are your thing, right? If she can't do what you do then she is of no use to you. Whats even more ****ed up, if you cant do what you do because your ashamed of yourself and what you think she may think then she won't want you.

This applies to all girls in general. This applies to everything in your life, not just forums.

Low Self-Esteem anyone? Low self esteem= no *****es. Guys, man up, leave the low self-esteem to the *****es cause thats who the hell it was made for. If you don't love who you are then maybe you should focusing on that instead. If you do love who you are then it shouldn't be so hard to show it. I'm just saying, there is no reason to be asking strangers for advice when all the answers are in you.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
This forum is full of men seeking attention from other men, full of boys who hate their father, full of boys who have .... LOW SELF ESTEEM? Please! Enough is enough. Lets not have a world where real men are scarce.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Umm. Thats kind of the whole POINT of this forum. To teach boys to be men. Dont talk shyt about them!