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    we are all going to die

    it's going to happen someday. it can be in 70 years, or in 5 years, or in 3 days. STOP WASTING YOUR LIVES AWAY!!!! the second you know you are going to die, i promise you all that every single gorgeous girl that you saw that you did not talk, you are going to regret in a split...
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    WIPFR: Food Store Girl

    you work 16 hours a day? are u an investment banker? lol if u have time to be playful for 5 minutes with a store girl, then i bet you have time to get her #, call her, and fcuk her - also can all take 5 minutes ;)
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    What to do when a girl asks "how big is your **ck"?

    i don;t know how old YOU are, but girls that i go for (18-24), when they have asked that, and i told them, they liked what we heard and we would end up hooking up see, i play games sometimes, but they are only games that I initiated - i never let a girl initiate any kind of tests or games -...
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    WIPFR: Food Store Girl

    why do you have a work in progress when all you gotta do is step up, invite her over to hang out and chill, and then lay the big Doc on her ;) basically im wondering, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? it's alot more fun to have a "completed and f-closed work" than a "work in progress"
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    What to do when a girl asks "how big is your **ck"?

    i still dont get why all of you guys wanna make jokes and use lines. she asked you how big you are, so tell her that you are big. Be straight up cuz it will make her wanna fcuk you more. A joke about this question shows insecurity in hwo big you are. Tell her honestly "8 inches and kinda...
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    Is this a fair example of decent C+F online?

    very ignorant thing to say. You're too immature to have any sort of dicussion with
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    Is this a fair example of decent C+F online?

    who knocked it? chatrooms were good 10 years ago when real sites didn't exist. Now we have myspace for all online hookups.......just don't do random chatrooms
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    GF gets drunk, texts me, "I cant see you ne more"

    well you know she broke up with you like that most likely because some friend of hers made her do it. or she was about to hook up with a guy and did not want to be a cheater HAHA. Too bad she is still a hor though. But my friend, I am proud of you because you handled this perfectly...
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    Girl won't call

    how far did she move?
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    lets talk sex....survey..

    the WRONG things to analyze would be emotions and girly stuff (which unfortunately many guys do anyway). However, analyzing sex and our experiences with it is just fine. Its just like sports........listen to sports radio sometimes, guys overanalyze sports so badly and create such drama out...
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    Is this a fair example of decent C+F online?

    very good indeed. however stay away from chatrooms, because the way to meet girls online is through actual websites chatrooms are so so 20th century
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    WIPFR: Food Store Girl

    AAA, CoI, APD FR - Mar 25 WIPFR(Store) - Mar 20 FR - Mar 18 WIPFR(Coffee) - Mar 16 FR - Mar 2 FR - Feb 18 C&E Theory GTA Sarge On! Flirting, Basis of Game While your thread has a nice little approach, what is with the signature?? your signature is EXACTLY what dating and...
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    Fiancee still brings up her dead ex-boyfriend

    no matter how much she loves you, your BIGGEST mistake was not getting rid of her the second she said "my ex boyfriend who I loved very much died". I bet she told you this within the first few dates right? Better to have cut your losses there. No matter how good her intentions are with you...
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    What to do when a girl asks "how big is your **ck"?

    and like I said, telling her what she wants to hear (i'm 7-9 inches, and pretty thick) will cut through all the bullsh1t, turn her on, and make her picture your d#ck and imagine sex with you jokes kill the mood.
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    don't be fooled - a dose of reality

    about the stalking point is, as a real man, you do not need to worry and analyze how much to call and when to call. All you need to do is realize that YOU are the absolute power in this world, you are the MAN and she is the weak little 110 pound woman!!! You can call as much as...
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    wtf just happen?

    nah dude you were funny and i've made that joke before too, absolutely nothing u did wrong there however there was some AFC fruit talking to you who had nothing better to do than to pose as a girl don't worry about it, and be the player that you are DON'T DOUBT YOURSELF :)
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    don't be fooled - a dose of reality

    i apply it to my life completely, otherwise i wouldn't talk about it
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    don't be fooled - a dose of reality

    if you have seen this all before, then please tell us all how you have applied this to YOUR life. or did you see it all before and not take it all in like you should?
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    What to do when a girl asks "how big is your **ck"?

    or tell her you are 8, or 9, or whatever - a girl asks you that cuz she wants to know how big you are before you fcuk her - there is no need to analyze my friend!