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  1. A

    Player stats

    not a newbie to dealing with girls.....been doin it for 5 years trial and error buddy, trial and fcuking error think of this example (this is kinda what im talkin about) 5 years 1000 rejections 200 dates 75 girls fcuked 20 solid girlfriends 100 girls that hate my guts cuz i fcukin...
  2. A

    Player stats

    millions of guys are good with girls without ever reading a single thing or joining a sinle seduction site im one of them by the way how stupid are u man?
  3. A

    Can you teach me to get laid?

    its just a photo - u cant say not for the public cuz there aint nothin nobody gonna do with ur photo im askin for a photo cuz maybe 1/2 of ur problems stem from ur looks. if one thinks they are ugly, then their confidence is shot, as is their mentality and attitude, thus causing them to...
  4. A

    Player stats

    shouldnt? says who? the society that is manipulating guys to be chumps?? see EXACTLY what im talkin about..........there is no shouldnt, u can be as angry as u want, read my above reply to Rajoko or w/e afc would be a guy who sits there and analyzes real man is the guy who gets pissed and...
  5. A

    Player stats

    id say its better to get the anger off ur chest and direct it at the bytch who deserves it, that way u will have a clean slate with the next girl and not have any built up anger. remember, all anger should be directed at THE BYTCH who caused it, and not at all women period. that's why...
  6. A

    Player stats

    thats why ive posted on the whole girls not calling back thing or flaking with an excuse, and i clearly state that i DONT overanalyze anything. I AM THE MAN, i have the POWER - and i will call her on her shyt and tell her shes being a bytch and can take her excuses to some other chump its a...
  7. A

    Player stats

    i guess its necesarry to be part of sosuave for years in order to be successful with girls? stop trolling, shut ur mouth, and take the advice thats given to u
  8. A

    Can you teach me to get laid?

    let's assume your not a troll. Tell us about urself so we can help u age? location? nationality? experience? photo? we need to know these things, we cant just answer ur VERY VERY VERY VAGUE question
  9. A

    Player stats

    to add to mine, my biggest setback is getting pissed and angry over little things, and i must say it happens alot. This is usually how i lose girls when I do - its just alot of girls end up pissing me off one way or another, maybe cuz i don't like to take shyt and i see thru excuses and bullshyt
  10. A

    Player stats

    this i find a very good thread! its a way for us all to show how good we are in the game without actually bragging, excellent - here's me: Confidence - 8 Conversation Skill - 10 Sexual State - 10 Push/Pull (more useful than C & F) - 9 Rejection Recovery - 2 (absolutely get HEATED from...
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    Can you teach me to get laid?

    look at his posts on other people's threads: he is ridiculing everyone you tellin me thats not a troll??? also notice, if someone wants REAL advice, they arent gonna just post a vague 1 line question. They r gonna tell us...
  12. A

    Can you teach me to get laid?

    why don't you hit on other trolls then, its very unlikely u can get a date outside of your own kind this site is for serious people, not dolbayebi like you
  13. A

    cologne suggestions

    every single girl tells me shes in love with how i smell........i wear Lacoste
  14. A

    ok so i lost my job...

    coldcoal and sean cameron - you guys both need to be shot why are u being retarded together, when we have a guy here who really needs help!!! buddy - all advice i have for u is, ignore this girl for the rest of your life, and move onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn far far onnnnnnnnnnnnn
  15. A

    the real deal on females...

    i sense you are a girl..........and i think what you just said is totally right its retarded how guys play girls, have 5 different girls they are seeing at the same time, but when a girl does the same thing to them, she is called a slut - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SLUT!!!! guys gotta...
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    Why the World Doesn't need Science Books

    fellas........doesnt it alarm you that THIS is the type of guy who would go and shoot up a school/mall/workplace? being an idiot on this forum is one thing, but when you see the guy and how disturbed he is, i got a feeling that where ever he lives is in some danger that he is going to go on a...
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    Joey Jeremiah: How to ignore

    oooooooook go play your warcraft virgin
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    Joey Jeremiah: How to ignore

    im so shocked that you replied to this who are u and what do u want? ive seen u invade a few threads with some really good questions and im wondering what the hell is wrong with u
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    we are all going to die

    surgeon - its never good to think about death, but for those who never do anything with girls when they have 100000 opportunities in front of them, they are wasting their lives this is for them
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    Joey Jeremiah: How to ignore

    im sorry i ever started this thread its a homo magnet my bad