Player stats

Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
Play the Game said:
Not bad for a newbie. :)

I have a feeling were about on the same page.

not a newbie to dealing with girls.....been doin it for 5 years

trial and error buddy, trial and fcuking error

think of this example (this is kinda what im talkin about)

5 years
1000 rejections
200 dates
75 girls fcuked
20 solid girlfriends
100 girls that hate my guts cuz i fcukin yell at them and tell them off

the above is the epitome of not being hung up on some bytch, u gotta keep moving moving moving

unless u have true love of course :)


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Fred Da Head said:
This is a stupid thread. Nobody is going to come on and say "I'm a 1 in confidence" or "I'm a 2 in Conversation skills." Just like all the girls the guys get or try to get in FRs are going to be 6-7+, nobody is going to have truly sub-par scores.*

*Except Modro, who seems pretty honest. Good on you, Modro!
nothing wrong with truely sub-par stats. they just need improving, which will come with practice, which is what we are already doing.
most newbies and afc's will have sub-par stats.
my stats arent even anywhere near the best. im about average to above average dj.

Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
absolut honesty said:
not a newbie to dealing with girls.....been doin it for 5 years

trial and error buddy, trial and fcuking error

think of this example (this is kinda what im talkin about)

5 years
1000 rejections
200 dates
75 girls fcuked
20 solid girlfriends
100 girls that hate my guts cuz i fcukin yell at them and tell them off

the above is the epitome of not being hung up on some bytch, u gotta keep moving moving moving

unless u have true love of course :)
I was just referring to your new ID. I made a new one recently too, i've been away from this site for a while.

Hats of to you. :rockon:

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Confidence: fluctuates between 7 and 10 depending on state
Conversation skills: If I can get past the intro a can most often get a number
Sexual state: I don't really get this one... cause sexual state for a guy is more an on / off switch
C&F: It's part of my personality, I'm quite sarcastic, and pretty good at getting girls to laugh
Rejection recovery: I usually laugh and walk away, but I don't often get many harsh rejections
Body Language: overall, it must be around 8 or so, but this is a tough one to rate.
over all game average: An off night feels like 4, most nights a 7, sometimes I'm off the scale... I mean for real, the odd night (not consistently by any means) I even impress myself... these are the times where people will come up to me and say something like 'How do YOU get a girl like THAT!!"

I've been learning about 5 years now, off and on, sometimes I have bigger priorities than girls...

I mean when I first started I was BAD, I mean really bad... like embarrassingly bad.

But I must have approached thousands of women in that time,
several hundred phone numbers
ALOT of dates
slept with around 40-45 women most of them one or two night stands...
I'm sure that these numbers could be higher in the same time frame, but I did spend 2 years in a relationship.


Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
This thread is totally nerdy. It's like you are turning DJ stuff into world of warcraft.

Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
So will you trade the "Claw of Destiny" for my "Amulet of wisdom"?
Oh man... :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Well I guess I should get this thread back on track. And because I know all of you have been dying to know more about me...

Name: Ser3

Confidence: 8-9 Seems to be the keystone of game (and life in general), and I've got it down pretty solid. I live in my own world. Now if I just knew Jiu Jitsu and had an 8-pack, I could be a 10 :D

C&F: 7 I use it sparingly, as sometimes my sarcastic sense of humor can be off-putting to women.

Rejection recovery: 6 I usually just laugh it off, but If I've been drinking, I call bullsh!t on the chick and cuss her out. Yeah, I try not to get drunk and game.

Body Language: 8 I suppose.

Opening/Approaching: 9 It's pretty easy for me to talk to women and get a conversation going and get a number.

Mid-Game: 7 Used to be my sticking point. For the most part, I can have an intriguing conversation with a girl without any awkward moments and I can convey sexuality much better.

End-Game: 10. The easist part of the game is going from the first kiss to the lay. Escalate, tease, escalate, DONE.

over all game average: 8.6666 by my calculations

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Play the Game said:
So will you trade the "Claw of Destiny" for my "Amulet of wisdom"?
Oh man... :crackup:
This is why I hesitate to attribute numbered rating in different categories, now, you totally misread the intent of calling it 'The Claw of Destiny"... It's meant to be that corny type of thing that just makes you laugh and puts you in the right state of mind.

I mean how can you not laugh if you're bsing with your buddies : "I'm gonna use the Grab of Glory on the next girl." While shaping your hand like a claw...

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
I'm not sure, can you rate me?

da_hunter said:
This thread is totally nerdy. It's like you are turning DJ stuff into world of warcraft.

Look I'm not sure, can you dudes rate me?

CONFIDENCE: I consider myself above average (at this site). I can regurgitate all the guru's tips on the forums but I pee myself whenever I think about approaching.

CONVERSATION SKILLS: I'm totally alpha. When I talk to girls I'm like " Su.... su.... su.... su... ck my c...c...c...c...c...c...c...c...c...c...c....c...ock you f...f....f...f...f...****"

SEXUAL STATE: My strength! I have a hole in my jeans pocket so I can masturbate whilst talking to chicks.

REJECTION RECOVER: I have almost recovered from every suicide attempt.

C&F: Don't know many lines, this is my favourite: "You just want me coz you can't find anyone better."

EYE CONTACT: Once my eyes have locked onto a babes titties I NEVER look away!

BODY LANGUAGE: I have mastered the art of sticking out my massively fat stomach so that I never get missed in the crowd.

OPENING: I'm great at Negs. When I see a HB9 or more I go up and say " Is your dress made out of your grandma's curtains? You smell like a camels butt, I think your tan, nails and tits are fake. You have an overbite, a speech impediment and a lazy eye. You dress like a crack*****, you need plastic surgery becuase your nose wiggles funny, your mums a slut, I know, I ****ed her."

As soon as I work up the courage to actually approach I'm gonna be the man.

MID GAME: i have been working on a magic tricks like in the Mystery Method, but so far no club will allow me bring in rabbits, human size boxes or giant saws for chopping babes in half...

END GAME: I am a virgin but only coz any girl who would have sex is a hor and I don't sleep with hors.

OVERALL GAME: I only ever get rejected by hors.

So how did I go guys?

Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:

Look I'm not sure, can you dudes rate me?

CONFIDENCE: I consider myself above average (at this site). I can regurgitate all the guru's tips on the forums but I pee myself whenever I think about approaching.

CONVERSATION SKILLS: I'm totally alpha. When I talk to girls I'm like " Su.... su.... su.... su... ck my c...c...c...c...c...c...c...c...c...c...c....c...ock you f...f....f...f...f...****"

SEXUAL STATE: My strength! I have a hole in my jeans pocket so I can masturbate whilst talking to chicks.

REJECTION RECOVER: I have almost recovered from every suicide attempt.

C&F: Don't know many lines, this is my favourite: "You just want me coz you can't find anyone better."

EYE CONTACT: Once my eyes have locked onto a babes titties I NEVER look away!

BODY LANGUAGE: I have mastered the art of sticking out my massively fat stomach so that I never get missed in the crowd.

OPENING: I'm great at Negs. When I see a HB9 or more I go up and say " Is your dress made out of your grandma's curtains? You smell like a camels butt, I think your tan, nails and tits are fake. You have an overbite, a speech impediment and a lazy eye. You dress like a crack*****, you need plastic surgery becuase your nose wiggles funny, your mums a slut, I know, I ****ed her."

As soon as I work up the courage to actually approach I'm gonna be the man.

MID GAME: i have been working on a magic tricks like in the Mystery Method, but so far no club will allow me bring in rabbits, human size boxes or giant saws for chopping babes in half...

END GAME: I am a virgin but only coz any girl who would have sex is a hor and I don't sleep with hors.

OVERALL GAME: I only ever get rejected by hors.

So how did I go guys?

you are C+F'ing this thread
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
First honest player's stats.

Here are mine.

Confidence: 2
Sexual State: - 10
C& F : 0
Rejection recovery: 5
Body language 0.

Average: - 0.6

With stats like this it's amazing that I have a girl that I'm currently talking to or seeing/dating, and took other girls out to eat without it turning into a bad blind date episode, but hey, this board has helped motivate me, before I joined, I had a -10 average, now I have a -0.6 average so there is some improvement. I've also used my natural pathetic game to meet people and have kiss closes at the end of the first date.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Luke Skywalker said:
First honest player's stats.

Here are mine.

Confidence: 2
Sexual State: - 10
C& F : 0
Rejection recovery: 5
Body language 0.

Average: - 0.6

With stats like this it's amazing that I have a girl that I'm currently talking to or seeing/dating, and took other girls out to eat without it turning into a bad blind date episode, but hey, this board has helped motivate me, before I joined, I had a -10 average, now I have a -0.6 average so there is some improvement. I've also used my natural pathetic game to meet people and have kiss closes at the end of the first date.
Are you taking steps to change this then? Seriously man, you can't have it much worse than I did a few years ago...and I turned it around....or maybe you just view yourself too negatively?

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Michele, l'Arcangelo

Strength - 101
Dexerity - 179
Vitality - 93
Intelligence - 168.333 (3-repeating)
Magic - 192
Charisma - 160.3232 (32-repeating)

Yeah... i pretty much have really bad stats since i'm not a pure warrior or a pure mage... i'm pretty much scattered out and get pwned by anyone.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Name:Julio-Paul(lol my real name)..
Confidence: 9
Conversation skills: 9
Sexual state: 10
C&F: 4
Rejection recovery: 10
Body Language: 10
over all game average:8.something imo...

I don't do C and F i think it's gay.

My confidence has been cracked a bit after coming to the states again.I have to deal with more racism/Ignorance/

Back home people think nothing of intermixing here people stare and make comments if they see blacks dating outside of their race.

Many times i've had girls(of othe races) trying to date/phukk me..secretly or had people say rude sh!t (mexicans usually...go figure)to me thinking my girl is white when she's usually puerto rican or dominican.

Things like that make me secondguess myself when it comes to certain women especially in the suburbs..I don't even feel safe in the suburbs at night can you beleive not feeling safe in a suburb?

I wouldn't have these problems in the carribean..


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
da_hunter said:
This thread is totally nerdy. It's like you are turning DJ stuff into world of warcraft.

Thats an excellent idea. I think I'll get drunk and play some warcraft.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
EYE CONTACT: Once my eyes have locked onto a babes titties I NEVER look away!
Hahah man, im the same way, maybe if you're in hollarado we can go pick up some hoes!


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
Name:Julio-Paul(lol my real name)..
Confidence: 9
Conversation skills: 9
Sexual state: 10
C&F: 4
Rejection recovery: 10
Body Language: 10
over all game average:8.something imo...

I don't do C and F i think it's gay.

My confidence has been cracked a bit after coming to the states again.I have to deal with more racism/Ignorance/

Back home people think nothing of intermixing here people stare and make comments if they see blacks dating outside of their race.

Many times i've had girls(of othe races) trying to date/phukk me..secretly or had people say rude sh!t (mexicans usually...go figure)to me thinking my girl is white when she's usually puerto rican or dominican.

Things like that make me secondguess myself when it comes to certain women especially in the suburbs..I don't even feel safe in the suburbs at night can you beleive not feeling safe in a suburb?

I wouldn't have these problems in the carribean..
so ma brotha, so you a brotha? lol cool

so u come from the carribean?

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Luke Skywalker - I have no reason to lie about my shyt... I'll tell you how sad it was when I started out, just to give an idea.

Lost virginity at 16... then single but trying till 19. Met the fugliest girl I never should have given the time of day and went out with her untill : SHE DUMPED ME!!! I couldn't believe it.... like no friggin way I wasn't worthy of a girl that fugly. The only thing going for her was a spectacular arse.

Fast forward 1 week. I'm at a girl friend's house party when she introduces me to the hottest girl I had yet to see in person, and I spilled her beer ALL OVER HER. I thought I was out of the running, but we still talked... and we talked, for most of the night we talked and she was throwing her cell number in my face... but me being uber-retard with women didn't think to get her number, that is untill about 2 seconds after she walked out the door...

Add 6 months of reading and mental preparation to do what was needed... I took 5 years and had the stats that you can quote above. Don't just assume everyone's a lyar...

Nice Guyitha... welll... you're not even worth talking to since your name will likely show up as **** ******