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    cold approach videos - embarassment to mankind

    guy in 3rd video looks like a confident guy just fcuking around, its good.....its ballsy.......its deff better than NOT approaching and yea its the same loser in the other 3 videos, and hes pretty horrible but he does ONE thing right - he actually approaches i bet after 100 approaches...
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    Damn.. feels bad to be turned down..

    DUDE 1) u approached 2) u get her # 3) u called her your ahead of 90% of the male population good job man, if shes not interested then **** THAT AND FORGET IT charge it to the game........... get 20 #s and u'll be fcuking 2 of them on the weekend keep it up
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    cold approach videos - embarassment to mankind the guy in the 3rd one is very funny, but still pretty lame. let this be a lesson to us all as to how NOT to act...
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    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    i think PlayerSupreme does the right thing to ban someone who tries to speak out and preach the second they join...... this fvcker comes here askin how to get laid, and then says THIS?? he should be begging and kneeling and being sosuave's bytch instead of havin this attitude if...
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    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    YOUR are a closer case cuz ur a faggot who needs to go on a seduction site and call US woman haters, when really u are the loser John Gait that was banned whos back once again can u go commit suicide or somethin? ur not needed on this planet B1TCH
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    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    the troll's thread is 2 pages long.............i hope he's happy whatever happened to the IGNORE option? look at this faggot come on here, ask us all "what he should do to get laid" and then calls us "myscow/e" u gotta be kidding me WHO IS THIS ASSH0LE LOSER??? can we collectively...
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    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    i havent gotten gay pictures.......maybe cuz this Sean Cameron/John Gait guy is back as this meccaphuteru assh0le i hate how sosuave just lets anyone in **** YOU TROLL
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    2007 - girls HATE talking on the phone

    i recently got rid of AIM to take care of girls in the real world and i feel like its messed up that sooo many girls act interested thru texts, but when u call them they dont pick up or call back
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    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    i called it first - original poster is a TROLL he trolls other people's posts with stupid comments and yea, i said u can use women for their money how much of a loser/troll must u be to actually say thats ?mysogynust w/e the **** that word is retard
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    2007 - girls HATE talking on the phone

    are u really 42? i would say most likely that women your age (30-25) would be very different than ones my age (16-25).......but good analysis nonetheless
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    its very easy to use girls for THEIR $$

    good job buddy!!! how did u get her to pay for it? tell us what u told her
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    2007 - girls HATE talking on the phone

    i called them all between 6 and 7 friday and between 3-5 saturday, if u want rough way in hell all 35 of them r busy like i said WHATTTTTT THEEEEEEEEEE FCUKKKKKKKKKKKKK
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    we are all going to die

    i still think that the thought of DEATH will make u lose all fear for things that u have to deal with when ur alive........such as dealing with beautiful girls just think about it! if u fear death, u won't fear life!!!! if u fear death, u won't fear life!!!! if u fear death, u won't fear...
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    its very easy to use girls for THEIR $$

    yea so much for the days where u gotta pay for girls. I've been pretty straight forward in dating for as long as i remember.........and then someone very smart told me to PIMP girls and USE THEM for THEIR $$, and ive been applying that for about a month now full out. The basic simple...
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    2007 - girls HATE talking on the phone

    Play the Game - so ur sayin we r all becomin anti-social now? whats next, just textin and never hanging out either?? im just wonderin wtf is up cuz im sure like 10 years ago girls LOVED the phone and talked on it like crazy to guys i just used my example to try to prove something...
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    Calling all the 'Men' for a Mentality test

    do u guys kno what its like to use a girl for good sex and just play with her head?? thats what u gotta do to a girl that cheats on u dont JUST get rid of her make some good use out of her be efficient lol (im serious)
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    2007 - girls HATE talking on the phone

    lemme keep this short and simple i've had a weird weekend. i had about 40 phone #s i had of girls which i got thru random ways in the last few weeks. So i literally sat and called all 40 of them friday evenin and saturday afternoon............about 4 or 5 actually picked up, we talked...
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    Calling all the 'Men' for a Mentality test

    keep her around as a **** buddy and go hook up with other girls.........and oh yea, tell her she owes u for cheating and get her to pay for ur shyt and get her friends to have 3somes - all because she owes u use her infidelity to your benefit and remember, GET OTHER GIRLS - its called...
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    we are all going to die

    its good to think about before you call girls, before u go on a date, before u go out sets your mindset so straight to the point that u will have 0 fear of approaching/talking/escalating if u fear death, u won't fear life
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    don't be fooled - a dose of reality

    a handful of people r really famous, 99.5% of us are not. So your advice is very bad right there