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    Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    yea he's dead - he died in a way where he wanted to be famous and not all of YOU guys are helping him get what he wants STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM
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    UFOS disabling nuclear weapons - national security threat

    there are other forums for this.........why the FVCK is "" being abused with this kind of posts?????
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    Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    and don't flame me either because im extra saddened about all of this............i just HATE how all of u people r feeding this killer's ego and giving him what he wanted all along - attention
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    Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    all of you guys are completely clueless..... SHUT THE HELL UP send your condolenses to the victims, because that is indeed tragic and then..........SHUT UP AND LET IT GO u kno why?? because this psycho did what he did TO GET ATTENTION, TO BE REMEMBERED, AND TO BE TALKED ABOUT...
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    Counterfeit Don Juans

    these kinda bs threads r funny to read when im eating and need entertainment as for kinda **** really brings the site down the guy is an obvious troll who hates us all and is wasting everyone's time nobody serious makes a post like that as their FIRST post
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    Getting drunk - how often is normal?

    as long as your getting drunk with a girl or with ur friends, u can do it as much as u want between the ages of 16 and 40 its only "wrong" if u drink alone
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    What is It About Spandex That Makes It So Deceiving on Some Women?

    great idea - stop focusing on women at the gym so much and start getting girls in other places how many threads can u post about the gym? you are not being a very good don juan here buddy
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    Ignore Luke Skywalker... troll

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    10,000 Posts!

    this is the complete opposite of being a man.........**** this online posting bs, thats sooooooooooo lame man
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    2007 - girls HATE talking on the phone

    so i guess this is still up for grabs........ anyway i got rid of like 25 #s cuz the girls weren't calling back, and then they texted me and i said "who's this?" priceless lol also how do u guys analyze this one: A girl who i saw and made out with at the movies 4 days ago, ive called...
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    Is everyone here a mysogynist closet case?

    TROLL BANNED i called it first
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    Player stats

    if ur isolation and escalation are 5 and 7, how can f-close be 9? also hotornot ratings dont matter, how bout u rate urself based on what u see in the mirror in ur own eyes
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    cold approach videos - embarassment to mankind

    yea not his looks, but the way he acts exactly
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    cold approach videos - embarassment to mankind

    1st, 2nd, and 4th video is all the same guy lol, his game was wayyy too awkward and reserved. he looks like a virgin too
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    Girl keeps bringing up ex-bf issues

    she cheated on him and went back to him constantly........and shes NOT a slut? if she's not a slut, then YOU are not a person with a working brain but like i said, if shes a cheater, then just use her for what she is good for some good quality sex
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    Player stats

    you are C+F'ing this thread
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    Cold Approach caught on tape

    best cold approaches - Keys to the VIP but youtube took all of those down anybody got links to those?? (btw, BEST way to learn is do it yourself)