Why the World Doesn't need Science Books

Joey Jeremiah

Apr 13, 2007
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Do you believe in fate?

You know, "fate"!

As in the events of your life are such that they brought you to this exact spot at the same time that the events of my life brought me to this spot, and that there is a REASON why we are sitting here talking to each other?

Well, I believe that fate has brought you to me today because you are on a spaceship careening towards a planet and you have no idea what it's going to be like!

What? Now I'm just talking crazy aren't I?

Not really. They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, don't they? Well you are just a tiny little Martian about to crash land on the plush soils of Venus and they simply aren't going to know what hit them!

You all are familiar with Science books. It's been a part of our world for several years. It's taken the form of movies, comics, cartoons, posters, wrapping paper, cups, plates, stuffed animals, and action figures. We all are drawn to Science books because he defies our reality and does things that break all our rules.And I'm here to tell you that our world NEEDS a science book.

In the movie "Science book Returns", there is a scene where we discover that Biology book had written a Pullitzer Prize winning article entitled "Why the World Doesn't Need Science books". We never get to read that article, but the idea behind that was to key on our dramatic senses and shout out:


And then the movie ends, and she changes her mind. Yay!

Science book has saved the day again!

But you never hear about that other guy. You know who he is because he is an essential part of Science books, and you love science books. But you don't get bent out of shape over him. Most of the time he creates tension and you just feel sorry for the poor sap! His name?


The very fabric of what we here call the "nice guy".

How is it that such a smooth and powerful hero can turn into such a bumbling weasel???

The answer? A WOMAN!

You say that religion is science books weakness, and I say rubbish! If a woman can turn a hero like science book into a Zero like toilet paper, then she most certainly is a creature to be reckoned with!

But it's like that with us isn't it? We go about our lives daily. We hang out with our friends and have a blast. We go to the market and shop. And all the time we are comfortable. But put us within 20 feet of a hot girl and what do we do?


You tell me that isn't a binder!

You ever wonder why woman make you behave the way you do?

You ever wonder why you can be fine with your friends, strangers, dogs, cats, kids, etc. but as soon as a pretty girl comes into your bubble you turn into a bumbling idiot????

Let me ask you a question:

Why did Science book disguise himself as a tree?





Hello! The answer is simple:

To disguise his power!

He understood that he couldn't live among people as science book, or he would be THRONGED on a daily basis. He knew that he would never have a life of his own if he made his entire life as science book. He understood that to do great things, sometimes you have to humble yourself and become common and RISE ONLY WHEN THE OCCASSION WARRANTS IT!

That's why science book became a tree. And that's why a Don Juan becomes Joe Schmuck.

If you spend your life being a Don Juan. If you make this your life and you spend your days just focusing on picking up women, you are going to get THRONGED by something worse than people! You are going to get THRONGED by life! Life will eat you up and spit you out!

I read a post recently where someone said: "When you become a Don Juan, you can't be anything else BUT a Don Juan" in response to a guy who hits on girls in front of his girlfriend.

I say rubbish! That's absurd!

If being a Don Juan has become your life then you most certainly are no Don Juan!A Don Juan, like science book, must leart to CONTROL his "power". A Don Juan, like science book, realizes that it's not his POWER that defines him. It's not his ability to control people that defines him. It's not his ****y and funny attitude that defines him.

Oh no!

The true Don Juan recognizes that his "power" is to be used for his own pleasure only. And his life is not defined by that pleasure. A true Don Juan is simply a manifestation of the MANY different natural abilities that are found within a man, and that life is so much more broad and rich than chasing after women day in, day out, for years and years and years.

So science book donned a persona: a tree. And you need to take a tip from that. I'm not saying that you need to "don a persona", I'm saying that you need to recognize that your life does not consist of chasing tail!

There is so much more for you to do! There is so much more for you to acheive! Don Juan is just a byproduct of a life lived natural and rich.

But beware! You also need to know when to shed that tree persona!

That's your trouble isn't it? That's why you are here. You can't shake mister tree out of you and become that science book you always wanted to be with women. That's why you are failing with women, because as science book recognized that he need to shed his tree life to go do great and marvelous things, you too need to recognize that there is a time for you to become Don Juan and woo the ladies!

So many of us are stuck in a 'tree' role when the situation calls for a 'science book', that when the situation is past we only find loneliness, destruction, and even bitterness.

Stop being a chump!

Stop being afraid of your power! That's the whole crux of your problem. You've become ashamed of your power for some ungodly reason! The world, the media, the news, the movies, the commercials, and the radio are all dumping their garbage into your mind of an "image" that they want everyone to be. And if you are part of the elite few that fit that image naturally, then you are just naturally successful!

But most of us DON'T fit that image, and we spend our lives trying to conform to that image. We change our hair. We change our clothes. We change the way we walk. The way we talk. And like sheep, led to the slaughter, we destroy everything that makes us who we are!


You are you, and that's all you can ever be. Stop trying to PUT ON your persona. A tree didn't go into a phone booth to put on his suit! He went into the phone booth to shed off that fake, phony, persona and came out being himself!

And what happened?

Well, you've seen the movies. You've read the comics. He did spectacular things! He made a real difference in the lives of those around him and people lauded him as a hero for just being himself!

But he learned to control that power. He recognized that he couldn't be that "science book" all the time. And in the same way, you gotta learn a thing called "tact". You gotta learn when the situation calls for it, that you don't fail to act, of course. But more importantly when the moment is over you go back into the phone booth and you get back to your life, which is the most important thing.

One persona leads to being a symbol that all can look up to. And that was great.

But the other lead to being a man who affected the people he was close to, and that was life-altering.

I believe there is a hero inside of you, waiting to get out. He's in there, and he's only a phone booth away. Don't let another opportunity go by. Time slips away so quickly and before you know it you wake up with regret and "what if" gnawing at you.

Go out and do what you have to do. Go be a tree and when the situation calls for it, don't be afraid to show us your full potential.

The world doesn't need a science book. The world doesn't need a Don Juan.

The world just needs a a tree who isn't afraid of being science book.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
It didnt. Its copied and pasted from the superman thread!

Richard Dawkins

superchill89 said:

The difference between John Galt/joeh jeremiah or whatever the fvck his name is and other trolls like Dr. Beard is that Dr. Beard is actually funny, and that you can tell he doesn't really spend that much time thinking about trolling the forum. Other trolls might just be normal guys who just have fun messing with the forum but John Galt isn't like this.

As you can tell from the post above he is still a 23 year old virgin and a complete failure at life and even this forum rejected him as did the rest of the world. However many times he tells himself that he's just messing with us and having fun, the sheer amount of effort he puts into attempting to troll the forum just shows that he is still that angry, frustrated little boy that was sitting alone at lunch time and had mulch kicked in his face on the playground and is simply lashing out at the forum for rejecting him and making a complete fool out of him.

Only reason he is being a troll is because being himself made him get even more ridicule. John Galt you can respond however you want, you can pathetically attempt to brush this off with more gay porn pictures, big fonts, and dumb song lyrics that nobody even reads, but inside you'll know it's true and that you're just an angry nerd who will die a friendless virgin. So keep trying to get back at this forum, just realize that you're just a tiny, insignificant nuisance here and that things will go on as normal no matter what you try to do. you're not fooling anybody, we can all see you as the helpless, pathetic geek that you are. hahahahhaaahahaha
So do you agree the world doesn't need sciencebooks or not?

Joey Jeremiah

Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
superchill89 said:

The difference between John Galt/joeh jeremiah or whatever the fvck his name is and other trolls like Dr. Beard is that Dr. Beard is actually funny, and that you can tell he doesn't really spend that much time thinking about trolling the forum. Other trolls might just be normal guys who just have fun messing with the forum but John Galt isn't like this.

As you can tell from the post above he is still a 23 year old virgin and a complete failure at life and even this forum rejected him as did the rest of the world. However many times he tells himself that he's just messing with us and having fun, the sheer amount of effort he puts into attempting to troll the forum just shows that he is still that angry, frustrated little boy that was sitting alone at lunch time and had mulch kicked in his face on the playground and is simply lashing out at the forum for rejecting him and making a complete fool out of him.

Only reason he is being a troll is because being himself made him get even more ridicule. John Galt you can respond however you want, you can pathetically attempt to brush this off with more gay porn pictures, big fonts, and dumb song lyrics that nobody even reads, but inside you'll know it's true and that you're just an angry nerd who will die a friendless virgin. So keep trying to get back at this forum, just realize that you're just a tiny, insignificant nuisance here and that things will go on as normal no matter what you try to do. you're not fooling anybody, we can all see you as the helpless, pathetic geek that you are. hahahahhaaahahaha
So do you think the world is better with or without science books?

Seriously though, why did you post this? Are you afraid people are showing me too much respect and listening to me? lol.

Sing this song! Remind me that we'll always have each other.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
He's right you're as funny as cancer. Actually not even that funny.
Apr 12, 2007
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fellas........doesnt it alarm you that THIS is the type of guy who would go and shoot up a school/mall/workplace?

being an idiot on this forum is one thing, but when you see the guy and how disturbed he is, i got a feeling that where ever he lives is in some danger that he is going to go on a rampage cuz he has nothing to live for


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I think his post does have a point. If I understand his post correctly, he is saying that the priority of life is not trying to get yourself laid. We should chase bigger goals like having a successful career, or maybe making a difference in the world. In the process of chasing your goals, you will find the DonJuan in you without trying to be a DonJuan.
I dont know why you guys being so rude to him.