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  1. B

    Drugs + LTR

    Shes a 9.5 so you are being halod, just imagine this girl were a 5 doing this sorta crap, how would you feel about it? This girl doesnt sound like relationship material atleast not now and especially not a 9.5 20 year old, you walk in she cries, thats a BIG red flag. Hard drug use has a...
  2. B

    If you have banged a girl out of your league

    If you are really an 8 that means girls all tell you you are hot, Zyzz was probably around a 7.5. The bellcurve ends at 7 and from then on gets rare. 8 means you look masculine in a bad boy sorta way not a goofy model way, street smart perhaps like a bikey gang leader or a night club owner and...
  3. B

    books on how to act right

    I was taught to eat peas with the wrong end of a fork, thats the PROPER way to eat peas, with the CONVEX side of a FORK, you use your knife to get them on there. I know higher class women, all you need to know is to be courteous to people, be more on the apologetic side than the ******* side of...
  4. B

    books on how to act right

    Are you sheltered?? I went to boarding school where we were taught manners, I grew up in an old fashioned house hold, I know preppy people. Your life isnt the movies man, manners and all that crap are only for the royal family on TV. No1 acts like that.
  5. B

    CAN a guy ever show emotions to a girl?

    This is where PUA flies out the window and psychology comes in which is barely understood. This topic is barely worth going in to depth with but from my observations, the women who you hide emotions from are a sham relationship, they are being tricked in to liking you and you dont like them...
  6. B

    If you have banged a girl out of your league

    By M I meant she wasnt a prostitute. Coke can sometimes get you some hot girls if you just chat to them and offer them some say at a house party or club. Excess alcohol meaning the girl was drunk and had the beer goggles on and no **** blocking friends.
  7. B

    If you have banged a girl out of your league

    I was really drunk and she was a naked stripper. I continued non chalently, I know I am not a male model LOL. Treat enough hot girls like your equal and you will get this **** too, I cant defend myself with these girls because they have like 1 flaw and its either b cups or a potato face which...
  8. B

    The man asking to be Exclusive. Good/Bad?

    Having a condom in your wallet or car can also be an issue. If you wanna run relationship game you should make a trip to the store even if she insists. I think its the guys job to ask a girl out, women are too insecure to do this.
  9. B

    If you have banged a girl out of your league

    Not true man, I got shot down and was pointed out another physical flaw, so thats another complex.
  10. B

    What's going on?

    When they get jealous you are meant to make it clear their beliefs are irrational, don't act on their jealousy (don't delete numbers, or say you will stop talking to a girl). You would say stuff like "I really like you, I am not like that" If they compare you to their ex all you need to say is...
  11. B

    Looks......Yes they matter but how much does it matter

    You cant be hot and not photogenic, if you are doing poorly in online dating its not because you arnt photogenic but because women are fussy as **** with photos.
  12. B

    Created a Bad Vibe

    You like her, youve been on 4 dates, she wants to show you off or get approval of you from her friends. Its like aproaching except instead of getting blown out you get heart broken, just go out with her have your oneitis, see how it ends up. And you are 27 man you should be mature enough for this.
  13. B

    Looks......Yes they matter but how much does it matter

    Sounds like the old men were projecting their blindness on to her then??
  14. B

    Looks......Yes they matter but how much does it matter

    Im curious, do you ever get called cute?? Do girls you **** actually tell you that you are hot??
  15. B

    If you have banged a girl out of your league

    Excuse the oxymoron title. Anyway if you have banged a girl out of your looks league, without using coke, money or excessive alcohol explain the situation. And by league I mean you could not look good together.
  16. B

    another no father figure thread

    I was actually talking about a friend, I am a degenerate. There are plenty of girls <5 who have had sex with 50+ guys.
  17. B

    another no father figure thread

    In my city even if you are a catch (good looks, job, sociable etc) its still hard to find a decent hot girl, I dont know how some guys do it to be honest. I have one friend who just tries to pick up everywhere he goes, he gets rejected like crazy but is about a 7 himself who hits on 7s. He...
  18. B

    another no father figure thread

    Thats not entirely true, girls can get resentful of FBs they like and wanted a relationship with. With one FB it was clear we were together to make a friend of mine jealous, I asked him before hooking up and he really didnt care otherwise I wouldnt of seen her. But this other girl who I didnt...
  19. B

    another no father figure thread

    It seems a lot of attractive girls have no father figure or atleast the single ones. Searching the other threads there is a lot of good information and experiences on these girls.
  20. B

    want to get my ex back
