Looks......Yes they matter but how much does it matter


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
It's a two-tier looks system.

Tier I (relationship):

Your looks are fairly important but there is a some latitude if you have other things going for you.

Tier II (ONS):

Your looks are super critical.

(FWB is a gray area that is somewhere in between, especially when you meet via social circle.)

Some people mix up the two tiers. They think they can get quick lays with the relaxed looks standards of Tier I. Generally, you can't (unless you have a thick skin and play the numbers game).

(We are just talking about looks here. I'm aware of the money and status wildcards.)


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Agree with the gambler, although I do enjoy my Call of Duty lol. Anyway yes working out and having a sense of style definitely helps. All it really takes is 30 mins. a day and you will see results like he said. You also do not need to spend a fortune on clothes, just present yourself well and women will notice. I mean who is really going to be able to tell how much you spent on clothes unless they walked up and inspected the labels? Who gives a F@ck as long as you look good. I must point out the fact that clothes don't really matter all that much. I've gotten multiple women tell me that a guy that pull off a plain t-shirt, meaning no graphics or anything (either white, grey, or black) and jeans is sexy. That being said the right fit is key. Anyway I believe looks get your foot in the door with women, but its up to you to do the rest...


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Also anyone who rocks ed hardy, affliction, or any other intensely graphical tee should be nailed to a cross. Like c'mon dude your 25, class it up a little bit. You don't fight mma, chances are I could get your ass. You just come across as douchey...sorry got carried away but you get the point.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
yes i am good looking with the body to go with it.
Im curious, do you ever get called cute?? Do girls you **** actually tell you that you are hot??
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Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
sozzz said:
we walked around and couple old men were hating saying is she blind, why is a beautiful girl like her with me. I just laughed it off.

Not to brag but I do have the looks, been hit on by teachers, young to old women. The only thing I dont got are money and muscle.
Sounds like the old men were projecting their blindness on to her then??


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
BabyFaceComplex said:
Im curious, do you ever get called cute?? Do girls you **** actually tell you, you are hot??
Yeah they do, not all the time but i get hot or sexy. The majority of the time i just get looks or stares. I went out last night on Thanksgiving eve and i didnt get any compliments but when i walked in a few bars, the heads were turning. A few funny moments actually, A friend and I walked in this bar in midtown, so he went off to the bathroom quickly and i walked over to sit at the bar before ordering a drink. I walk by and some girl "accidentally" brushes her arm on me and her friends smiled at me but i kept it movin because i wasnt attracted to her. by the bar surrounded by 3 guys, this short busty cutie is staring at me hard. I was waiting to make a move but those the 3 guys kept surrounding her like crazy. I asked her friend about her but she told me she had a bf and those guys were her bf's friends. so i left it alone but a bit later she walked by me and i asked about her bf and she kind of hinted she as a bf but not that serious. The 3 guys and her 2 female friends walked over and C-blocked but she kept staring at me still.

After that we went to another bar close by.. Same thing but this very sexy girl is is staring at me, come to find out her BF is right next to her. I get discouraged because all these hot girls are with their BF's. Surprisingly, she came close to me to order a drink and strikes a very light flirty convo with me but at the same time not making it obvious to her BF because he was glancing over. She went back to her group of friend and bf i caught her glancing over at me several times.

As far as Comments go, the last one was out at a bar and i saw this blonde walking around with a tremendous ass, she was cute too and i mentioned it to my friend. I figured she may not be interested in me. By the end of the night i walked by the hallway and there she was and she looked over at me and to make a long story short, i was making out with her with my hands down her pants grabbin that ass. She starts laughing and im like what? why you laughing? she tells me that she cant believe shes making out with me... im like why? she said that she kept watching me all night and thought i was gorgeous. At this point im thinking where the Fvck was she because i didnt see her unless she was hiding somewhere stalking lol. but anyway, got her number and we talk on occasion and she already mentioned she's "ready" for me sendin me pics of her in a g string. etc. anyway... like i mentioned before.. i get comments but hardly much... the most i get is glances or stares.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Capt.America said:
U should post pics In2thegame no homo
Haha i should but nah i wont go that far. Plus i'm honestly not photogenic i hate to take pictures but ive described myself before. Black hair, green/hazel eyes.. tanned skin (Naturally) 6' tall and lean but muscular build, defined jaw (when im low BF) etc. i do get hard times though. Im not gonna lie.. sometimes i see some girls who are thick (not fat) with thick thighs and a nice round azz and i go for them instead of the petite ones and those are the types that give me trouble or even act like they are too good for me. they smile but kind of like the "thanks for the ego boost" thing and thats it. Sometimes i go for a girl that looks average in my book and they act up. Maybe they think im only after one thing... which i am but also never know how well you'd click with someone.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
Plus i'm honestly not photogenic
You cant be hot and not photogenic, if you are doing poorly in online dating its not because you arnt photogenic but because women are fussy as **** with photos.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
BabyFaceComplex said:
You cant be hot and not photogenic, if you are doing poorly in online dating its not because you arnt photogenic but because women are fussy as **** with photos.

That's not at all true....


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
sozzz said:
I.E: I took her to a casino and we walked around and couple old men were hating saying is she blind, why is a beautiful girl like her with me. I just laughed it off.

It's all about how you carry yourself. Not to brag but I do have the looks, been hit on by teachers, young to old women.
The above is why I roll my eyes when people who claims looks don't matter much cite anecdotes about unattractive guys with beautiful girls.

Guys who say that are either:

1) Jealous
2) Poor judges of another man's attractiveness

Bottom line.

Yeah I called any one of you out. Deal with it.


Don Juan
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
Ditto with the working out thing. I consider myself decent looking, but often see guys that I find mediocre looking facially get attraction from women. Or I'll hear a female friend of mine comment about how a guy (who I think is pretty average looking) is attractive.

Then it hit me...height and build matter a ton. You can't just say "oh I have clean skin and a good face therefore I'm good looking" like many do...there is much more to looks than just face. So myself being someone that is only 5'9'' and slender, I'm doing my best to put on some muscle and try to improve my build. I always get girls interested in dating/relationships and never want to hookup because I definitely give off that "nice guy" look even if the girl finds me attractive physically. Definitely gotta change that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
BabyFaceComplex said:
You cant be hot and not photogenic, if you are doing poorly in online dating its not because you arnt photogenic but because women are fussy as **** with photos.
I dont know about that but i hate to take pictures, in my opinion i dont come out "right" in them but i hardly ever did the online dating thing. The last time i was meeting girls online was from myspace in 2005. I had a lot of girls as friends. I remember i had two girls fighting each other over me in the comment section lol! they were alright though, not super hot or anything. Overall i got a message from a girl who wasnt all that hot but cute and she seemed cool, I was thinking of her as just another girl i was trying to bang but when we met... That meeting turned into a 5 year relationship and fell in love with each other so thats why i said before that you never know who your going to click with, it may just be the girl you never thought. I ended up deleting all the girls and that was it... I never did the online thing again. Now i just go out and meet girls and talk to them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
On another note, in terms of being a good looking guy.. Maybe its just me but sometimes when i go out, I would have a sh*t load of girls checking me out, staring at me, glancing over at me but then another night i wont get not one look and that plays with my mind at times. Sometimes i may go to talk to a girl and immediately she seems defensive or better yet sometimes i go talk to the girl's friend and open her up so my friend can come over and talk to her while i go for the girl i want but once i ask about her friend a quick "Oh she has a BF" comes out of her mouth, Kind of like to keep me away from her friend. I try not to let it bother me though like some guys. in fact the other night while i was out, i saw this guy talking to this one girl and her body language was kind off so i stood there watching the whole thing and eventually the guy slightly threw his hands up as to say "Man, Fvck this b*tch" lol it was pretty funny.