another no father figure thread


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
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It seems a lot of attractive girls have no father figure or atleast the single ones.

Searching the other threads there is a lot of good information and experiences on these girls.

I was seeing one ages ago who was very smart and health concious, years have passed and a lot of BFs and she is now a single mother. If she couldnt keep down a relationship I find it hard to imagine any other girl with red flags doing so.

I want to know if any1 has had a successful relationship with these type of girls, one where either you screwed up or it ended under unrelated circumstances such as moving or growing apart.

Based on what I have seen and experienced myself.

My conclusions are and I could be wrong but I am fairly confident in them:

-They need some jealousy both ways, but I would say every girl does.
-You cant keep them in line, such as away from parties or having guy friends, this is the big issue I think, as well as needing constant attention due to not getting any from their father growing up. But its impossible for only 1 guy to give them that constant attention.
-They can be possessive and vengeful, eventually they will punish you through humiliation for being beta and they will resent you for trying to keep them in line (smothering, clingy).

I think someone mentioning a balancing act that can keep them on their toes, I have not witnessed this, I have seen extremes fail hard though.
One where a girl I was FB with told me she was kissing guys on the street infront of her bf, then she dumped him on his bday, I was pretty disgusted by her behaviour of her BF who obviously loved her and I stopped seeing her, ****ing *****.

Then the physically abusive BF, the girl falls for this alpha type with lots of jelousy both ways and the relationship just crumbles under the intensity which grows old.

Its almost as though these girls push lovers away, whether the guy is jealous or not they will completely disregard the guys feelings and either slut around behind his back or blatantly cause jealousy, yet they somehow want an ideal relationship or at least think they do.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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This pretty much describe the majority of girls Im dating.

The only solution is enjoying the time with them while not investing anything psychological or emotional into them.

Dont mistreat or insult them, just treat them as fvck buddies and enjoy the ride, this time of girl is actually the type with which you can do certain stuff like ATM or cvmming in their open ass.

Just keep in mind that once reached a certain point you have to drop them or they will drop you, funny thing is the less you care and the less sh1t they will throw at you.

By not caring and making it clear your investment is minimum you indirectly pass any sh1t test and deprive them of the ground they need to balance themselves.

Remeber that those girls mistreated those guys because they were very stable in their position, they didnt feel threathed from that guy or were afraid of him leaving.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
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Thats not entirely true, girls can get resentful of FBs they like and wanted a relationship with.

With one FB it was clear we were together to make a friend of mine jealous, I asked him before hooking up and he really didnt care otherwise I wouldnt of seen her.

But this other girl who I didnt invest in got upset with me for the same reason the girl above was upset with my friend, but the girl I was with was more extreme, more self-entitled and less feminine.
She chased me, we had a fair exchange, she liked me and tried to put it on me to stop seeing other girls, she knew I knew I couldnt tie her down, we are both smart.
While trying to tell me how she had a BF and that she was faithful and he abuses her but she loves him, she tried to get me bashed and had my house vandalized, she denied it to me but I found out through her friends, I laughed off how she tried to get me bashed, and the vandalism wasn't that bad, I found the whole thing flattering in a way.

making it clear your investment is minimum
This is a bad play unless the girl is decent enough and deserves to be told this.
If you are banging some ganga telling her straight up its just gonna be sex is just a bad move, you can rationalize it by thinking you are pretty much telling her you arnt giving her the chance to change for you. Which is a big insult, like a girl telling her bf we wont have sex.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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With more single parents (and the percentage climbing every year), you're going to see more and more people without father figures. There's nothing you can do about it. It is what it is. If you limit yourself to only dating a certain type of woman (low partner number, but hot, no real issues, etc), you're going to be searching for a LONG time.

Let's put it this way - it's supply and demand. If she's hot, she's in demand and will act 'bad' because her circumstances allow it. It may have nothing to do with upbringing even. She just has the chance to do whatever she wants and get away with it. Such is life. Hotter women require more to 'stay in line'.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
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In my city even if you are a catch (good looks, job, sociable etc) its still hard to find a decent hot girl, I dont know how some guys do it to be honest.
I have one friend who just tries to pick up everywhere he goes, he gets rejected like crazy but is about a 7 himself who hits on 7s.
He managed to always keep a relationship with a decent hot girl but he is a major extrovert, with a lot of confidence, and goes through a lot of rejections, and surprisingly only few one night stands and FWB relationships.

Hotter women require more to 'stay in line'.
I dont think it works like that, and a girl can be a 5 who thinks she is an 8 cause shes a broken down ***** who rode the alpha **** carousel.
Then there are 8s who dont get hit on because they dont go out much and expect guys to aproach them in cafes when they are too intimidated to do so and these girls cant give signals either.
I am about a 6/10 and I have turned down an 8 (this is a bell curve rating btw) because she wanted to go out drinking at the casino and it would of just been awkward as **** and I dont think she was DTF just out for attention whoring, I have done this before under totally different circumstances and I feel like a beta when I have to hear "is that your BF?" every 10 mins throughout the night. If we WERE going out and she obviously had the body language to display that then yea I would do it.

How much a women needs to stay in line is dependant on her personality(upbringing, ego, mental state) not how often she gets hit on. It has nothing to do with how good looking she is.
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Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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BabyFaceComplex said:
In my city even if you are a catch (good looks, job, sociable etc) its still hard to find a decent hot girl, I dont know how some guys do it to be honest.
They go out and sample until they find what they want. Supply & demand. Being a 'catch' in your eyes could just be average to a girl. Are you really a catch or just think you are?

BabyFaceComplex said:
I dont think it works like that, and a girl can be a 5 who thinks she is an 8 cause shes a broken down ***** who rode the alpha **** carousel.
Then there are 8s who dont get hit on because they dont go out much and expect guys to aproach them in cafes when they are too intimidated to do so and these girls cant give signals either.
These are exceptions. A 5/10 isn't capable of riding an ALPHA carousel and an 8/10 who doesn't get hit on much is even rarer.

BabyFaceComplex said:
How much a women needs to stay in line is dependant on her personality(upbringing, ego, mental state) not how often she gets hit on. It has nothing to do with how good looking she is.
Personality is ever changing. A hot chick, no matter how 'right' she was brought up, once introduced to college (let's say she was limited in male attention in high school), away from parents is going to change. Fast.

It has EVERYTHING to do with how good looking she is.

Options = instability.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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muscleman said:
If you limit yourself to only dating a certain type of woman (low partner number, but hot, no real issues, etc), you're going to be searching for a LONG time.
Not at all. Every women starts off with a low partner number: zero. Younger means a lower partner number. So go after young women only. Preferably virgins. There are plenty of 'em. Besides, every man is sexually aroused by feminine youthfulness. It's hard-wired into our brains.

muscleman said:
Let's put it this way - it's supply and demand. If she's hot, she's in demand and will act 'bad' because her circumstances allow it. It may have nothing to do with upbringing even. She just has the chance to do whatever she wants and get away with it. Such is life. Hotter women require more to 'stay in line'.
Every woman is a slvt regardless of her looks. It's hard-wired into their brains. How can we prevent women from acting on their slvtty impulses? Keep them isolated as much as possible, but especially during ovulation when being slvtty has disastrous consequences for your relationship with her.

Women produce far less libido-causing DHT than men. Most of it is produced when they're in estrus. So if you isolate them when they're in heat, you're going to get the good loving. You'll get the sex -- not random players whose passes at her aren't happening because you kept her away from them.

It's easy to predict when a woman will be ovulating. Watch for bloody pads in her bathroom trash can, and put a 'P' on a calendar the first day you see them. She might even tell you when she started her period. Or you can guess it when it's about time, and she says she's having premenstrual or menstrual cramps (or feels "sick" or "has to wash her [pvssy] hair"). Then count ahead 12 days, plus or minus two days, and that's when she goes into heat. Over several months, it's easy to forecast the future first days of her periods and the ovulation days.

What's more, every time a woman changes sex partners, the failure to form a lasting pair bond -- the failure to mate -- with the prior partner represents a deep psychological loss. She grieves. She goes through anger, denial, rationalization, and then acceptance. Every failure to mate is treated by the mind the same as if the guy used, abused, and neglected her. Whether he started out with the purpose of treating her as a pump 'n dump, or whether the woman did all the leading in their dance, is not relevant. The alternation of attention and lack of attention, elation and grief, builds up a pathology of resentment and misbehavior. I call it "the abusive syndrome." You may call it "riding the c0ck carousel." Same thing.

The more partners she has, the more abusive she becomes. Pure and simple. Solution? Totally avoid women who have had many partners. Go after women who have had fewer partners. Get virgins if you can.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
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muscleman said:
They go out and sample until they find what they want. Supply & demand. Being a 'catch' in your eyes could just be average to a girl. Are you really a catch or just think you are?
I was actually talking about a friend, I am a degenerate.

These are exceptions. A 5/10 isn't capable of riding an ALPHA carousel and an 8/10 who doesn't get hit on much is even rarer.
There are plenty of girls <5 who have had sex with 50+ guys.