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  1. K

    Plan My Next Move (Part 2: The Diary)

    I agree, I try to stay away from getting SN's to chat for numerous reasons...1 being that if she is not seeing you, then its getting little to nothing accomplished. 2ndly...When you are talking to girls online (that your not friendly with), it could turn into a VERY awkward conversation...
  2. K

    Nothing is EVER clear to me...I just don't get it.

    Yea, I see what you guys are saying..makes a lot of sense to me... Let me first start off by saying that I'm not GOOD friends with her, I'm pretty friendly with her. J is not a girl that I just hang out with every day to just chill. I'm friends with her because she is in S's sorority so I see...
  3. K

    Nothing is EVER clear to me...I just don't get it.

    Hey guys, Well heres my newest debacle. Okay so this girl, lets call her J, is best friends with one of my good girl friends, S. Now J just broke up with her BF so naturally I tried gaming here because I've wanted her for quite a while. So this goes down on Wednesday. Were taking shots at...
  4. K

    How to get this girl to come out with me?

    Yes obviously I would rather do it in person but the thing I forgot to mention is I hardly EVER see this girl. I've only met her like twice and both times were when we were out and we just ran into each other.
  5. K

    My Game

    Guys, recently I've been realizing that MY GAME IS SERIOUSLY LACKING. What are some quick fixes that I can do that will boost up my performance in the field?
  6. K

    How to get this girl to come out with me?

    Okay fellas have not been on here in a while, but heres the deal. One of my best family friends is in a sorority here on campus. Just recently I decided I wanted one of her pledge sisters. Now my family friend told me that this girl, lets call her C, thinks I'm adorable. Shes been writing on...
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  8. K


    I'm back, yet again, with another problem lol. Well one of my roomies pointed out to me the other day that I have trouble closing. I mean lets be honest, if the girl is all over me I'll have NO problem making the move, but other than that I just am always very iffy about it. For example, if I'm...
  9. K

    My problem has been identified..Now I need help.

    i know i know, i've heard this from numerous people but i mean its still hard.
  10. K

    My problem has been identified..Now I need help.

    yea buts thats not how I look at it while I'm talking to her. I just have this feeling that this girl and I can have something and I want to give it the chance it deserves and pulling what I pulled last night is not helping
  11. K

    My problem has been identified..Now I need help.

    I'm kind of new here, so I'm going to give you guys a little backround on myself. I'm currently in my 2nd year of college. I look at myself as quite a good-looking guy, in fact I think i rely too much on my looks to pull girls. Now I know you guys are thinking ok this kid gets no a$$, but thats...
  12. K

    I can't figure out what this girl's intention's are.

    Well the title pretty much sums it up. Let me give you a little backround first. I met this girl my senior year of highschool. She was a junior and we hit it off. We ended up going out for a few months until I went on spring break and after that it was over. Now before we broke up I asked her to...
  13. K

    Update!!! I did it...kinda :(

    she did give me head but only because i only had 1 condom and we didn't want to risk me going soft again...and no she was thanking me for taking it out cause the "condom ripped" but for next time like i don't want to bust in 2 seconds i want to actually have both of us enjoy this shyt...i'm...
  14. K

    Update!!! I did it...kinda :(

    Okay, well last night I was very stressed (I have a HUGE psych test today and I was studying forever for it) and so my girl said to come over and chill for a little. I really wasn't even planning on having sex or attempting to have sex with her agian but w/e. I got to her room and we chilled for...
  15. K

    wtf is going on with me?

    haha yea well this girl talks a BIG game and she is a lot more exerpienced then i am but i don't think that was the case...i could be wrogn though i dk what are some tips u guys have on ow to relax? becuase it starting to bug we out i jsut want to put inside of her haha
  16. K

    wtf is going on with me?

    okay, well finally after 2 months of being with my girl, she wanted to have sex :) last night i went to her place (not knowing that she wanted to)...and we ended up getting naked nad her saying i want to have sex blah blah. Now heres where my problem was...i couldn't get hard! ie never had...
  17. K

    WTF is happening?

    I know that lol...Shes on her period and I've just been getting with her for a short amount of time. I'm just wondering why now, my first year in college, am I starting to do this? This HAS NEVER happend to me before and I'm starting to get a little worried.
  18. K

    WTF is happening?

    Hey guys just wanted to say whats up. I just found out about SS and looking forward to learning a lot here! Now with that being said, I've been having some problems recently that have been FREAKING ME OUT. I am a freshman at college. Only had sex once btu have dry fVcked plenty of girls. Now...