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    How to find pefect woman for LTR

    So there are no specific character traits I should look for in order to tell if a girl would be good in an ltr?
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    The Science of Love

    Science has explained the underlying neurochemistry that creates the feeling of love/lust. To make a relationship work beyond that takes(I'm guessing here) mutual respect and selflessness. The old timers seemed better at this than todays youngsters.
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    Screw ALL canadian/american women

    I read that WSJ and couldn't believe it: fat guys getting dessert and the troops waiting for a ladder to get out of the bus, insane..... I would like to think that you are right about the cause being feminism. But it doesn't quite add up. Look at western europe like spain, italy, france...
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    flaxseeds just as bad as soy?

    Did you see this? If this isn't the truth then please tell me what the truth is. After all that is why I am asking.
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    Re: Re: I agree with you on milk. But also remember that a lot of the same can be said for eating meat in general. From chicken breasts to pork chops to ground beef they are all given hormones and fed really really bad stuff. So we can slam milk all day but then turn around and eat...
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    Screw ALL canadian/american women

    It is true that foreign women are better. I started a thread about this on Read the responses...... the post is titled "foreign women" I'm not sure how to transfer the post here so everyone can read. If someone could do that it would be nice.
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    flaxseeds just as bad as soy?

    Well we know that if you give it to women it reduces menopause symptoms because it has a similar affect as esttrogen. Do some google searches and check out the second page on the "milk" post, someone there mentions some of soys effects.
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    flaxseeds just as bad as soy?

    Most of the smart people here know that soy products can raise your estrogen levels because soy contains phytoestrogens(in the form of isoflavones) which mimic estrogen on our bodies. Well I found out that flaxseed contains lignan which also is a phytoestrogen. So does this mean that flaxseed...
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    Golden Advice On Long Term Relationships (LTRs)

    Gold heart, But if you only see her once a week that means sex only once a week. Isn't that a recipe for cheating. If she likes it more often than that wont she get somebody on the side? Great post by the way.
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    I am ruined by foreign women

    Re: Re: I'm afraid I didn't understand a lot of your points. Let me make a couple of points. -The US got where we are today because we were producers and creators of new innovative products. This is know changing as china and india are doing it cheaper and just as good. - You...
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    I am ruined by foreign women

    I wouldn't be surprised if we are wired genetically to like people from foreign areas more than local people because mating with foreigners increases ones genetic diversity thus reducing the risk of inbreeding problems. The real big problem is that if you do score a foreign chick and bring...
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    What Is Wrong With This Site.

    Re: My take HHHHHMMMMM I know what you are saying but if you look at the raw numbers you'll see that the US sex ratio is 1/1 male to female(this is from the cia world factbook) where as in most of europe and japan it's about 104 males for every 100 females. So it would seem european...
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    Don't give in to a woman - always stick to your principles?

    I don't get it egoist. You're saying you wont give up your principles. So your principles include not helping a girl who needs help? I'm confused...... there is a difference between being a slave to someone and helping someone who deserves it. Maybe I'm missing something.....
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    My (current) thoughts on seduction

    MOTU, When you say "make a women feel special" how exactly do you do this? Do you do it with compliments only or is there some other special way to do this? thanks
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    Getting treatment for Social Anxiety

    The people who have classified 'social anxiety' as a sort of inborn or naturally untreatable disease, are in my eyes MATERIALISTIC CRIMINALS. I don't care if they are well-intentioned or not. --- Oh I see, you know everything and anyone that doesn't agree with you is a CRIMINAl? Man! you...
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    Getting treatment for Social Anxiety

    Like I said drugs are dangerous. In fact I am surprised they aren't MORE dangerous than they are considering the complexity and difficulty in making them. But the GOODS far far far outweigh the BADS. Go to africa and see all the people dying of malaria, TB and AIDS because they aren't able to...
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    I think I have Avoidant Personality Disorder, should I use medical drugs?

    IF you feel the problem is preventing you from doing things that you want to do then by all means track down a real good psychiatrist. I believe drugs should be a last resort so try and see if you can get referred to a good psychologist that can help you through it. If that fails then feel...
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    Getting treatment for Social Anxiety

    Damn you anti drug people are nuts! Is big pharma's number one goal to make as much money as possible? Yes and the same goes for every other company in the world and that's how it should be. The reason people work so hard to make new discoveries is the expectation that they will profit from it...
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    Good sites

    Lets make a list of all the good seduction/dating websites out there. I know of only this one and intellectual***** if anyone knows of any others please share them.
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    Social Anxiety

    Paranoid schizo speaks the truth.