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  1. T

    To yell or not to yell?

    That is the question. Some seem to say that you shouldn't yell at a woman if you are angry at her because this shows that you can't control yourself. And that it also shows that she can control your emotions. They say that you should be cool. calm and collected even when inside you are...
  2. T

    is there a girl-version of this site?

    I didn't find anything
  3. T

    State Of Emergency!

    Which book were those quotes from?
  4. T

    Emergence of Modern-day harems?

    where did you find the article?
  5. T

    Very Scary but Informative Site

    Do men worship women like we do in the western world in other places and I mean worship them to an unhealthy obsession. The answer to me is simply no. - If european men are willing to jump into some guys chair when he goes to take a piss JUST for chance to talk to her for one...
  6. T

    Most women don't have the character to handle being treated nice.

    Of course it turns them off, but why? It's not excitement and intrigue. What's so exciting and interesting about being treated like **** by a bad boy. That's masochism not intrigue. Would you repeatedly stick your hand into a fire? Well that's basically what women do.
  7. T

    why is it so hard now?

    What I have been able to gather from talking with older people is that in the 1950s and prior to that, women did not like bad boys. They saw them as unclassy and undignified and many even thought of them as scumbags. But who knows. Maybe women really did like bad boys even back then. Do...
  8. T

    why is it so hard now?

    If this is true then why is it that so many canadians copy our pop culture? If you guys are so much smarter than us then why copy the stupid americans? Look how quickly you guys picked up US rap/hip hop culture. I'm not trying to be mean to you but canadians seem to like to make fun of...
  9. T

    why is it so hard now?

    Women appreciated class, integrity, diginity, etc. Today many appreciate the opposite of those qualities as TV/advertising told them it was cool to date and marry "dangerous." (After a few months that wears off.) - So it's the media that turned women from liking respectable classy men to...
  10. T

    How many get it?

    Really? So even with neil strauss being on late night talk shows that a lot of guys watch you think the number of guys that get it is that small?
  11. T

    30 seconds is all it takes

    I can already hear the skeptics! "This'll never work!" "You show too much interest!" "You didn't build enough rapport!" "She'll never return your call!" SILENCE! This has worked, does work and always will work, but ONLY for the man who has TRULY acquired the philosophy outlined above. If you...
  12. T

    why is it so hard now?

    When I hear really old couples talk about how they started dating and when I read books from way back when it becomes quite clear that things used to be different. The old guys here likely have lived long enough to notice the change. The fact is way back dating was easier. There weren't all...
  13. T

    How many get it?

    What percentage of men in the US realize that women really don't like sensitive nice guys? I'm curious as to how many men in the US really get it. And when I say get it, I don't mean that they have mastered women but rather that they have come to the realization that what they were taught...
  14. T

    Hardwired for attraction

    I realize that the current theory is that we are hardwired genetically to be attracted to certain things(like women being attracted to alpha/bad boys). But if we are genetically programmed to be attracted to certain things then why is it that different cultures find different things attractive...
  15. T

    Foreign women and **** tests

    So are you saying russians do or don't give **** tests?
  16. T

    Foreign women and **** tests

    I have heard from a number of different people that foreign women don't play games and do **** tests like american women. When I say foreign I'm talking about women in south america, asia and eastern europe/russia. So is it true that foreign women don't give **** tests(like flaking) and...
  17. T

    Got Arrested Last Weekend - Everyone Read

    How do you do a background check?
  18. T

    Screw ALL canadian/american women

    Where is she from?
  19. T

    Seducing is the Easy Part, Keeping Them is Hard

    This is an interesting point. I think you should expand on this and maybe start a new post on it. It's an interesting becoming a game player does it, in a way, doom us to attracting mostly the female game player thus ruining our chances of finding a good ltr girl. A lot of...
  20. T

    flaxseeds just as bad as soy?

    What I'm wondering, however, is whether flaxseed would have the same effect on estrogen as soy does since they both contain phytoestrogens?