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    Books on nutrition

    Does anyone know of any really good books on the nutrition/eating aspects of training(whether it be aerobic or weightlifting). Some people like books that are simple enough that a retard could understand it and some like ones with heavy science jargon. I myself am science minded guy so the...
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    philosopher of modern-day feminism, dies

    I believe feminism has been bad for society as a whole. I'm not sure if it has been bad for women as a whole. I hate feminism personally. But obviously a lot of american women fully embrace it so there is something about it that they love. It would be interesting to get a huge group of women...
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    How do I become a man

    Thanks guys, All is appreaciated, and by the way that poem is real good. That said does anyone know of any good books on how to become a real man? I'm not talking about stuff like the DJ bible but just on becoming a real man in general.
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    How do I become a man

    I'm an afc and like many of you I want to become a real man. But in this pussified age it's quite tough especially once you're in your 20s and you are used to behaving a certain way. Every once and awhile there will be an article on "how to be a man" and the advice is get into bodybuilding and...
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    Training to failure

    Fry your CNS? Are you sure? Do you have any sources or proof for that?
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    male gymnast paradox

    I mentioned in my post that gymnasts don't seem to get big, just defined and ripped. It all depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking to get big that by all means lift weights but not everyone wants that.
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    Learning from romance novels?

    Has anyone ever read a romance novel? If you have what was the male love interest character like? Caring and sensitive or jerkish? Seeing as women wet their panties reading this stuff it seems there could be something to learn from it.
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    Christian girls

    Has anyone here ever dated a real christian girl (really believes the stuff and goes to church)? I say real because there are a lot of people who say they are christian yet don't live their lives like a christian( they talk the talk but don't walk the walk). Do the christian girls have more...
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    Training to failure

    I have been told by a number of people that training to failure is bad. Is this true? And if so why, biologically speaking, is it bad to do?
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    male gymnast paradox

    warboss, Can you tell me more about DC? I did some searches and didn't really find anything. Are there any sites where I can find out more about it? thanks
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    male gymnast paradox

    Thanks for the reply. I have a few questions. When you refer to the negative part of a lift would that be the part of a push up where you are lowering yourself to the ground? Why do you say that gymnasts do slow controlled negatives(just curious)? And most importantly of all, what is the...
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    male gymnast paradox

    I have met several male gymnasts over the years that all competed at the college level. As I'm sure you guys have at one point or another seen the olympics and noticed that male gymnasts tend to be quite buff(not huge but buff) and ripped. The guys I met were no different. Yet when I would...
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    nice guy versus jerk

    I had an interesting thought lately. As many of you know women in their late 20s and 30s often stop chasing jerks and start looking for niice guys in order to settle down and start a family. Research has also shown that many different animals get a beta provider male and then get an...