How do I become a man


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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I'm an afc and like many of you I want to become a real man. But in this pussified age it's quite tough especially once you're in your 20s and you are used to behaving a certain way. Every once and awhile there will be an article on "how to be a man" and the advice is get into bodybuilding and stand up for yourself. While that is good advice I was hoping someone could provide a little more in depth advice on how to become a real man. A blow by blow, step by step kinda thing. If no one wants to put the time into writing such a thing could someone at the very least suggest any good in depth books that will aid me in my quest to transform myself from girly man to the man I want to be. Basically I'm looking for a "How to be a manly man 101". The more detailed the better.

Thanks guys


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
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Long Beach, NY
click the DJ bible link up on the top right corner to help with the lady problems. As far as being a man, I believe that **** comes from within. Until you get fed up with youself being an AFC and take charge to change it, you will be an AFC. Or you can join the Army.

Heres a poem that helps me when times are tough. Maybe it will help you find your inner manhood. Good luck


"Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scrolls,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."

By William Ernest Henley


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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Serialized3's guide to being a man:

1. Don't be a pussie. This is what separates the men from the boys. Walk slowly and gracefully. Stand tall. Have a good posture. Keep eye contact with girls you like. Don't be fake and macho, but act like you would if you just won the lottery and (insert supermodel's name here) was begging to suck your ****. Don't be afraid to go up and talk to those girls at the bar or grocery store or wherever. The worst thing that can happen to you is some broad is indifferernt to you. So what?

2. Have a life. Be interesting. Have some cool hobbies that you're really into. For instance, I'm a speed skiier, because downhill speed is the ****, not because the ladies think it's cool.

3. Have the mindset that you want women, not that you need women. You're born without them and you'll die without them.

4. Be confident. Like who you are when you look in the mirror, even though you're not perfect. Accept your imperfections. I'm a little chubby, but whatever. I don't even think about it when I'm out picking up chicks, and it seems like if you don't pay attention to it, neither do the girls. If you're clever, you can make fun of your shortcomings, and they overlook it.

5. Oh yeah, steak, beer, and football.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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Be mature,direct most of your energy in the pursuit of real goals instead of hobbies.Let your angry side hangout when you have to.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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Originally posted by Serialized3
Serialized3's guide to being a man:

3. Have the mindset that you want women, not that you need women. You're born without them and you'll die without them.

^You stay inside your mothers womb for 9 months and you come out her *****.

There wouldn't be life without women.

^That's one of the main reasons why men love it so much.They're looking for there moms but don't want to admit it.

And unless your gay you need *****..


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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I have 2 standards to a true meaning of a man in my opinoin.
1.You support your family,kids and wife.
2.You are truely satisifed with your life to where you do not regret anything you have done.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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Thanks guys,

All is appreaciated, and by the way that poem is real good. That said does anyone know of any good books on how to become a real man? I'm not talking about stuff like the DJ bible but just on becoming a real man in general.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
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Long Beach, NY
Originally posted by treefingers
Thanks guys,

All is appreaciated, and by the way that poem is real good. That said does anyone know of any good books on how to become a real man? I'm not talking about stuff like the DJ bible but just on becoming a real man in general.
There is no book, it comes from within. You have to find the purpose of your life and you have to want to achieve goals. This goes way beyond getting women and more along the lines of getting what you want out of life. Set a goal and make it happen. Things in life dont happen by themselves, you and only can make them happen. Grades in school, landing internships, getting your dream job, etc all rely on you. Once you hit 17 years old IMHO the hand holding stops and its time for personal initiative to kick in or you are destined to take what is offered and not what you desire/deserve.
look in the mirror, get mad at yourself for being an AFC, tell yourself "it stops right here, right now", make a list of goals (short term, long term and life goals) and do everything you can to make sure you complete those that are on the list or die trying.
I started off as an AFC, goofed off my first year in college, then enlisted in the Army where I then found out what I wanted in life. Now I am done with the Army (in the reserves now but that doesnt count) am back in school and am one of the top 5 students in the business department. How is this possible? When I was in combat I "woke up" and saw what I wanted which didnt include me doing 20 years in the military making very little money or getting killed by some Iraqi, Afghani, or other American hater before I was 25 years old. I then formulated a plan on what I needed to do to get there and executed it.
Its not that hard once you get on the right track but you will be resistant to yourself at first because you are going to be breaking habits you have had for years.
Take charge of your life, set goals, make plans on how to achieve the goals, and execute.
This is America, anything is possible, and you only live once. You have a lot going for you, remember that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
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South Africa
Just do whatever makes you happy. :) Don't listen others.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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-I deal with things with a cool head.

-I never walk away from a problem.

-I try and be as objective as possible in my day to day dealings.

-I live my own life.

-I walk my own path.

-I never put anyone ahead of me, except my family.

-If someone disrespects me, i call them on it.

-If someone praises me, I thank them for it.

-I never apologize for my desires or my beliefs.

-I walk with poise and confidence.

-I treat everyone around me with respect, unless they prove undeserving of it

-I speak my mind and don't worry if i pi$$ someone off.. it's not my problem.

-I NEVER EVER let a women try and lead me. I go and she follows or she stays behind.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
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Paradise (with rain)
Originally posted by The Bad Ass Canadian
-I deal with things with a cool head.

-I never walk away from a problem.

-I try and be as objective as possible in my day to day dealings.

-I live my own life.

-I walk my own path.

-I never put anyone ahead of me, except my family.

-If someone disrespects me, i call them on it.

-If someone praises me, I thank them for it.

-I never apologize for my desires or my beliefs.

-I walk with poise and confidence.

-I treat everyone around me with respect, unless they prove undeserving of it

-I speak my mind and don't worry if i pi$$ someone off.. it's not my problem.

-I NEVER EVER let a women try and lead me. I go and she follows or she stays behind.
Words to live by


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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It's all about re-creating your perception of yourself or developing a mindset. You can act like a man, but it won't necessarily make you a man, just like you can't expect to become an artist, musician or athlete by reading about it.

The reason you have had a lot of advice to get into bodybuilding is because it is so damn effective! It's what transformed me and many other here and it's actually easier, quicker and more gratifying than any techniques or tricks you'll learn.

I'm not talking about becoming a hulking musclehead (I'm not aiming for that myself), but the process of weightlifting increases testosterone, improves self image, posture and puts you into a masculine, bold and fearless mindset. Even if you just buy some weights for home use.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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The reason you are having this problem is because our modern culture does nothing but degrade the values that make a man great.

Oh yeah, steak, beer, and football are cliches an they do not reflect the true nature of men. Promoting such degrades the notion of masculinity

You don't have to give a **** for those things to be a man.

Women and all that you own are the fruits of your labour and hard work. They are not your end goals. Your end goal is to live your life learning how to be a man so that you can die like a man.

real men don't gossip.
real men don't get makeovers
real men are men of action and not words
real men don't subjugate themself to women
real men are powerfull
real men value wisdom over intelligence
real men are not dirty
real men are not pigs
Real men are not killers.
Real men are not thieves
Real men are not liars
Real men do not cheet on their women
Real men don't judge their manhood on how many times they get laid.
Real men know how to uphold an oath
Real men give their word and keep it
real men are respectfull gentlemen
real men are have respect for women who are not hores
real men have willpower
real men are not subject to what women say they want
real men enforce the terms of their relationships
real men are not influenced by the media and have a mind of thier own
Real men will die for what they believe in and love.
Real men are not afraid of falling down or being rejected.
Real men have their life an their death in order.
Real men focus on providing and protecting their women and children
Real men realize that they will always be learning what it means to be a man for the rest of their lives.
Real men learn from their mistakes and pick themselves up.
Real men realize that they can always be a better man.

Congratulations, You have shown the last trait on that list. you should be humble and live the rest of your life in learning.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
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I think it is has alot to do with self much value do you have in to be a man is determined in your mind and followed out by your actions...give yourself value..think like a million dollars...act like a million dollars...I have done that for me and it has turned a world of hurt and almost commitiing suicide into a world of fun...

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by 00Kevin

real men are not dirty
real men are not pigs
Real men are not killers.
Real men are not thieves
Real men are not liars
Real men do not cheet on their women
real men are respectfull gentlemen
real men are have respect for women who are not hores
I disagree.

The Bad Ass Canadian and suprisingly Jariel touched on what you should be concentrating on.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ( . )( . )
I disagree.

The Bad Ass Canadian and suprisingly Jariel touched on what you should be concentrating on.

well if you disagree then I guess you suport the lies of feminism.

Feminism says that men are like all those things that I rebuked.

A real man is basically the exact oposite of what feminism says he is and says he should be.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jariel
It's all about re-creating your perception of yourself or developing a mindset. You can act like a man, but it won't necessarily make you a man, just like you can't expect to become an artist, musician or athlete by reading about it.

The reason you have had a lot of advice to get into bodybuilding is because it is so damn effective! It's what transformed me and many other here and it's actually easier, quicker and more gratifying than any techniques or tricks you'll learn.

I'm not talking about becoming a hulking musclehead (I'm not aiming for that myself), but the process of weightlifting increases testosterone, improves self image, posture and puts you into a masculine, bold and fearless mindset. Even if you just buy some weights for home use.

Mastering your body is very important but your motives should never be for the purpose of attracting women.

If you run on the tread mill and lift weights all day just because you want a girl friend then you are going to be in for the shock of your life. Life will teach you a hard lesson and smack you down in your place for being so pathetic.

The basis of action must have a strong foundation.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Unregistered
Face your fears and conquer them.
ah... this is true... but a man must be sure he faces his fears in a manner that is constructive to his development.

facing fear in the wrong way can lead to a man to ruin.