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    My Amazing LTR GF has a "Bad Past"

    I didn't read any of the other replys.... I had a girl like that once and she was taken from me by god and I still to this day wish she was still here. Shes a keeper man, she sounded like you loved her; she reminded me of my fiance... my fiance had a terrible pass with a lot of drinking...
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    well, if shes even going with you I would say u have aleast some chance. Give it a try, start now. Maybe even you could get her to break up with him, thats what I did. :P Well if you both ride together, before, after. Post prom, before, after that. After Prom when you go home to change...
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    Lying - Body Language and Eyes

    Here buddy I found this a long time ago and its been in the Favorites ever since then: Its a cool site. Well there you go.
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    how to get my g/f to want sex

    I agree with everything Kev me723 is saying. One thing Im not sure about. It sound like you two havent even talked about sex or anything or for that matter know each other that much. In my opinion if you both cant talk about it together your not ready. So Im glad your waiting.
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    my first relationship

    Exactly, you said it! You are the PRIZE!
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    If this ******* touches me ONE MORE TIME, it'll be the end of him.

    Hey Im a Martial Artist too. I havent had to use any of it, besides tournaments and in class. But I dont think thats my people dont mess with me. Im not sure, im from a small school. Could be I dont let it bother me and show them that. I'll think about it... Viper here is what Law 44 says...
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    recently dumped

    Yep do that. Last year I asked this girl out and she turned me down basicly (wasnt a flat out no) anyways, I joked around to her and our friends about the whole thing, NOT A week later she was telling me she always liked me and didnt know why she was ignoring it and told me she hurt me b/c...
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    If this ******* touches me ONE MORE TIME, it'll be the end of him.

    48 Laws of Power... I would say not to touch him but mess w/ his mind, I love doing that to ppl, more satisfaction that way. why not to touch him? Well, Law 5 - So much Depends on your Reputation-guard it with your life Law 26 - Keep your hands clean Theres other ways to deal with him...
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    I felt as if i had no chance.

    Nice! goodjob! Only thing I could say you did wrong was say she was the prettiest girl in the whole store. I know what I'm doing. My girlfriend calls me a A$$hole everyday, ****y son of a B!atch once in a while and conceited only once. I also get called Ridiclous, wierd, funny, dorky...
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    Her house or mine?

    good question, I dont know what would be better, if anything take turns at least going to each others house. but for this special occasion, idk. Me being me, lazy, well not really but I would make her work for ya, probably would have her come over.
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    Getting to know my prom date....

    just be ****y and funny, and remember more funny than ****y. I've been out a few times with my date to Prom, now gf, we went to a Chinese Resturant and whats cool about them is that they have the Chinese signs things. For the most part I made fun of her being a Dragon and related what it...
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    People think I'm slow.

    Try reading out loud, keep a good pace or something, and if u havent already read this, I havent read it for a long time but it was in my favorites If you smile and show confidence, I wouldnt think anyone would think bad about you, but I still a...
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    48 laws of power by greene

    lol, read it!!! Its pretty good so far. I read it every few nights. Maybe pick up his other book too, the Art of Seduction. I have both of them, my mom got the art of seduction and I have the 48 laws of power as a E book, that I downloaded. :P Get lime wire and download a whole bunch of crap.
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    father molests her I think

    lol, I have. I already have a prom date. As a matter of fact I got one that night of the email. Did I tell you guys, that my mom was the one that came up with the idea about 2 months ago and i didnt want to believe it. I tell my mom a lot. Our family pretty close, we dont have any secrets...
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    father molests her I think

    Alright. w/e dude. I appreciate you opinion. but it doesnt explain the wierd stuff. Art of Seduction teaches this though: " The key to following the path of the Ideal lover is the ability to observe. Ignore your targets' words and conscious behavior; focus on the tone of their voice, a...
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    father molests her I think

    so how would I go about finding out anything? I cant just run I have her in like 3 of 5 classes a day. or either way just run? meaning even those shes acts are these things that I should just stay way anyways?
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    father molests her I think

    I also know that her mom verbally abusive. She told me this. She calls her dumb (she not at all) and that she will never get anywhere in life and if she does it will be because of her looks. Thats pretty damn close that I would almost quote that. but we never talk about her father, we hardly...
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    father molests her I think

    Yea, but its all to weird. Shes had a bf (kind of) he was a playa (as said above right before all this weird stuff too). and a week ago, I was listening in on a convo w/ her and another girl and she was sounded little worried and jokingly was something like I'll probably get asked to prom in the...
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    father molests her I think

    I would disribe her as: beautiful likes guys attention, even thought she loved me, but when I tried to do anything w/ her she leaves me alone and flirts heavey w/ other guys, even drew them a picture w/ her name for them and I have never ever seen her do this, and this was two days after I...