Getting to know my prom date....


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Im taking a girl a year younger than me to prom, she's a HB8 and tons of guys go for her. SHe has a reputation a being a complete sunshine girl, and I know from expieriance. At one point in time she did want 2 be w/ me n all that but then it got weird and dragged out to long and it all wore off. Well its been about a year or so since all of that and we only started talking cuz I asked her to prom, and a bunch of my girlfriends in my grade told her to. At first she said she wasn't sure.... pretty much cuz she went w/ this guy to semi-formal and they had a ****ty time cuz they never hung out outside of school. Well I made a lame move and waited for a week or so and one day I was sick of it so im like, are you gunna go to prom w/ me or what.... she said "I'd love to", and got all excited.

Well prom isn't for like 2 months so I told her I'd make sure we hung out and w/e. Well she calls me while im working the other day and left a message about her dress or something, I texted her back and she called me right back when I got out of work.

Then she said we should start going on dates. I have my license now so this isn't a problem at all but I find it kinda sudden and since she's such a sunshine girl I gotta take everything w/ a grain of salt.

In school she's starting to say hi or w/e in the halls... "Hi Nick (my name)" as she smiles.

My biggest issue is figuring how to conduct myself on our dates now. I mean I have no idea on her intentions and I don't wanna mess stuff up so I don't know where to draw the line. Since I had knee surgery a while back there won't be to many action dates, mostly dinners movies stuff like that.

In all reality I'm fine, I just need to know how to take things, what to expect from her...

And how I should pursue getting closer without messing stuff up

For the record I wouldn't mind getting with her... obviously


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Well U r all set up as far as i see. Just go out with her and make her more comfortable when she is with u!! the more time u spend together the more comfortable she will be with u!! and take some dance lessons if u suck at dancing..


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
just be ****y and funny, and remember more funny than ****y.

I've been out a few times with my date to Prom, now gf, we went to a Chinese Resturant and whats cool about them is that they have the Chinese signs things. For the most part I made fun of her being a Dragon and related what it said about her to herself.

Don't worry about messing it up, shes already going with you, so there shouldnt be anything to worry about.

In all reality I'm fine, I just need to know how to take things, what to expect from her...
hmm... not sure what you mean, just show her how much fun you are to be with. Bottom line just have funny and be funny and just a little ****y.

ehh, hope it helps

oh yeah and do some Kino!!! ;)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
L.A., CA
whatever you do or whereever you take her, be in control! all my lady friends who have boyfriends either wished for or has guys that lead them through the dates. Supposedly a big fat turn on i guess.
when i took my girl out on our first date, i didnt constantly ask "what do you want to do now?" or "where do you want to go next?" I simply offered this and that or demand that we go do this (with no hostility of course).

as for conversations, stay true to the ****y/funny AND good listening skills at the same time. it REALLY pays off to listen closely because when you just happen to run out of things (more likely on first dates), you can always bring up that one specific detail she mentioned during your conversation, and branch out from there further. she'll feel good knowing that you actually listen to what she says!