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  1. B

    help (this is simple)

    Here, this might apply to u as well. think its what coolguy says
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    ~~ What do you think of my MySpace?~~Rate Me

    lol and read my seduction style, I really got that!!!
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    ~~ What do you think of my MySpace?~~Rate Me

    lol, rated your dog. Thats ok, I seen the others. He has good taste. :O how about me? lol Heres mine... ... rate me while your at it. I just join, what was it, last sunday.
  4. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    Also, Megan our friend, more of my friend. Megan was told by her that I would never talk to her (thats part of the convo, dont remember the rest). Anyways its BS, we (her, target)had whole talks her not wanting to talk to me. Megan told me this about a week ago. I was wondering should megan tell...
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    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    Thanks Damian, its hard though, Wish she was different. I'm doing alright though, but I still think of her many times a day. Ok a update. She doesn't really do much talking, unless I've have or did something interesting. I understand that. I havent did it yet, coolguy. Trying to build a...
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    Yo AC/DC

    Just LOL.
  7. B

    My 2 VERY AFC friends...

    idk, they like twins?
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    Rejection or Not?

    I'm not sure, not really enough convo to go on. Maybe, say like well I was worried about you, but I thought u were worth it. then walk a way or something. then you need to play it cool, and show less intrest in her, and see if she changes her mind, if not then move on or yea I...
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    Prom Dilemma

    yeah, just go out with your friends at every chance and meet girls and go from there.
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    Don Juan Techniques losing to the NICE GUY?

    lol, a girl did something close to that today to me, and I said something like "I was kidding too." It was funny we both laughed. Think she laughed and while saying 'yea right'. I dont remember if I said 'I really was (kidding)' or not, but yea. She always calls me funny and a dork all the...
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  12. B

    Going to ask a HB9 to a prom TOMORROW. What to bear in mind?

    Congrats!! learn some Break dancing, lol :P
  13. B

    Tricky situation...

    Not sure what you could do, just establish a sense of security with them and go from there?!?
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    This Is Serious, What Would You Do If...

    Wow omg, yeah do them all, maybe not kick his ass, but I would sure want too!! Why didnt the girls just kick his ass and run?!? :|
  15. B

    Turned her off?

    If you havent given this a read, then do it, its a really good. Hope it helps! I just read it and then read your post and I thought it might help. I'm still newbie. Sorry I couldnt help anymore.
  16. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    OK, I'll do what you said Coolguy. I'm not so sure if she really is doing it again, we were pretty close friends. Maybe shes just seeing if I'll go wimpy again with her 'talking to me'? Another friend of ours told me, that someone was talking about me, and her(target girl) said "Well I...
  17. B

    I need some advice.

    Yeah, I agree; Emotionally detact yourself from her. Just read the matierial, if you haven't already.
  18. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    Thanks guys, She is hott. She's at least a 9. Yeah, sounds good thats probably what I'll do. What does everyone else think about this, do you agree?
  19. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    Thanks, I figured. I know I need a better girl, but I still got feelings for her. Think part of it was due to the sweet car I drove today. Mazda RX8 :woo: my mom bf car I don't plan on talking to her at all. One way street right now.( she will be doing the talking to me) Be ****y...
  20. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    I'm in HS. Senior. Earlier this year, friend show interest in me. She one them that you can't tell FOR SURE if she likes you, but other friends are like o she likes you...anyways I went for the kill and asked her out, writes a letter basically tells me no and tells me she almost said yes, but...