Tricky situation...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, here it goes...this is going to be VERY hard to accomplish. My friends and I have gone thru almost every group of girls in our high school (that are hot). We've come to a point where there is only 1 more group of girls taht are hot that we desire to hang out with. Now this group of girls is a year younger than we are. Heres the situation.

My 2 friends and I know a FEW of these girls. The one I know already has a BF, the one my other friend knows (lets call him A) knows 2 of her friends (1 being the one I know and another being just another girl)...

And then theres my 3rd friend (B)...Now B knows one of the key SINGLE girls in their group. She is single and is in one of his classes. Now we figure he can talk to her and try to get them to hang out with us this weekend but thats more of a long shot than anything else..

So A and I are trying to think of ways where we can talk to these girl's without havign it seem awkward (the other ones that we don't know). Now myself and A walk together in the halls after one of the school periods where we pass 2 of the girls that we don't know. We only see them for about 2 seconds and how can we go about approaching them without it being awkward/them thinking wtf just happend lol?

Also what else could we possibly do to get them to not feel awkward and hang out with us?


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Not sure what you could do, just establish a sense of security with them and go from there?!?


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Walk into one of them, and act like you didn't see them. Well, that's what I do, it works well. Girls so expect you to not touch them, it kind of freaks them out, in a good way.

You just need to meet a few of the girls at different times, so that when you're talking to one of them, you can know there friend, they'll talk about you with each other, and you can get together.