I hope shes not doing it again!!


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
I'm in HS. Senior. Earlier this year, friend show interest in me. She one them that you can't tell FOR SURE if she likes you, but other friends are like o she likes you...anyways I went for the kill and asked her out, writes a letter basically tells me no and tells me she almost said yes, but she had old bf problems or something, later a religion excuse, after I told her not to worry (wimpy :( ). Week later she tells me she likes me, two days after that im told she doesn’t want a relationship (playing with me, yes)... I called her on it... we augured, we haven’t really talked since, but now she’s like trying to talk to me... I was shocked. She talked to me like three times today. We hadn’t talked person 2 person for about 4 weeks. (she asked me a question and another was I asked a question out loud in class and she answered) I was like thanks. She was all nice and friendly tones. Your Opinion?

before I believe it was due to my wimpy behavior, I think I fixed that... and im getting the reactions that I should be getting from other girls now...

so my question is do you think she’s coming back on to me?(if so, how do I play it?) or maybe nothing is there?
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Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
She's trying to get your attention, yes.

Don't start acting like a wimp again or else you'll be back at block one.

Ration your time with her and talk to other women.

Good Luck:cool:


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks, I figured. I know I need a better girl, but I still got feelings for her.

Think part of it was due to the sweet car I drove today. Mazda RX8 :woo: my mom bf car

I don't plan on talking to her at all. One way street right now.( she will be doing the talking to me)

Be ****y and funny?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Well you have a couple options but first you have to decide, do you really care about a friendship with her, probably not if you know it will never be more. Cause frankly girls are not much fun to hang out with unless their hot.

So assuming that you can play it this way, if she starts talking to you alot gain, just tell her straight up and honest without being a wimp, be like I like you as a g/f type of way, and I am interested in seeing there that goes. I dont think I could ever see you as a friend again, so you have to make a decision on your own on whether you want to see what happens between us, or we should probably not talk much anymore becuase it will be too diffucult and awkward. Dont say you think it might be too diffucult, tell her it will be, and then you will at least have a clear cut precise answer. But be super confident, not wimpy, and act like you dont car what the outcome is.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks guys,

She is hott. She's at least a 9. Yeah, sounds good thats probably what I'll do.

What does everyone else think about this, do you agree?


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
England, i wish FLORIDA!
I think you should play it back, itd be good practise, jus grab her asss, things like that, play her, like make her want u, tell her shes really nice, then say somethin like 'yeah, ure like the 16th hottest gurl i know! Jus mess wit her, if it doesnt work, then jus go for it,
Nice one for askin her out in the first place man


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by JayUK
I think you should play it back, itd be good practise, jus grab her asss, things like that, play her, like make her want u, tell her shes really nice, then say somethin like 'yeah, ure like the 16th hottest gurl i know! Jus mess wit her, if it doesnt work, then jus go for it,
Nice one for askin her out in the first place man
Its not that this approach doesnt work, but I would not advise it simply because you have to be pretty good in the DJ game, and you have to really have a feel for her personality and then you can play this off, otherwise she might just think you are an ass and get pissed at you ruining any chance whatsoever. Plus I think your a little past the stage for this.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
OK, I'll do what you said Coolguy. I'm not so sure if she really is doing it again, we were pretty close friends. Maybe shes just seeing if I'll go wimpy again with her 'talking to me'?

Another friend of ours told me, that someone was talking about me, and her(target girl) said "Well I wouldn't know, hes not talking to me." My friend mimiced it, she said it real fast and snouty like a bad attitude. (reread it like that) What you u guys think of that?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Give me an update on this man, I wanna see what happened and good luck if you havent tried yet.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
I've seen the manipulative btch a few times. A great way to solve the problem of a girl who likes to waver is to be detached. An excellent tactic that I've worked is to allow the girl to interact with you, but be detached about it. If she puts out, go ahead and indulge yourself, but don't go asking for anything. This tactic runs on the idea that you are demonstrating a higher value than her. This girl is obviously screwed up and will not give a good relationship no matter what your hopes are. Stay detached and remember that you are better than that. Don't be too easily swayed



Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks Damian, its hard though, Wish she was different. I'm doing alright though, but I still think of her many times a day.

Ok a update. She doesn't really do much talking, unless I've have or did something interesting. I understand that.

I havent did it yet, coolguy. Trying to build a relationship back. I've been trying to get the convo again w/ her. I try to make it like im on a 'little' higher plan than her. If it makes sense.

lol, today, I worked in some Kino today. :D In PE were doing scooter races and we on a team, to make it short I had her be my partner for the first team race. Then the next one another team member came over and sat down on it (a guy, we were partners Monday). Anyways I hear her or I think I heard "ahh, I wanted too". After that race were standing around waiting to hear times and she's like I'll be your partner for the back pushing one. So I pushed her around it. We were the first around(she was scared we went so fast, PE teacher even said something), she’s like 109 pounds. :p HB9 Then it was her turn, while she pushed me around she told me"your all sweaty". I didn’t know what to say to that, lol.

My friend Megan knows how she is and remind me not to read into it. I know. :(

I know I could have her, but my problem is getting a one-on-one talk w/ her. I only.

Plan is to do that Damian said and not to give her all the 'cake' and be the wimp I became. Then I will do it coolguy, maybe more of a chance then?!? Or should I just do it now? She might think friends again? Idk. Shouldn't after today I would hope.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Also, Megan our friend, more of my friend. Megan was told by her that I would never talk to her (thats part of the convo, dont remember the rest). Anyways its BS, we (her, target)had whole talks her not wanting to talk to me. Megan told me this about a week ago. I was wondering should megan tell her that she should ask me to talk, so how and how would she go about it?

EDIT: nvm, decide not to mess with it
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Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Hey I understand your problem - im going through the exact same thing. The piece of advice I think you really need to take seriously is being detached. Dont change how you are with her in a big way (maybe more kino and stuff to make her interested) but make sure she is not your focus. Yeah its painful because you have all the signals and then suddenly it falls over, and then its fixed but SERIOUSLY TAKE HER OFF THE PEDASTAL and talk to other women and if anything you will be getting more social work-outs and if she sees you, you may be getting her jealous. Good luck!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah I read his post, and its a good idea, do what he said first, see how it starts working out, and judge from there by yourself on when to use my advice if you end up using it at all.

Good luck man and good work, keep the updates coming


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
hey man,

I'm going to a VERY similar situation as you. During the christmas dance I tried to kiss the girl that i liked and got rejected.

AND, same with you, i seriously thought she wanted to get it with me.

Anways, it's been very akward since then but she's slowly initiatating the small talk and stuff. It's almost identical to your story.

THE BEST ADVICE i could probably give you is not be REACTIVE to her. Make yourself scarce almost ignoring her but not quite. I insert a few ****y and funny comments here and there to show im not intimidated.

Also, as she is also in my PE class... everytime she is around i talk to every girl in the class and make myself the center of the attention. Things like being the loudest, making everyone laugh, and getting the girls to chase me. I can see in the corner of my eyes that she is watching me.

Hope this helps... Let us know how it goes

PS. Valtenine's Dance should be coming up!!!


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
I cleared this because It doesnt mean have anything to do with it.
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Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
I might have gotten somewhere. o_O

Ealier in this thread I told you that it was because of a religion thing. Now look at this LOL.

Anyways, ppl were talking about rumor and old ones and somehow we got brought up. Anyways, she just texted me right there in class and then told me she sent me one.

Her: If u would have talked to me u would have known that I changed my mind about the christian/non christian dating thing


Me: So what u want to go out with me friday or what?

Her: 1. I would but im going to the game that nite and 2. its not gonna be that easy for u.

Me: lol I like that.

Her: why do u like that? (thats not a question I thought should be answer so I moved on)

Me: Why isnt it going to be that easy?

Her: Nope, u anwser me first

Me: Its one of those things u cant explain. Ur turn?

Her: That is not an answer

Me: Yes it is. I cant do any better. So why isnt it going to be that easy?

Her: Because u have changed, honestly im not sure abt "the new u" . I dont know who u are anymore. (DJ?)

She just sent me that. I think I'll just leave it. I don't know when were going to c each other out of school and right now I dont really care. Scared now maybe I dont know.

I feel little happy, but I know it might not last that long.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Keep up the distance, and the demonstrations of higher value. That's what's getting to her. Until you get the first kiss close, keep going with the DHVs and always keep her guessing. Remember to carefully tailor your text replies to fit what image you want to project.



Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, ok, I'll keep up the distance, and do DHV can you give me some examples? and Why until the first kiss?


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
What the fvck, do you lot even read anything that is ever posted. You started this off by over analysing things. You spend far too much time thinking about her and not enough about yourself.