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  1. B

    A weird problem which I need help on

    Here --> anyways, you dont have a problem at all. I go to small school and my friends mom is our english teacher and he's probably ****ed the most girls out of the guys in my class. Dito to Damians advice, good ****.
  2. B

    OMG, weirdest day ever, for the better!!!!!

    lol^ If anything, we will both get drunk together ;) , and if we go w/ our friends, that are hooking up, I know my guy friend will want to have some alcohol
  3. B

    OMG, weirdest day ever, for the better!!!!!

    lol, I think it was more playful, and jokingly, anyways thats how I meant it, b/c I had no plan on buying her some love buzz.(btw, she seen it ealier that day and wanted it, but I gave it to someone else[thats why I said it]) Shes really popular and a HB 8.5, w/ her personalitiy a 9. and im no...
  4. B

    OMG, weirdest day ever, for the better!!!!!

    -Convo when I asked went like this- BOLD = me .............. who you going to prom with? no idea..... haha no anyone from another school or something??? I asked her this ealier in convo, since my other one isnt goin w/ me lol would you go with me to prom...
  5. B

    father molests her I think

    Her fathers a preacher and **** and you know how weird they can be. She does go anywhere doesnt want to do cant or doesnt want to go anywhere w/ guys. was going to prom now isnt "has no desire to" shes a freaking senior and didnt go last year. Whats up? or shes a closet lesbo. she did have tears...
  6. B

    disloyalty and stealing

    sounds good man, I didnt really understand the stuff above that. flirt with her idk, take a piece of her food? Im really not sure. If anything probably something funny b/c u already got the ****y then u said 'good, just as long as you keep your hands to yourself' its not really ****y but they...
  7. B

    OMG, weirdest day ever, for the better!!!!!

    Weirdest fvcking day ever guys. I got shot down by this girl right!!! these are both about her! this ones V-day So this girl thats super hott like a HB9 too w/ a...
  8. B

    My Good Valentines Day Idea?!?

    I did a little something something again on V-day for her and I get a that was nice of you, but u really shouldnt but u would have know I just want to be friends I give up, that dumb *****, im going to try my best to move on, and become a play because I dont think I can love again.
  9. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    ok im done, im going to try my best to move on, I dont think I can love again, so ill become a playa, that dumb *****
  10. B

    My Good Valentines Day Idea?!?

    OK thanks I did. I went to one of our games and talk to my friend and he said shes worried about me thinking she wants a relationship or sometihng, yea I wouldnt mind but hey taken her to prom is enough.
  11. B

    My Good Valentines Day Idea?!?

    Dude omg, she is so ridiclous. This is how it went. We both have workrelease in the morning so got there ealier than she normally does. She shows up and is sad and has tears and ****, I ask her whats wrong, to make it short it ends up being her best friend she hasnt seen for a month isnt...
  12. B

    My Good Valentines Day Idea?!?

    ok, i tried, but her parents might not let her out. Im going to talk to her about that tommorrow. To see if I should talk to them or if they would let her. Should I ask her to prom on the card or verbal? verbal im guessing, woah, I know I can do it, but im probably sure I will sound weird lol
  13. B

    My Good Valentines Day Idea?!?

    reply plz w/ anything
  14. B

    My Good Valentines Day Idea?!?

    ok, I got this idea for valentines day. I talk to her on the phone, she doesnt really like valentines day, she thinks they dont need a special day but that it should be everyday or w/e. I ve lately been hanging with friends and **** and we do a little drinking. So, my idea is im going to...
  15. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    I texted her go out saturday night on saturday. my bad. anyways funny things is she said she was with friends and ect... and was going to be and then said well why dont you just take one of those girls that you couldnt keep your hands off of last night. (the dance, I was thee second most guy...
  16. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    Yeah at first I was analysing about everything, now im just having fun with it again. Thank god, no more bad dayts and all. So let's let the chips fall, thanks to you guys. Im just keeping you updated. :D
  17. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    Hey, ok, I'll keep up the distance, and do DHV can you give me some examples? and Why until the first kiss?
  18. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    I might have gotten somewhere. O_o Ealier in this thread I told you that it was because of a religion thing. Now look at this LOL. Anyways, ppl were talking about rumor and old ones and somehow we got brought up. Anyways, she just texted me right there in class and then told me she sent...
  19. B

    I hope shes not doing it again!!

    I cleared this because It doesnt mean have anything to do with it.