I hope shes not doing it again!!


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by JSH
What the fvck, do you lot even read anything that is ever posted. You started this off by over analysing things. You spend far too much time thinking about her and not enough about yourself.
I have to agree with this.


If you remember my story above, my BIGGEST mistake was that I kept over analysing things and surrounding myself around her.

I was always noticing whether she said hi to me, she didn't say hi to me, she touched me, she didn't touch me etc...

Even though I was surrounding myself with other girls whenever she was around, deep inside I knew I was still noticing her.

I know it's hard but you should probably just let EVERYTHING go and let the chips fall where they may.

The irony that you'll find is when you REALLY stop needing her... she'll come to you.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah at first I was analysing about everything, now im just having fun with it again. Thank god, no more bad dayts and all. So let's let the chips fall, thanks to you guys. Im just keeping you updated. :D


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
I texted her go out saturday night on saturday. my bad. anyways funny things is she said she was with friends and ect... and was going to be and then said well why dont you just take one of those girls that you couldnt keep your hands off of last night. (the dance, I was thee second most guy dancer next to my friend, we danced like every song,i had a little to drink too, but I wasnt no where near drunk) so obviously she heard about it. I called her up asap and was like lmao, really? and who told u? blah blah. She sound like she thought I was a really bad person now. Told me something about one my friends and then I called her up (the friend), talk to her about and it didnt sound true and I text her later telling her that I talked to her. When she had time we should talk because I talk to the friend. She called soon after, she calls me and im like I cant talk right now about it, I have to leave soon. (movies w/ her)

Last night I talk to her for two hours on the phone. I 'busted her balls a few times really really good'. We talked about alot of things, she brought up the last month and ect... Talk about me and her, asked me if I still went to the movies and I did, thee main points are im really sure she likes me and knows I like her, sometime in the last 10 mins I talk to her about going out tuesday, she cant do it b/c of parents dont like her to leave the house on school nights.

All in all. It went really really well I believe. Changed her thinking that all I was anymore was a drunk(im really not a ). Talked about sexual stuff and ect... Of and she told me two secrets, and I didnt tell her zip. (maybe work one in on valentines day?) :p One was about a dream she had of me and her making out in her room!! :D (then I played fun at it and ect.. and told her I think it will happen, not much resistance). She ended the night though, my bad, she had church in the morning was 1:10am. I said it was nice to talk to her and I love you, bye. (just said it, dont know why)

Anyways, tuesday's valentines day, I planing on asking her to prom, im not sure but I think we Ill have time at the end of the day to ask, probably in front of ppl maybe 7 others is that ok?

I got another question too. I asked her out not in person before(in orginal thread), is it alot better to do it in person?
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Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
ok im done, im going to try my best to move on, I dont think I can love again, so ill become a playa, that dumb *****