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  1. T

    Proving youself to people

    ^^^^this is you 'proving yourself to the likes of you' inorder to reason against ace of flames comment about you post 600posts. there are times when what you say is true, how ever there are also time when you need to be open enough to be willing to prove yourself, eg, if an HB comes up to me...
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    New way in approaching women..

    hey this is effectively a WILKY, why i like you..invented by sheriff of mysterymethod UK, if any of you have ever read venusian handbook, and know the M£ model, this stratagy occurs in the A3 and C1 stages, it can also be used to get out of a neg loop...the jkey however isnt really in what you...
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    "Sarging" is For LOSERS

    hey guys, i havent read alot of the other threads as i simply do have time so i'm just going to give my 2pence to this one. dude this is one of the better posts i've seen here, not because your entirely correct but because it shows your no longer neeeeeeding HBs, that non-needyness in...
  4. T

    Do you want HB8s and 9s APPROACHING YOU?!

    got it form one of his Mp3 thingys, it works although it onl works with quite brash girls rather than the conservative ones we get here in the UK, here the standard and accepted intiation of an interaction begins with the male apporaching, so girls here dont really open guys often, its like a...
  5. T

    Do you want HB8s and 9s APPROACHING YOU?!

    although i agree that pet stores and having pets is a great way of DHVing, have you field tested this? the HBs will probably give you proximity allowing you to open them, but i'm pretty sure you'll find that they wont open you, but rather you will still have to open them, very rarly have i...
  6. T

    How did You Guys Get so good

    i started at the lowest point in my love life, when i was really insecure and lacking in self confidenced. i started to do the things that i hadnt done when i was in my relationship, i joined the TA(parttime national guard) started to go out more with friends. and starrted to get really into...
  7. T

    Does alcohol help or ruin your game?

    i never drink, in fact when i instruct i get newbies to notdrink either....if you can cold approach stone sober you'll improve far quicker with more perminent results than if you become reliant on alcohol more over, like in the UK, you cna end up anchoring haveing a good time with alcohol
  8. T

    Live pua coaching worth it?

    (i'm affiliated with MM so this is my notice, some ppl tend to get frizzy about commercial affiliations) personally when i stasrted i didnt do any workshops or bootcamps, and there arre many ppl who get alot of success this way, but there are also ppl, who dont have the inner confidence or...
  9. T

    Make the ho say no! *ESSENTIAL*

    agreed but if you cant even get that, you can forget about sex..or a relationship. by praticing on strangers via cold approaches youa re training yourself, to make friends in very short spaces of time, and creating that connection, near instantaniously. i've had ppl comment when i was in...
  10. T

    Make the ho say no! *ESSENTIAL*

    i disagree, see if you escalate toa kiss then she pushes you off and you go for the number, then you'll look like your settling for her number. for me the correct way would be to get her number, then push for a k-close, then push for a venue change, then push for an ONS
  11. T

    Oh boy,this could be trouble...

    you justt need to be non reactive, civil and frank about it, you did nothing wrong, and the issue lies with the girl. thus for me , my response would be: i dont kiss other ppls girlfriend, i kiss girls, if a girl has a boyfriend, then the responsibiliy is on her to let me know, if i kiss her...
  12. T

    do you have PUA bag of tricks?

    shezz, to avoid confusion, i use a routine stack as a filler, for when i run out of things to talk about, or to spike a girls buying temp. thus the following are when routine stacks ought to be my opinion: 1)training wheels, ie for those who need the crutch 2)experiment, eg to...
  13. T

    Its Time To Wake Up!!!

    surely its that fact that they are average that makes their success so admarable...that the average guy now has as standing chance with a 9/10 they are also both marketing geniuses considrering how fast this communty has grown. i wouldnt consider then heroes but i do admire their...
  14. T

    do you have PUA bag of tricks?

    i take it you mean a routine stack thus i shall post mine as follows: 5/6 planned openers (for when i stall out) 5/6 negs palm reading the cube strawberry fields glow in the dark pig story 16yearold cousin story incredible connections pattern the rose pattern discovery channel pattern date...
  15. T

    Make the ho say no! *ESSENTIAL*

    point made, but it doesnt matter, you objective isnt to get the girl in this circumstance but to see how far you can take it...even if you get blown out, it doesnt matter,a s what she thinks of you doesnt matter, its none of your busines what she thinks. more over that are plenty of other girl...
  16. T

    Breats vs Butt

    a nice butt shows she works out, as its the first place a women will gain weight....if you can bounce a coin on her butt, you can forget about the boobs..:) also a flat stomach is essential! kiera knightly! yum!
  17. T

    Make the ho say no! *ESSENTIAL*

    totally vaild point, ulitmately means that you ought to push each interaction as far as it can possibly until you encounter genuine resistance. this is really healthy as you'll find out limitations and where your going wrong, also it means that you get the oppetunity to have those few...
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    What to do with a girl who wont give up.... on friendship

    shes throwing you a ****e test, dont take it from her shes not worth it, just move on, if she calls texts or so forth,jsut say your bsuy, and you cant always be there for her, she need to do it for herself...thus you can be her eotional crutch as you are only that person to some one who is...
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    A very strong IOI.

    thats probably a good thing... silent PUs rock, but make sure you dont neglect it compleatly or it'll end up as a sticking point for your game
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    cold appraoches do work.

    logic works, but especially for newbies, its important to work volume, as you get better you can become more selective, and the number of sets thatt hook increases, thus your percentage of consistant closes that lead to day2s or f-closes also increases..but everyone has to start somewhere and...