I always thought alcohol helped my game because it gives you confidence and more courage to approach. Well until this week when I changed my opinion.
Alcohol ruined 5 chances this week for me (this are the ones I can remember, probably more but because of drinking I cant remember other ones)!!!
Sunday: I got wasted at a party, and although one hot Blondie was giving me IOI that night I ended up making out with 2 fat chicks
Tuesday: Prom night, this hot chick I licked all high school ended up making out with me, well at least when I was half sober, after I got wasted the only thing I remember is not ****ing her.
Friday(last night): I had 3 solid chances at a concert.
First we were buying beer and this chick that was in line with us said "Hi!" and I just said hi back and walked away.
Second: One girl that always hit on me in Yahoo messenger saying that she really really likes me meets me and tries to have a conversation, I just said: "OK boys lets get another beer!" How drunk can you be that when such a hot babe cheerleader approaches you and you just go to get another beer?
Third: In front of a disco after the concert, one girl that I just vaguely know approaches me with her friend and it goes something like:
HB: -Hey Taviiiiiiii
Taviii: -Ahhh, Hey
HB(to her HB friend): -He is Tavi, isn't he gorgeous?
Other HB: -Yeah he is! Hi I'm xxcxcx
That's all I remember...
I honestly thought until now that alcohol can help your game. Well I guess that it can help you to some point of your development, but after that its more of an obstacle than a solution for fear...
What are your guys opinions on this?
Does it help you or does it ruin your chances?
All DJs are welcomed to write their stage of development so that we can see how alcohol helps or affects your game in different stages of your development!
PS remember I have all the weekend in front of me so there are a lot of chances to be ruined, so answer quickly mates!
Alcohol ruined 5 chances this week for me (this are the ones I can remember, probably more but because of drinking I cant remember other ones)!!!
Sunday: I got wasted at a party, and although one hot Blondie was giving me IOI that night I ended up making out with 2 fat chicks
Tuesday: Prom night, this hot chick I licked all high school ended up making out with me, well at least when I was half sober, after I got wasted the only thing I remember is not ****ing her.
Friday(last night): I had 3 solid chances at a concert.
First we were buying beer and this chick that was in line with us said "Hi!" and I just said hi back and walked away.
Second: One girl that always hit on me in Yahoo messenger saying that she really really likes me meets me and tries to have a conversation, I just said: "OK boys lets get another beer!" How drunk can you be that when such a hot babe cheerleader approaches you and you just go to get another beer?
Third: In front of a disco after the concert, one girl that I just vaguely know approaches me with her friend and it goes something like:
HB: -Hey Taviiiiiiii
Taviii: -Ahhh, Hey
HB(to her HB friend): -He is Tavi, isn't he gorgeous?
Other HB: -Yeah he is! Hi I'm xxcxcx
That's all I remember...
I honestly thought until now that alcohol can help your game. Well I guess that it can help you to some point of your development, but after that its more of an obstacle than a solution for fear...
What are your guys opinions on this?
Does it help you or does it ruin your chances?
All DJs are welcomed to write their stage of development so that we can see how alcohol helps or affects your game in different stages of your development!
PS remember I have all the weekend in front of me so there are a lot of chances to be ruined, so answer quickly mates!