How did You Guys Get so good


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
I never asked this question before but how did some of you guys get good at meeting and attracting women this is an important question especially for newbies


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
it seems ot me that guys have a bunch of different ways to get better i'm just looking for the best way for me


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
I realized that I only live life once. From there I never let an oppurtunity pass me by.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
bootcamp first, then practice, practice, practice, thats all there is to it


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Best way for any day to get good at what he wants to is to pratice and take the risk of making mistakes.

Also it takes alot of reading and hanging around the right guys.
I'll give a list of books to read.

Think and grow rich

Art of Seducation

Magic of Rapport Revised by Jerry Richardson

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

DJ bible

And check out my journal tips.

Begin your journey as a better man by controling yourself first.

Before you can take over the world you must take over yourself first.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
I think the first thing you should work on is some inner game. Read stuff to change any of your mindsets, such as the tips forum and the inner game section on

Honestly, as far as inner game goes, the thing that probably helped me the most was to become comfortable with myself, my strengths and my weaknesses, and to learn to accept myself. No point beating myself up about things I can't change (like being ethnic or 5'10"), but that's no excuse not to work to improve the things I can (like working out and becoming more educated)

Recently, I've learned to detach myself from my ego and see gaming women as...well...basically a game. Most guys are afraid of going out and getting their little egos hurt by rejection, but I see it as sort of a surreal game and chock any mistakes up to experience. So what if some girl is indifferent to you? You'll survive. I honestly have very little to no fear of approaching.

I'd say after internalizing things and building up your inner game and some basic techniques, the most important thing is...

Experience, experience, experience, experience, EXPERIENCE

The difference between keyboard jockeys and guys who are good with women (I wouldn't say I'm really good with women yet, but I'm working on it) are that keyboard jockeys stay at home and read posts and bibles and think about it, but don't actually go out and apply the knowledge.

You really gotta get out there and see what works and what doesn't. Be flexible and be willing to try new things (and ideas of your own). There have been dozens of times I go home alone after a night at the bars and thought about some of the ridiculous or stupid things ive done or said and just thought about it and laughed, learned from it, and tried to avoid the same mistake the next time I would go out.

When you start getting things rolling, you'll see how some of this stuff you read about online is stupid and useless (as far as your game goes) and how much of it you can actually use and apply.

For example, I never ever ever use any canned openers like stuff that Mystery or Style would say ("Who lies more, men or women?"). Stuff like that isn't congruent at all with my game. I think openers are the easiest part, I usually just say something situational and easy like if the games on at the bar "Hey, there's no WAY he was out, he definately beat the throw!" and just get a little chat on...simple as that.

My midgame was somewhat weak and was my sticking point up until recently. I think what really helped me over the hump was reading Ross Jeffries' patterns and learn how to speak chick, basically relating to them in emotional language and words. Also using cold reading to make it seem like they've known you forever, combined with emotional language and slow, deep tonality, works wonders on building emotional connections.

End just gotta know when to go in for the kiss. The only way you can get good at reading when she's ready to go there is experience. I've missed the time to go in for the kiss dozens of times as well, but not anymore. There's a time and a look when you just know. After kissing all you have to do is escalate and go as far as both of you are comfortable going. Don't ***** yourself out though, sometimes not having sex right away is the best way to do things. I have a different opinion on sex than most guys here probably.

Anyways, I didn't mean for the post to be this long or be a bare bones explanation of my technique, but there it is. Feedback welcome, fellas.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
hey it's all good i can use all the help i can get especially since i'm shipping out in august


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
well u have to get some pice of whitewood seedlings , a handful of brainwash hair , two bottles of unicorn leaves , three jars of bateyes , and a bottle of mojo...
now you go to stonehenge and bring a bronze pot, fill it with water , strip doiwn to your underwear, start jumping around on one foot while pouring water in the pot , and sayins : ooompa looompa " over and over again....
after you donw with the water , then you start walking backwards , chanting : ooochakachakachaka booochakachakachaka " while putting in the rest of the ingrediants.... after you dont that then you just stand there and jump up and down doing the chicken dance..... after 10 mins of that you jump into the pot and voila your good with women now............... o_O

it takes practice , everything takes practice you think the guys here just got themsefl all that mojo by themself and game every girl they meet, no they have huuuuuge numbers of rejections they learn they adapt and they try harder next time.... dont expect everything to be given to you freely you have to work for everything in this life.....


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
I probably got all the inspiration and the first spark from the movie "Fight Club" , and especially this quote: "this is your life,and it's ending one minute at a time".It was(still is,im no master dj or anything) a downhill ride from there.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
i started at the lowest point in my love life, when i was really insecure and lacking in self confidenced.

i started to do the things that i hadnt done when i was in my relationship, i joined the TA(parttime national guard) started to go out more with friends. and starrted to get really into my work.

i started to read DYD stuff, deep inner game; and began to really think aobu the things i wanted, not jsut in women, but in life work and such like.

began reading all sorts of books, the layguide, the system, the game, lots of Ebooks and free posts.

i began to experiment with the skills that were mentioned, and started to put the things i had read in to pratice, and got my first lay as a result of being in the same social circle, i did a cold PU experiment which taught me alot, then i went to HK and started to do more cold apporaches.

i joined the LSS (london seduction society, if you guys dont know it, its awesome, magnus, londonplayboy, sheriff, Bish, woodhaven, all post there)
i startd to go on organized sarges, and began to see the finer points of game, i started to get a greated understanding, and equally my results incresed as well. meanwhile i was also constantly reading anything i could get my hands on, i listened to pod casts when i was on the train.

i began to get real results and decided to teach newbies, both to help them, gain expereince instructing, and to learn from them.

skip to today and i'm being signed on to MM in august, i've got a few guys wanting to start up a new PU company looking for me to be the main instructor, i've got 2FBs, and usually have 3/4 day2s a week, i get at least a k-close,and a #close each night i go out out of 3 cold appraoch sets.

how did i get to this level of perrsonal success?/ hard work, lots of thinking, read loads, go out and sarge, friday night saturday day saturday night sunday day, consistantly every week without fail. listen to those more experreinced than you and do as they recommend, teach as if you can teach you will have internaised what youa re tteaching.