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  1. T

    2nd date, she insists to pay!

    personally i'd let her pay...shes offered, you canpay her back another time. for me this is her showing me she want to invest in me and the interaction, so i'll accept it. then suggest another meeting, dont say you'll pay but do it naturally at that second interaction. it really doesnt...
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    Calling Mystery Method practioners

    despite the in personal nature of emails and msn, you can ellicit feelings from an HB, you simply use patterning style language..beleive me its crazy but i does work, hell try it out, its not like you have anything to loose. regarding the M3 model debate, maybe i'll be able to shed some light...
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    Push Pull

    push pull is about giving then taking away what you gave. your friendly then your cold, your happy then your sad. you like her than you hate her. extremes build push pull. the one i find most powerful and the one ppl most often refer to is your attracted, then your not, your interested...
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    I have a problem...

    hey sweetie, no worries, help is at hand, not from me personally, but my friendwithbenafits is an fPUA and i have a few femalePUAs who might beable to help you out,, sign up to the forum and go to the girl next door area and copy and paste all this and i'll...
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    Calling Mystery Method practioners

    yes. any form of communitcation/ interaction works towards that 7 hours, keep it very sexual, but very genuine. allow her also the gift of being able to miss you. keep it light hearted.
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    Consulting the evidence: The Fraud Files

    subliminal messaging...a varient form of NLP was used to great success in the 80s i beleive, also it is an esablished part of business esp sales trainning...its more about communicationskills and rapport buiding that hypnoism as such although that is also possible, the problem however is that...
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    yes and no qualifying is about compliancy and approval to begin with having a very strong frame where she qualifys to you, eg by doing things for you or by comlying to 'hoops' you throw out. how every should you continue this, despite her intial attration there will reach a threshold where...
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    Let the girls come....

    great you've got that xfactor they are looking for, but how do you react to them, did it go anywhere? all of this is game, them apporaching you means you have game, but try and push for a close of some sort in the future, you might as well push the envelope especially when the oppertuinty...
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    She stood me up, do I call?

    on the other hand your reacting to her her mental frame could be 'hey now i've got him doing what i want' if you really want to call her on her crap... 'hey sorry i didnt make the date, i was busy with some friends and went over time, totally forgot.' to be hoenst...
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    Girl knows our game.

    this si a good thing that they know as they will think their immune to it, the suddenly their hooked, also it generates alot of curiosity, every FB i have has know about what i do, heres an FR about this as its relevent: just what i need, an AFC 'friend' of mine decided that it would be good...
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    She stood me up, do I call?

    hey the improtant thing here isnt the girl but your expereince and learning... hell should yolu have know then what you know now...woould you do things the same? if the answer is no then you've gained from all of this
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    She stood me up, do I call?

    do not react..may be her dad died, maybe her cat was up the tree, maybe her mum chopped her brothers head off, maybe shes having sex with 8 men, maybe she feel into a well, who know, and if your really fn to be with and have loads of friends it wouldnt matter or affect you untill she mentions...
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    Race -Does it matter ?

    yes ppl have racial preferences but you can actually get over that...even when i was an AFC i ended up dating a girl for east germany from the epicenter of neo nazisim... she'd never dated a non- white before, and i managed to date her for 2 years... if you subcommuncate enough of what she is...
  14. T

    Hey, need some help regarding phone#

    it can be depending on delivery..and the levvelof comfort you've build with her what you've got there is a time bridge, you stating what you will do, this allows her to relax abit as you've got a plan and she knows the plan better still from your statement is: 'hey i wanna check this new bar...
  15. T

    She stood me up, do I call?

    dude an informal date wound defiantely not include a movie, reason being becasue of stereotypes, a casueal date would be 1/2hours long for coffee and skeeball, some whre really social and open, reason being amovie theater is dark...girls are scared of the dark (seriously) because in the dark...
  16. T

    Hey, need some help regarding phone#

    just get her number, or move on, DO NOT look up her number thats kinda stalker-ish, consider if you were talking to a girl and she was really into you and you went home a few weeks late you get a call and its that girl, you hardly know her you didnt give her your number, why is she calling you...
  17. T

    Race -Does it matter ?

    the short answer is yes, but the long answer is not really. heres why. i'm chinese, about 5'9 and i got a thing for white girl especially girls with red hair... when i was AFC i used to never get girls let alone blondes/redheads etc. the stereotypes out there are what we play to, so in my case...
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    i need some flirting pointers.

    vibe, call them on their banter, and use standard PUA techniques, push pull, negs, ****y funny. calibrate your energy level to be equal or higher than the girl your are flirting with, flirting witha girl in a coffee shop will be very different than flirting with a girl on the dance floor...
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    anyone notice this?

    basically ist just social proofing and visual affirmation of possetion. tbh they view you as a threat hence why its done. these days i tend to laugh and point and make them feel self concious, its pretty much validation seeking behaviour
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    Proving youself to people

    thats where your wrong, you do prove yourself, all the time, despite not liking to, if you want ppl to respect you, you have to be prepared to prove yourself to them, for you an example would be to think about when you went o an interview for your job, that is a point where you ahve to prove...