Girl knows our game.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
hey thanks for ur replies ... they are great ! to those who say they dont use negs dont just say that and leave without a suggestion.

SO no negs ? then what ?its not like im using them all the time, whats ur game then ? isnt neg = teasing and teasing= good ?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Teasing's good, it creates challenge, it creates a playful tension... You may even see it as foreplay in a way.

Not later than today, I sent a text message to my GF which she didn't quite understand.

Me: Let me share the thought of the day: 'Using sarcasm on a blonde girls is like putting guitar string on a violin, it just doesn't work. "
Her: lol Hey! This is not nice...

Her: I was just wondering if there was something behinf your message
Me: I don't know did you turn your phone around and check? lol
We've been together for about a year. I know the game and she knows I know. Yet, I can't think of a better way to diffuse a tense situation and remain the confident attractive man that stole her heart in the first place.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Of course girls know these tactics, after all they have access to this site as well if they are on the internet, which most of them are, the best way to attract girls is by building up your inner confidence, not by using the techniques that they all now know about. :nono: :kick: :nono:


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
its 1 thing if she just says that........the girl on my first date yesterday wanted to check my phone to see if i got messages from other chicks cuz she thinks im a player (which i am, and i was just being really sweet/smooth to her)........of course that makes her a lil psycho, which just makes me wanna fvck her more


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
The fake nail neg is probably the most common neg used by guys like us. You're bound to run into women who have heard it before. I suggest you just plow through if they call you on it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
You're going to rob a bank, ok? A cashier goes up to you and says.. "you're a robber!" Do you "luckily" find a friend who comes in and interrupts you? Or do you just rub that **** test off and continue doing your thing and hit the jackpot?


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Well, even if girls haven't heard these canned routines, they can often tell if some guy is social roboting and reciting some line. Which is what many PUAs do.

So, I don't understand why guys don't just use some PUA principles but talk naturally and come up with their own original shyt? To me canned shyt would be a last resort. Guess many are just not that creative?


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
It's my experience that women are so used to pandering,supplicating AFC's that any time they meet a man with even a modicum of game they call them a player. Every time I meet a girl and I actually act smooth and relaxed about it I get asked if I'm a player. My usual reply is "what is it about players you find so irresistable?" Sometimes this gets laughs and sometimes it gets scrutiny. Who cares. How many times have we all had oneitis for some chick who went after nothing but players? I could be wrong, but it seems to me that women LIKE players because in their world it's the ultimate challenge.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
wayword said:
Well, even if girls haven't heard these canned routines, they can often tell if some guy is social roboting and reciting some line. Which is what many PUAs do.

So, I don't understand why guys don't just use some PUA principles but talk naturally and come up with their own original shyt? To me canned shyt would be a last resort. Guess many are just not that creative?
The idea behind it is that canned lines help men calibrate. Most communication is nonverbal, so while you're learning how to communicate nonverbally you use words that are field tested and proven to work. Then once you calibrate and learn to communicate nonverbally, you come up with yourown material.

Basically you learn to deal with one problem at a time instead of two at once.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
charlezz said:
HB : Are you a player? Do you use this routine to all girls?
Guy: Do you ask every guy this question too? Hey Hi 5!

Exactly. You can take it even furter by saying: "Do you ask every guy this question too, or only the one's you're very attracted to?"

Whatever she answers, turn it around. If she says to all guys, just say, "Ah, so now we know who's the one using routines!! You got pretty tight game. I can't compete with that!"

I agree with Eccentric, backbreaker, NeonBase. This is what they will respond all the time, has very little to do with it being canned, since no matter how much you altere it, or think its original, she has already heard a variation or something similar. Not because she reads this or any other site, or because she read "The Game", etc. Remember, words are only about 7% of communication, so if you are congruent, and are using the other 93% of your communication channels (body language & voice tone), it almost doesn't matter how canned or how many times she's heard it. The same canned lines that make you sound like a douche will work wonders once you have your inner game very tight and your confidence is unshakable. Women will call you out on it if you are inexperienced, while the same line/response will amplify attraction if you understand the overall dynamic.

Their "you're a player" line is just a reflex that helps them quickly, and quite effectively test the guys she's dealing with. How a guy responds will tell her all she needs to know about what kind type she's dealing with.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
this si a good thing that they know as they will think their immune to it, the suddenly their hooked, also it generates alot of curiosity, every FB i have has know about what i do, heres an FR about this as its relevent:

just what i need, an AFC 'friend' of mine decided that it would be good fun to tell all the HBs in my year at uni what i do, post uni on the weekends...thus i've become the 'laughing stock' of the year and a bit of a novalty...with a few i've been able to maintain my dominent frame, but man do i need some help.....

a few of the attempts at taking my frame:

'i thought you were a nice guy'
'i did like you before but now i dont, just cause of all this stuff i dont know if i can trust you'
'your such a player, doesnt that bother you that girls dont like that?'
'geeze that so sad, i thought better of you'
'does that make you a giggalo?'
'i'm a girl this stuff totally doesnt work'

the reality of the situation is that because no one actually knows what i do for real, or how it works, they feel threatened about the 'power' i have over them, they preceive me as a threat, thus the best way for them to deal with that threat is to put it down, thus giving them the illusion of power.

how to prevent this? i'm treating this like an exercise in maintaining my frame and my realty, pratically provoking them to confront me, why? so that i can see if i can stand up against a barrage of ppl that are trying to take my reality and frame away from me (not conceiously, but you get what i mean)

my stance:
this stuff works, i've seen it first hand. i've ahd enough success to know that it does work.
i dont really care what they have to say, i dont go for student girls as all they do is drink..their disquailfied for being dumb enough to argue with me, etc...basically their disquailfied.
i'm reasonablly good at it and will get better, i've CHOSEN not to game them.
women are trying to (wheter they know it or not) trying to take power away from my frame so i get sucked into their reality.

funny thing was eventually a group of 5/6girls confronted be, then one asked...'so why are you doing any of this stuff to us?'

i reply, 'i dont mix work with pleasure'

after that it was like the alamo against IOIs
hope that offers another view of it all.