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  1. T

    hello from england

    london rocks! all the us instructors i've met have said theres no where else like Leister square. in my opinon its super cool! as for the HBs here, they are like NYC girls real high maintaince even the uggers...but a couple of well place negs, freeze out and such like and your good to go. i find...
  2. T

    hello from england

    i usually use situation openers or compliment openers, opinion openers tend not to as well in UK i suspect a)because leicester square is over sarged. b)unless you actually really care about who lies more, girls here can sniff it out a mile away. as for the US scene, i have no clue, despite my...
  3. T

    cold appraoches do work.

    Blackdragon5095 is totally on the money, although you can get a g/f or an LTR from clubs, your more likly to find something far more genuine, and authentic running street game, street game is difficult to begin with but once you master/become competent at it, you'll realise just how much of an...
  4. T

    cold appraoches do work.

    no disrepect intended by the following. i guess in the uk, at least in london with thelss, we primarly run cold approaches, both in clubs and in street, in that we open girls regardless of IOIs or whether we've seen them before. not to say we dont do that as well, but in general the majoirty...
  5. T

    A very strong IOI.

    yeah, just kino escalate, push pull, in terms of spoken stuff throw out hoops and tensionloops for her to jump through and comply with. youc an palm read in a club, but you need to ahve scoped out the club and found a good C1 locationto take her to first. and you really need to have aloud voice!
  6. T

    cold appraoches do work.

    i've never heard of cold approaches not working....hell when you go into a club and use an opener isnt that a cold approach? even day game on the street using an opener on a girl, is a cold approach surely...more over you dont really game girls in a social circle as your already social proffed...
  7. T

    A very strong IOI.

    the barrier has to be one from the environment otherwise it'll sound like your setting it up an SOI fits in at C1/A3 stage of the interaction, when the interaction begins to calm down to a more intimate level. thus your C+F needs to be lowered so she can begin to trust you. you isolation...
  8. T

    Something I am REALLY curious about - who exactly ARE you guys who post here?

    23, out of London UK, semi natural when i got into the game. looking for a job, but instructing for the time being. i do one-on-one coaching and run a newbie bootcamp on theLSS, where i am an VIP member. being chinese i had alot of barriers in my AFC days and since then i've been able to get rid...
  9. T

    Semiotics and clothing

    i did my dissertation oon this stuff... basically if you want a hippie chick, you can spot her by what she wears, and assuming she wants a hippie guy, you thus have to wear that same set of 'memes' in order to show you belong to the same 'social tribe' thus as a pre game filter, you have to...
  10. T

    hello from england

    dude thats cool! i read your blog a few times, super cool stuff. i'm a member of LSS if your ever in london, look us up, i am gonna be helping magnus (bristol lair) with some film editing when project london gets off ground
  11. T

    A very strong IOI.

    jsut kino escalate from start to finish, when you see her give her a huge hug and kiss on the cheek, then grab her hand and lead her wherever, then throw her hand away at some point (push) sit down, pull her close, then push her again, get really into her, then push and act disinterested, then...
  12. T

    A very strong IOI.

    thats her trying to stay in control, its clsoed body language, legs crossed depending if its towards you or away from you shows either interest or disinterest, but also shows she is trying to stay in control, or her decision has been made. hands on ***** may be an IOI, or shes trying to again...
  13. T

    hello from england

    hello, timeforacatnap here, some of you may know me if your on the player guide board or theLSS. living and trying to find a job in london, henc my excess of free time to psot on a forum. i'm i suppose about PUA level in terms of game, i run the newbie bootcamp on LSS and also do one on...