A very strong IOI.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Currently im trying to understand more about BL and bl iois,i have this practice hb6 that i try to game alot and see her reactions to further increase my knowledge.I dunno if i should post this on tips cause most of my conclusions are up for discussion anyway.I try to maintain very strong sexual EC and then see the immediate reactions,there are some that i perceive as IOIs

1.Right after strong EC she crosses her legs and puts her hands on her pvssy region.
2.Right after strong ec she croses her legs with one hip exposed towards you.
3.During EC she spreads her legs
4.Right after mild EC (a glance etc) she fixes her bra,skirt,hair
5.While ignoring her she searches through her purse,faking an sms convo (no phone calls.i know this is a bad sign) on the mob,if theres music she dances a bit while sitting
6.Mirroring your BL,if i slouch or act bored she does that too,if i get psyched up and talkative she gleams with happiness.

I also got some indirect oral IOI's

1.She would talk with my afc friends about other guys,never with me.
2.Use of sexual innuendo (this is weird cause she's not really that type of girl)
3.Use of third persons to describe her feelings (that girl likes you alot,my friend thinks you're hot etc)

Dunno if it's my imagination,that's why i need another opinion,what do you think? I want to have some of these memorized so i can really tell when's my "cue" (i know that i shouldn't wait for any signs and just attack but my sarging needs alot of practise)


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
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GloriouslyInsane said:
1.Right after strong EC she crosses her legs and puts her hands on her pvssy region.
thats her trying to stay in control, its clsoed body language, legs crossed depending if its towards you or away from you shows either interest or disinterest, but also shows she is trying to stay in control, or her decision has been made. hands on ***** may be an IOI, or shes trying to again try and stay in control, ie in a position of dominance, if they are crossed then she definately is trying to hold frame. from the sound of it if she is sitting straight and her legs are crossed and her hands crossed, then i dont think thats an IOI, however i can see it thus can comment thoroughly.

2.Right after strong ec she croses her legs with one hip exposed towards you.
^^that sounds like an IOI, however the rule i work by is to look for 3 IOIs before escalating

3.During EC she spreads her legs
^^not neccisarily IOI if on its own, try and look out for a few more at the same tiem to give you a better picture.

4.Right after mild EC (a glance etc) she fixes her bra,skirt,hair
not necissaily an IOI, you may have just made her self concious, as if you were perving on her bra or something, if however duing prolonged EC she begins to preen, and adjust slowly, that is more likly to be an IOI.

5.While ignoring her she searches through her purse,faking an sms convo (no phone calls.i know this is a bad sign) on the mob,if theres music she dances a bit while sitting
guys and girls do that when their bored, or do not want to continue the interaction, however is so stops as soon as you reinitiate the interaction, that is an IOI, if she takes her tiem, shes signallying for you to go.basically subcommunicating, i'm now busy, you should go.

6.Mirroring your BL,if i slouch or act bored she does that too,if i get psyched up and talkative she gleams with happiness.
thats good, i suppose you could call it an IOI, but itsa ctually showing a desire to build rapport, and also shows your the one in the dominent frame.

1.She would talk with my afc friends about other guys,never with me.
2.Use of sexual innuendo (this is weird cause she's not really that type of girl)
3.Use of third persons to describe her feelings (that girl likes you alot,my friend thinks you're hot etc)
^^doubt any of those really mean anything of signficance...
1 maybe a good sign.
2 shows you've built comfort, but be careful not to build too much, those who talk about sex, dont get much sex.
3 how do you know for sure that she is describing her feelings via thrid person...perhaps shes trying to pass you on to her friends cause she doesnt want you. on the other hand, it may well be true that she is.

you've got comfort, you need to calibrate the attraction, get a hell of a lot of kino on her, kino kino kino escalata escalate escalate!


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
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1) Yeah legs are toward me,arms are not crossed,just palms between her legs (one on each leg) or crossed palms on her pubic region,
5) I reinitiated converstion and she dropped everything the moment i spoke.

2) An afc friend of mine usually tries to ****block me by saying "why don't you want to sex her up,she seems like a dirty girl" , to which i always reply with c+f like "i don't think she can handle me","once you go GI you never go back" or such.
3) Well she never uses names or anything,not once,for example once i said an joke to another girl and she said (girlb) "That's a great joke!" and hb6 was like "Is the joke great,or he is?" (while looking at me)

I think im borderline FZ or close to her losing attraction to me cause im taking my sweet time (practising on her,no moves),well we're going to a club this friday so i gotta take the shot i guess,if it all goes well atleast i'll know that i know how to read ioi's :D


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
I hope you realize you need to tell us what hapened at the club. You better not chicken out either ;)


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Well expect an fr...If it all goes as planned,and with the help of luck the afc ****blockers can't make it to the party it will be alot easier.I was thinking of dropping this group i go out with for some time now,just aswell do it this way (if it gets all sour) :p


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
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Haha good luck then man.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
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jsut kino escalate from start to finish, when you see her give her a huge hug and kiss on the cheek, then grab her hand and lead her wherever, then throw her hand away at some point (push) sit down, pull her close, then push her again, get really into her, then push and act disinterested, then kino escalate, then push and dont kino, then when you pull kino even more and so on, until shes so confused about what your feeling then you give her an SOI and act disinterested, then act upon the SOI

SOI: statement of intent: the folowing was posted by switch of smoothmethod

Sexual tension = SOI + barrier

SOI = statement of intent

barrier = something in the environment or something about yourself that would stop the two of you getting it on.


"You know I would love to kiss you right now if it wasn't for the fact that I was way too old for you."

Here the SOI is the statement of wanting to kiss her. The barrier is your age gap (of course you can be the same age and still use this as a barrier).

"I would love to make love to you really slowly right now if it wasn't for the fact that there are so many people around. There are too many pervets in the world today."

Here the SOI is wanting to **** her. The barrier is that you are in a public environment.

"You know, if I wasn't gay you would so be my type."

You get the picture.

The SOI is you letting her know you want her. You have to do this at some point in the PU. The barrier should be something quite trivial and playful at times. Something she can work to overcome so she can get you.

its bascially a part of direct game, but it works wonders if done right.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
I was thinking about the soi (after reading MM) and im pretty confident it will work,dunno if a c+f line would be an appropriate barrier? ("blabla cause you'll get obsessed with" me for example),it's just my style :p.My biggest problem i think would be isolating her,think im gonna use "can i borrow her for a sec" cause "i'm gonna go for a walk,wanna come with me" led to a group walk.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
the barrier has to be one from the environment otherwise it'll sound like your setting it up
an SOI fits in at C1/A3 stage of the interaction, when the interaction begins to calm down to a more intimate level. thus your C+F needs to be lowered so she can begin to trust you.

you isolation excuse is fine...but perhaps something like... 'i'm gonna get a drink, you wanna come and be my bar bait? (barbait as in use her to get the barmans attention by flaunting her boobies)'
a more gentle one i use alot is to isolate when trying a palm read..ie the lights bad in here, lets go over there...(then to the group, if needs be) hey we're going over there ,where theres mroe light, watch my jacket, we'll be back in a little bit.'


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hm..i like the bar idea(palm reading in a club doesn't strike me very convenient(sp?)),well i'm at the point i have to lower c+f and "give in",so you're right about that.I think im just overanalyzing stuff right now,ill just kino and keep push-pull,no need for fancy techniques :p


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
yeah, just kino escalate, push pull, in terms of spoken stuff throw out hoops and tensionloops for her to jump through and comply with.

youc an palm read in a club, but you need to ahve scoped out the club and found a good C1 locationto take her to first. and you really need to have aloud voice!


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
While im at the club i try to keep spoken stuff to a bare minimum cause i detest yelling,it's quite unnatural to talk in a club for me.I'll see if i can meet her before the club so i can make the club the second location.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
thats probably a good thing...

silent PUs rock, but make sure you dont neglect it compleatly or it'll end up as a sticking point for your game


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
If i have to talk in a club i'll usually just drop a neg or c+f line and nothing more :p.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
GloriouslyInsane said:
Well expect an fr...If it all goes as planned,and with the help of luck the afc ****blockers can't make it to the party it will be alot easier.I was thinking of dropping this group i go out with for some time now,just aswell do it this way (if it gets all sour) :p
Popped in for an update,afc ****blockers are not making it to the club.Lol i guess karma has its sneaky ways.