cold appraoches do work.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
orange country holland
for all you guys who think that cold approaches dont work better think again. me and two other friends of mine tried the cold approach thing on the streets yesterday.
we made a total of over 50 approaches because wrote the number of approaches we made and marked them down.

out of the 50 approaches we made i made about 20 of those, it was a bet to see who could approach and get more numbers.
and out of the 20 approaches i made i got 2 numbers you might think thats small but i think i did well.

while my other friend got 4 numbers and the last one got none.
now the funny part about all this was that the one who got no numbers was the best looking out of all of us,

he was a fitness model and we both work at the gym together and i would rate him a 9 anyday. while i rate myself an 8 or 7.5 and my short friend that got the most number was at most a 6 lookswise , 6 only because he dressed well and he's only about 5 '6, me and my other friend are over 6 foot im 6'2 my fitness buddy is 6'4 goodlooking and still didnt get as much numbers or any at all as my 5'6 buddy, so for those of you that think looks are important think again because we all used the same approaches which was hey wats up and how u doing even when we made group appraoches together the girls did not even look at the goodlooking one which makes me think that 1/ either girls are intimidated by him or two girls just like to see good looking guys suffer.

it was funny but sad at the same time because my friend confidence was knocked down and i felt bad for him my other 5'6 buddy even made it worse by rubbing it in his face.
but the girls my 5'6 friend pulled were all 7's and the 9s only smiled when we stopped them but kept on waLKING.

so back to cold approaches i do think they work especially in the summer girls dont like being single and lonly one of the girls my buddy picked up was so desperate she asked him if they could go for a drink at her i summer its the time to do cold appraoches , even if you make a fool of your self. but most guys got too much pride and will remain single due to the fact that they either dont have the guts or they think they are the prize , and by the way being the or thinking your the prize wont do you any good you gotta approach to get numbers.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
i've never heard of cold approaches not working....hell when you go into a club and use an opener isnt that a cold approach? even day game on the street using an opener on a girl, is a cold approach surely...more over you dont really game girls in a social circle as your already social proffed and know them thus you arent really approaching them. so there really isnt any other kind of approach.

in terms of street game, your body language is key, as well as guaging the direction of your appraoch and the speed they are walking, also your opener had to be really simple but at the same time really snappy and catching.

i've had k-closes fromstreet game after 2hours in set, also had guys i've taught venue change and number close regularly.

if you want some fun try the followign street games:
kissing bandit
all work to boost your confidence opening on the street.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Street chat ups are good but i still feel girls should be appraoching you.
its not a must to appraoch every girl you see you know. i usually used to get bullied by my friends to approach but that wasnt the kinda person i was. i dont get laid as much but i dont give a ****...... the quality of girls theyll get aint that good anyway.
lets just say im lazy.

but good job anyway


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
lurker said:
and out of the 20 approaches i made i got 2 numbers you might think thats small but i think i did well.
That's only 10%.

If your car fired up only 10% of the times you needed it, would you consider it working? Would you buy a washing powder that removes only 10% of dirt from clothes?

Also, I'm assuming these were just number closes, not dates or sex as yet? And I'm assuming you don't know much about these women (STDs, psycho behaviour, boyfriend, husband, kids etc). So basically, it's 10% effective for increasing the numbers in your phonebook.

But please don't take this the wrong way. I don't want to take anything away from you as I sincerely admire that you are in the field and taking action, which deserves FULL respect in my mind!

However, I've never believed in cold approaches and think there are more effective ways of meeting women. Even if it's more of a warm approach - i.e. someone you have seen around and been getting signals or have previously spoken to.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Jariel said:
That's only 10%.
Also, I'm assuming these were just number closes, not dates or sex as yet? And I'm assuming you don't know much about these women (STDs, psycho behaviour, boyfriend, husband, kids etc). So basically, it's 10% effective for i

no disrepect intended by the following.

i guess in the uk, at least in london with thelss, we primarly run cold approaches, both in clubs and in street, in that we open girls regardless of IOIs or whether we've seen them before. not to say we dont do that as well, but in general the majoirty are cold approaches.

your first assumption that they are just numbe-closes is incorrect, as i have had many k-closes and a few f-closes from cold approaches (no f-closes from street yet but i'm working on one)
as for your statment on the know the HB, surely that is teh point of apporaching and initiating converation? ie to find out if she is actually the kind of girl you'd like to f-close...if you dont appraoch you %of getting any close is 0%, if you approach,even cold you have a 50-50 chance of getting blowout of set....more over if you cold approach you have improved yourself from the mere experience of trying regardless of the end result.

i'm sure your questioning my expereince whether i'm a KJ or not, as i would do the same if some newbie were to question me, so heres a little about myself, not to undermine you, just to let you know that i do have the field expereince to back up what i'm talking about.

i post on thelss under timeforacatnap, and run the newbie bootcamp there as well as run onetoones, and i will be signing with Mystery method uk in august as an approach coach.

also here are some photos of HBs i've got from cold approach


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Cold Approach

I am engagged to a girl I met during a cold approach.

She fvcking rocks too man. Very smart, well educated, and
yes I did meet her at a bar.

Cold approaches are one of the easiest ways to increase your skills
with women and get gfs. I would say the only easier way is meeting
girls online but my experience is that they are mostly insane.

I don't take #s unless there is a significant reason to, ie we've spent
20+ minutes together. If she's not that interested, then I won't take
the number. Even if I kiss # a girl she may still flake. That just happens,
but who freakin cares. There is billions of women in the world.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
I'm going make 2 points here.

First point
I heard some guys say it's harder to do and the girls allways reject them and other guys don't do it because they allways get rejected.
No matter where you are, what race you are, or how tall you are or even how good you look. Their will always be some girl who will reject you. Pook said "The pain of Regret is far worse then the pain of Rejection".

So for you guys who cry about cold apporaching is too hard ? then what apporaching at the club will be too hard also ? Next thing you know, apporaching women is just too hard. If you see a girl no matter if you are at work, or at the gym or just running in the store to pick up pizza. You should apporach her. You guys will be 10x better then afc and natural players, due to the stuff you learn on this website. You know that stupid pick up lines don't work. :nono:

Second Point
Too many guys think that apporaching at the club will bring good g/fs. Wrong !!! Girls who go to the club aren't good girls for relationships. They are good to bang in bed and then you get rid of the B1t(h because she too crazy for a relationship. So if you don't find good chicks at the club or bars. Where can you find them ?
Mostly on the street or at the mall or even in the gym. Or even in social circles.

Women theirselfs are too scared to apporach men. Do we ever see a journal called, how many women apporach me ? No. Back in the day, men did the apporaching. Now days femimnist tell women to apporach men. Some girls do but the majority of women don't do it.
WHy ?
Because it's easier for them to reject us then we reject their b!t(h ass. Women will just sit and stare you down, hoping you will apporach them. In the end, if you don't they leave disappointed and go to their friends crying about how she can't get men to apporach her. Guys their are tons and tons of girls who read comisc maginzes trying to understand men and trying find the best place to go to meet men. Trying to figure out, how to get more guys to apporach her. Their was a post saying where 2 girls were crying about how they go to places where alot of men are at and no guys apporach them.

Don't be like women crying about no girls apporaching you, get in the field and start becoming a real man ( or DJ ).


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Blackdragon5095 is totally on the money, although you can get a g/f or an LTR from clubs, your more likly to find something far more genuine, and authentic running street game, street game is difficult to begin with but once you master/become competent at it, you'll realise just how much of an untapped resource it is, more over girls tend to have inflated fanatasies of meeting men in chance hugh grant in nottinghill with the coffee.

more over you can preselecet because say i like skater chicks, all i need do is hang out at/near a skate park, whereas in a club thats slightly more difficult, or say i want a sporty girl, i hang out at the gym...certain locations like the gym are your a member, you see her in her worst statte and vice versa, but the sweat is kinda sexy for her, then you are all pumped up from the work actually works out to your advatage, tehn you can venue change to a bar for a post workout drink (ironic isnt it?)

lastly, this has been field tested, several times.

The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with Jariel here that it is better to pursue girls you have already broken the ice with and got some interest from. I wont argue that cold approaches dont work but I dont have time to run around approaching 20 random women.

From what I read most guys who are into cold approaches spend more time approaching and reading and practicing methods than they spend enjoying the company of women.

Its a great talent to be able to pick up hot women but whenever I meet a quality girl I keep her around! If she is not after a relationship I would still want to date her or keep her as a f-buddy or friend with benefits.

I see absolutely no reason to be cold approaching on a regular basis unless 1: you are not meeting quality women or 2: you cant keep her interested.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Jariel said:
If your car fired up only 10% of the times you needed it, would you consider it working? Would you buy a washing powder that removes only 10% of dirt from clothes?
These are really bad analogies. Even if a car worked 90% of the time, most people would consider that it doesn't work. Considering the OP only started approaching, his percentages will only rise.

Take a look at the World Cup. In the last game, Brazil had 8 shots on goal, and scored only once. That's a scoring percentage of about 12% success rate. According to your logic, they should have just not taken any shots to avoid having a scoring percentage. I'd rather be someone who has a low percentage success rate than a person who doesn't even take shots.

The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Consent said:
Take a look at the World Cup. In the last game, Brazil had 8 shots on goal, and scored only once. That's a scoring percentage of about 12% success rate. According to your logic, they should have just not taken any shots to avoid having a scoring percentage. I'd rather be someone who has a low percentage success rate than a person who doesn't even take shots.
I believe what he is saying is its better to take calculated shots than to kick the ball at random. If you can take 3 shots on an open goal it is better than taking 10 long shots.

I agree not approaching at all leads to 100% failure but you can choose who you approach more carefully and increase your success and quality of the girl.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
you'll soon find out yourself that the vast majority of times, #'s from cold approaches go no where


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
The Truth said:
you can choose who you approach more carefully and increase your success and quality of the girl.

logic works, but especially for newbies, its important to work volume, as you get better you can become more selective, and the number of sets thatt hook increases, thus your percentage of consistant closes that lead to day2s or f-closes also increases..but everyone has to start somewhere and rely on sheer volume to a) get used to the rejection process, and b) work on consistancy.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
I don't believe that crap that you can't meet a good girl in club. The same girl that you meet on a Sunday in the supermarket could have been shaking her ass all night in a club on Saturday. Or she could be a dam stripper. How the hell do you know who you are talking to until you TALK TO THEM.

I'm not a saying that you should be looking for a full-time party girl but alot of girls in clubs only go out once or twice a month. Maybe they just went for their friend's birthday and that's the first time they have been out in a month cause they are very busy wth work and school. And hell, YOU are in a club and YOU are a good guy, so who is to say that the girl standing next to you isn't a good girl too. Let's stop generalizing, and if you see someone you like, approach, no matter where you are.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
BuckwildNYC said:
I don't believe that crap that you can't meet a good girl in club. The same girl that you meet on a Sunday in the supermarket could have been shaking her ass all night in a club on Saturday. Or she could be a dam stripper. How the hell do you know who you are talking to until you TALK TO THEM.

I'm not a saying that you should be looking for a full-time party girl but alot of girls in clubs only go out once or twice a month. Maybe they just went for their friend's birthday and that's the first time they have been out in a month cause they are very busy wth work and school. And hell, YOU are in a club and YOU are a good guy, so who is to say that the girl standing next to you isn't a good girl too. Let's stop generalizing, and if you see someone you like, approach, no matter where you are.
You do have a point.
Just be careful though, you never know. The girl in the supermarket could even have STD. Just be careful bros.

Good post BuckwildNYC :rockon:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
My experience matches this. There is girls who club all the time. No one wants to have anything to do with them except sex because they only want drama and too much of it. However, many girls go out once a month (or less) to celebrate NYE, Mardi Gras, or a GFs Bday/Bachlorette party.

These girls are no different than the one you ask out in the office as far as you're going to be able to ascertain at the time of meeting.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Blackdragon5095 said:
Pook said "The pain of Regret is far worse then the pain of Rejection".
Thats a good line Dude! I've been trying to do that for the longest time. Its not easy.