cold appraoches do work.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Freddy1 said:
Thats a good line Dude! I've been trying to do that for the longest time. Its not easy.

Anyway, I still feel we need to do cold apporaches for the following reasons.

The greatest risk is not to take any risk at all

Feeling real pain in order to change yourself for the better makes you a real man. And pain is always needed in the change for the better.
Running away from it gives us a false sense of security, while embracing it gives us sense of strenght, courage and freedom.

To overcome fear, one must constantly be exposed to it and persevere.

This is the most important reason to do cold apporaches. You ketp apporaching in order to ketp the fear of approaching from coming back.

Ever since I took more risk in my life, I been more confidence and happy ever since. I do get girls who give me nasty cold shoulders and I do get girls who enjoy being around me. But from the nasty cold shoulders.... I HAVE BECOME A STRONGER MAN.

You shouldn't do cold apporaches and think " I did 200 or 300 apporaches, women should like me " It doesn't matter how many apporaches you did. It matters if you take risk to change your life. Or stand their and watch the hb8 walk pass you.

Only real men take risk. Even if they make mistakes or fail, they still do it. Because te greatest risk is not to take any risk at all.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
orange country holland
i still think cold approaches arn't bad idea.
out of the 15 girls my friend approached he got a date with two , one blew him off.

he got four numbers in total. i got one date from this approach too but im not sure i wana go yet cuss she got a kid.

cold approaches on the streets are good this time summer time .girls dont wana be single so go for it. i got tired of girls acting up in the clubs so i went for the street approach. some girls dont even care what you look like they are just happy to get male attenttion, you think men approach these girls all the time, no they dont some girls would kill to get approached. do not forget there are afc girls everywhere as well so dont think these girl are special.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
The Truth said:
I believe what he is saying is its better to take calculated shots than to kick the ball at random. If you can take 3 shots on an open goal it is better than taking 10 long shots.
Yes, that's an apt analogy.

I am reading a lot of good points in favour of cold approaches, but the reason I'm cynical is because I judge everything by personal experience and I've never had them work in my own experience and I've never seen them work for anyone else. I haven't even seen a video of a successful cold approach - despite the many experts, gurus and alike making videos of seminars.

However, I always feel I have to add this exception: cold approaches in bars and clubs DO work. Women are on the pull, they've had a drink and are expecting/hoping to be approached, which makes for a much more conducive environment for pick ups. I've always claimed that getting laid (only) is easy and there's no need for any seduction material - just hit a club, dance with women and escalate.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
orange country holland
Jariel said:
That's only 10%.

If your car fired up only 10% of the times you needed it, would you consider it working? Would you buy a washing powder that removes only 10% of dirt from clothes?

Also, I'm assuming these were just number closes, not dates or sex as yet? And I'm assuming you don't know much about these women (STDs, psycho behaviour, boyfriend, husband, kids etc). So basically, it's 10% effective for increasing the numbers in your phonebook.

But please don't take this the wrong way. I don't want to take anything away from you as I sincerely admire that you are in the field and taking action, which deserves FULL respect in my mind!

However, I've never believed in cold approaches and think there are more effective ways of meeting women. Even if it's more of a warm approach - i.e. someone you have seen around and been getting signals or have previously spoken to.
i understand what you said about the std's and all but same goes for other girls you meet on the internet or at clubs, where would you rather meet a girl street approach or on the internet?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
lurker said:
i understand what you said about the std's and all but same goes for other girls you meet on the internet or at clubs, where would you rather meet a girl street approach or on the internet?
I prefer on the street. I used to do internet date rooms in my afc days. I got no luck. :nono:

Stick to the field.

To Lurker:

The reason men don't want to do cold apporaches, because they have huge and stupid egos. Oh lord, if I apporach her and get embarrase I will look like a loser. Or they are scared she will give them a cold shoulder. LOL cold shoulder will really going to hurt you. When 3 months go by, you won't even remember it.

Guys these days want to look for shortcuts to getting laid and getting girls.

For example,
Fake confidence, techinques, and lying.

What happen to going out in the world and taking risk ??
What happen to men wanting to make mistakes to learn ??
It's like you gotta have the prefect apporach, the prefect place to apporach.

I wanna point out some quotes here.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
True, get out their and take risk. Life is a puzzle, the only way to figure it out is to make mistakes, in order to put the right prices in place.

"Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?”
Just because other guys don't take risk and do cold apporaches, dosen't mean you shouldn't ethier. Just because society says not to apporach women on the street, or on the bus dosen't mean you shouldn't do it.
Don't be afaid to crush & burn on apporach. Even sapiens, messes up, we are humans, we are not made to be prefect and will never be prefect.
No matter how tall you are , or what race you are or how good you look or how many women you apporached.

If your friend wants to limit himself to club apporaches, then let him limit himself to that. Only fools follow other fools. Only fools listen to other fools.

So do I dare apporach a girl on 5th av ?
Do I dare apporach a girl while she is waiting for a bus ?
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