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  1. P

    Guy spitting at your car!

    Don't do it in the hall, he's not worth a suspension.... Do it off campus and give him a few extra boots right to his overextending face.
  2. P

    Guy spitting at your car!

    If he did that to me, he'd be hurtin'. Especially since if I was in my car I'd probably be listening to Pantera and if I was listening to Pantera I'd probably be listening to "Walk", so I'd be extra violent and pumped.... Seriously, disrespectful people make my blood boil. Manners are the...
  3. P

    Kanye West is an ass.

    I didn't realize that link was from the National Alliance, I got it by googling the Wichita Massacre. Obviously, a hard-core white nationalist account is going to have some bias. I replaced the link with one from Crime Library. It doesn't matter who's reporting it though, the details remain the...
  4. P

    Kanye West is an ass.

    If it's that important to you, I invite you to try. The guy's face was always fat, I've seen his ugly ass before his little car wreck.... West exploited the biggest disaster of our age, in which black and white alike became refugees overnight, to trivialize what the white victims are going...
  5. P

    Kanye West is an ass.

    F*ck Kanye West.... That chipmunk looking motherf*cker never had my respect but I'd love to punch him, hell I could punch that soft fat face of his all day and never get hurt. So the white people affected by this hurricane are lower than garbage to him because "they ain't know what it like ta...
  6. P

    what's the nastiest thing a Woman has ever said to you?

    Wow.... That makes me want to uppercut somebody.... She is the product of a sick society.... One that pushes the white guilt complex onto us.... I wonder why? I can never respect someone that doesn't respect their own genes. This girl was fed BET and MTV for most of her formative years and...
  7. P

    Scary Incident at party last night

    You're calling the guy who sucker punched him an AFC???? Look, this kid who wants to crip-walk.... this white kid.... doesn't even know what his f*cking race is! I can never respect someone like that. I know of people like that and they are annoying as sh*t.... People like that need to be...
  8. P

    negative friend

    Sounds like some latent narcissistic tendencies may have surfaced in your friend. Narcissists are people who shove their true self deep within the confines of their subconscious and make up an entirely new identity from scratch. They are parasites- other people are only used to achieve their...
  9. P

    The power of music

    "Walk" by Pantera is an excellent choice. You know what you're doing.... I find that a lot of Pantera songs help me out. A lot of them are about building confidence to a whole new level and kicking ass.
  10. P

    I'm so horny I think I'm about to rape somebody/thing.

    Get rape out of your head.... Don't even think or joke about it. Rapists are lower than sh*t, and I'd have no problem with executing thousands of them.
  11. P

    When is it okay to defend yourself?

    Defending yourself- the law is f*cked because society is f*cked. If the law is unfair to you after defending yourself, hell at least you're still alive and still have all your bodily functions. I broke my hand dealing with an aggressor, smashed it on his face, almost two months ago, and just...
  12. P

    Bars are better than clubs.

    Whenever I go downtown, I notice two things- I either have a great time, or I have such a sh*tty time that I get violent and angry. I like to socialize.... If I go to a bar downtown that IS NOT a dance club, I always get stares and attention from chicks, I can actually hear people talk, I'm...
  13. P

    What is this emo nonsense??

    The skinny kids who wear really tight retro T-shirts with dorky glasses and stupid haircuts who take pride in making themselves look like wimps? No, they're not too cool....
  14. P

    Other than women wat is ur fav thing on earth?

    Heavy metal, mushrooms, weed, not going to dance clubs (I love it, because I hate them), military history, guns, swords, amusement park rides, cars, FAMILY....
  15. P

    This sucks I'm getting skinnier....

    Does not getting a lot of sleep result in losing a lot of weight? For the past few months I haven't been getting that much sleep because I've been staying out too late.
  16. P

    This sucks I'm getting skinnier....

    Ever since I got a nasty boxers fracture on my knuckle a month ago, I've been in a cast and haven't been able to work out. I still have 2 weeks left. I started out being like 6'0, 175 and now I'm not even 165! Is that too scrawny for 6'0? Better not be skinny to attract girls because I'm...
  17. P


    Have good friends around- but having a rat or two around is a blast because you'll spot him and be hostile to him. Me and my friends were tripping and saw one guy for the scheming, dishonorable bastard that he is so we just insulted him and beat up on him all night. Also have some good music...
  18. P


    Shrooms are f*cking amazing.... The positive potential of hallucinogens can't be overlooked.... I'm no f*cking hippie, I'm actually pretty right-wing, but experiences with hallucinogens have helped me experience different levels of existence.... Mushrooms helped me realize that I am my own...
  19. P

    lost a chance cause i was high

    I can't tell you how many chances I've missed because I was burnt-out or paranoid from god damn weed. Certain types of weed make me ill-suited for intereaction with strangers or girls. Basically, try not to smoke weed around girls unless it's with them. Smoking a joint can be a great way to...
  20. P

    Picking up in Rock/Metal Clubs

    For every criticism that a metrosexual R&B dance club patron has about heavy metal culture, I have 100 criticisms about theirs. They sound like some great places. I can hang with people who think like me, listen to good music, and won't have to worry about things that enrage me like hip-hop...