Picking up in Rock/Metal Clubs

Mr. Dude

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Devon, UK
Have any of you guys tried picking up in a club playing mostly heavy metal music ('goth' music as im sure many of us UK folks call it)? Have you ever been successful in these places? I went to such a club with some buddies last week and noticed the following obstacles towards the PUA:

- music is even louder than your regular club: conversation is impossible without repeating what you say, over and over, shouting right into the person's ear. It's difficult to have an 'intimate' convo whilst shouting.

- everyone on the dancefloor is dancing completley differently to how you'd see them in your typical R'n'B, or dance music club. moshing, jumping about, and air guitar playing is ripe: the atmosphere seems more violent than sensual. So grinding, butt-bumping etc seems really out of place for this music amongst all the moshing.

- I'm new to this rock club atmosphere, but it seemed to me that in general the people there seemed to be just moping about, drinking in their groups. ... not looking as sociable as people in other clubs when I've been.

I don't think this is my scene particularly, but lots of my buddies like going there - so I see myself hanging there with them in the future. Do any of you have any advice for picking up girls in this (what seems to me) less-intimate environment?



Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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In my experience:

girls are a lot less caring and uptight than in regular clubs, so it was a lot easier to be myself.

but a lot of the girls are ****ing psychos! a LTR is totally out of the question, unless you want to wake up in 2 months with your eyes glued shut.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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i pull the most girls at rock clubs, its 2 easy there, the problem is finding fit ones.

I don't really go to your 'hard' rock clubs, more indie rock clubs, the girls at these clubs are normally pretty cool girls with a bit more about them than your average cheesey townie club, i quite like their style 2.

anyhow, as i said, theres not as many fit girls, but theres normally a few alright ones, in fact, i have met/pulled some of my fittest girls at these places. I prefer the music, and i can wear whatever i like, which is cool, also i can make myself stand out unlike a club with a shirt and shoes dresscode.

saying that though, some rock clubs are basically full of kids, and i wouldnt go anymore, but theres still a few with a more mature crowd i would go to, and its always wicked fun, everyone just gets pissed and doesn't care, a lot less grief.

so my advice, just have fun and chat to the girls there, theyre normally less up themselves.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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Originally posted by Hunchback

but a lot of the girls are ****ing psychos! a LTR is totally out of the question, unless you want to wake up in 2 months with your eyes glued shut.
haha, 2 true!

also, rock girls are normally D I R T Y


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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In my experience rock chicks are totally messed up in the head.
Finding fit ones is also a challenge.
If you want an easy 'alright' girl to bang and discard, then this is a good place.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by diablo
Basically you're asking about a "club pick up"...
Hmm... I don't think thats what he's getting at. Dance and Rock clubs are almost like two different planets in the UK at least.

Not Quite There has covered it pretty good.

- Rock clubs tend to have a lower calibre of people than dance clubs, both men and women. Men tend to be geeky and women tend to be ugly - but there are exceptions of course.

- Women don't get approached as much as they do in dance clubs, mainly due to the fact that most of the guys there are nerds.

- People aren't dressed as well as they are in dance clubs. I always wear a suit (without the tie) when out drinking, no matter what the club. With rock clubs you will stand out amongst the Pantera t-shirts more than you would in a dance club.

- People do tend to stick together and are less sociable, but there are plenty of regulars who go every week or so and they do eventually get to know each other. It can be almost cult-like in a way. Be prepared to see any HB more than once if you go regulary - this means that they may be afraid of being labelled a slut.

- Grinding is out. People know ALL the words and every note to all the songs, they like to air guitar and sing along. The same songs get played every night/week, normally. Knowing some of the songs would help you - because you'll look like you're having fun and they like things like that.

- There are lots of under 18s in there. Of course over here we can fvck 16 year olds, but they may be even younger than that. If she talks to you about her GCSE coursework being late, beware!

- So, the approach is quite easy. Find a decent looking girl, and do what you'd normally do. It's interesting that she will have her guard down, but at the same time shes quite possibly shy.

- She won't turn around and tell you to fvck off. Most of them give you the time of day.

- Getting the # is pretty easy, fvcking them on the night is harder - for the reasons above!

- Just treat rock clubs as fun with your mates. If you see a decent girl go for it but don't make it your priority. Dance clubs should be your #1 choice for pulling.

Hmm I didn't type that as well as I could have done and I think I've missed things. Never mind.

Mr. Dude

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Devon, UK
awesome advice from all, thanks! aftershock, that was bang on what I was interested in finding out.

Anyone else had any useful experience with these places they'd like to pass on?



Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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Hard core Metal places are not the place to pick up any HBs if you do see one.

They look at you like "What the fvck are you talking to me for...you don't have 18 peircings through your face and a bad hair style."

I approached a couple of HBs one night and they didn't say a thing...they just walked away.
They only go for tall skinny guys with long hair and beards.

Indie/Rock places are better. The people are usually willing to talk to you and are very friendly.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by MidnightResistance
Hard core Metal places are not the place to pick up any HBs if you do see one.

They look at you like "What the fvck are you talking to me for...you don't have 18 peircings through your face and a bad hair style."

I approached a couple of HBs one night and they didn't say a thing...they just walked away.
They only go for tall skinny guys with long hair and beards.

Indie/Rock places are better. The people are usually willing to talk to you and are very friendly.
yeah, it kind of depends on what you look like, i don't look anything like a rocker or indie kid, in fact i look more like a football hooligan:p

i actually like going to clubs where everyone is so obsessed with looking as 'different but all look the same' as they can, so i stand out by being what theyre trying not to be, if you get what i mean?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Grow a mullet. Put on an old metallica t-shirt(preferably with holes). Make sure to find one of those bullet belts. Go and buy a pair of jeans at least 5 sizes to tight(maybe even buy from the todler section if you can). Now grow a really bad mustache, you know, the kind those 16 year old high school kids have when they can't really grow facial hair yet? Now make sure that you don't say any big words. During every sentance, you should interrupt yourself, and scream "Metal rules!!!" while pumping your fist in the air. Other acceptable substitutes would be: "Lemmy is god!" or "I live in my parent's basement!!". Then go back and finish your sentance like nothing happened. Don't worry, people will look at you like that because they can't believe how cool you are. If you can, try to arrange for a friend that has a pickup truck to pick you up. If you can find a fat, ugly white girl(28 bonus points if she's visibly pregnant) to bring around with you, you're in like flynn.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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For every criticism that a metrosexual R&B dance club patron has about heavy metal culture, I have 100 criticisms about theirs.

They sound like some great places. I can hang with people who think like me, listen to good music, and won't have to worry about things that enrage me like hip-hop. Some of those psycho goth chicks are scary although some are hot. There must be some normal hot girls who like rock.

Some of you have misconceptions about metal fans. We're just the guys you see who have rejected this horrible ghetto fabulous image that's sprung up. We're not just a bunch of freaks, we choose a lifestyle that fits in with our cultural interests and does not go 100% against them like rap.

The emasculation and ghettoization of our society will be resisted.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pantera_man
For every criticism that a metrosexual R&B dance club patron has about heavy metal culture, I have 100 criticisms about theirs.

They sound like some great places. I can hang with people who think like me, listen to good music, and won't have to worry about things that enrage me like hip-hop. Some of those psycho goth chicks are scary although some are hot. There must be some normal hot girls who like rock.

Some of you have misconceptions about metal fans. We're just the guys you see who have rejected this horrible ghetto fabulous image that's sprung up. We're not just a bunch of freaks, we choose a lifestyle that fits in with our cultural interests and does not go 100% against them like rap.

The emasculation and ghettoization of our society will be resisted.
haha, its funny, this thread got me thinking about peoples views on metal/rock/goth etc and rockers views on everything else, and i come back and its turned into exactly what i was thinking.

society does kind of have a narrow minded view on rockers, and yeah i'll give you hip hop/r and b is very fashionable right now, and granted you have just responded to a rather negative post.

but personally, i am open minded about all music, and never really look down on people into rock, in fact i like a lot of rock myself. but for people that are in to something different, you would assume they might be open minded to other musics types, but know! more often than not; rockers are the most stubburn narrowminded people about other musics!!

Rock was the hip hop of the 60s/70/80s, now hip hop is fashionable, its just youth rebelling, but it will be something else sooner or later.

heavy metal fans or people into 'goth' or whatever you want to call it; can look rediculous, but at the same time all the g unit wannabes i see walking around town look rediculous as well and the same goes for cyber kids (ravers) etc..

Just because your into soemthing doesnt mean you have to follow it 110%, theres good stuff to be found in every music, so why listen to just the one?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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There was a metal night on every Tuesday close to the university I went to.

I went in there in 'normal' clothes once.
People looked at me as if they were willing me to burst into flames or something.

I tried to dress up a little more metally (cos there was this chick I met in the first year who went there who I really wanted to get with). I found my old beat up leather jacket, wore my ripped up painting jeans that reeked of white spirit (art student) and bought a Nine Inch Nails t-shirt from a market stand for £5.
I looked a damned state.
Nobody wanted to fry me with their hex vision.
I pulled the chick I liked, had scary sex with her that night(Goth chicks bite hard!) and never went back their again.

For anyone going to a metal night, the secret password is "NightWish" ;)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Check out me Suicide Girls page and you'll see some seriously sexy goth chicks, including my GF.

It's mentioned on this thread that roch/goth clubs are a different ballgame from trendy clubs. Of course this is true. Don't know what it's like elsewhere, but here in Glasgow even the Rock and Goth clubs are radically different from each other and will each draw a unique crowd.

Rock Clubs
35% Ageing rocker types who never mentally progressed past 1998. Tight jeans, faded black Iron Maiden tshirt, long hair, big boots. Tattoos. (75% guys aged 18-40, 25% girls aged 25-45.) See these biker type women on the dance floor and non-verbally instigate a dance. But look out for the 18 stone hells angel boyfriend. These girls are washed up anyways.
25% Emo kids who listen to boy bands thinking it's punk. Brightly coloured hair spiked in any and all directions. Minimal piercings/tattoos. (70% girls aged 16-22, 30% gayboys aged 16-21) Don't expect much attention if you don't look the same. If you have your own purple spike/nosering/tattoo, then you're in. Open with anything including "nice spike/nosering/tattoo". Eyeliner will help. Make sure you see proof of age though.
20% Nondescript eclectics. Don't follow a particular style but their own. They are open minded about most things, it may be hard to distinguish them from other 'tribes' if you don't know what to look for. These are the people you see dressed like this in non-rock clubs. These people are wicked! Including me. Approach these people as you would normally. They are less likely to judge you on your looks, unless you look really stupid.
10% Goths Can be antisocial and cliquey, but if you get to know them they are usually really sweet, intelligent people. You'll need gothic tendencies to get close. Don't try to fake it.
10% Indie These are the tame boys and girls who come here for the novelty and look 'overdressed'. If you're not a rocker/goth/alternative then your best hope lies with these girls. They are actually hoping to hook up with other non-rockers in the club.

Basically if you don't match the style of these people you have less chance of getting anywhere. The more open minded people don't care what style you are but will still look for signs of individuality or creativity with your appearance, so if you just look like a cardboard cut out of everyone else youre f*cked.

Quick note about Goth clubs. These are fantastic! A totally different vibe from above. People will be dressed much more extravagantly, with PVC, fishnets, braids, corsets, cyber stuff, traditional stuff. Anything goes. You'll have 70% goths here 20% eclectics and the rest a mix. If you don't look gothic you're wasting your time. If you don't mind wearing the gear you're in for a good time. They play a lot more electronic a style of music in these clubs, from industrial to dark, dirty techno. The gothic girls are the hottest from the alternative spectrum! Although a lot of them are lesbian and most of them are bisexual. And be be careful, cos some of the girls are guys :eek:


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pantera_man
For every criticism that a metrosexual R&B dance club patron has about heavy metal culture, I have 100 criticisms about theirs.

They sound like some great places. I can hang with people who think like me, listen to good music, and won't have to worry about things that enrage me like hip-hop. Some of those psycho goth chicks are scary although some are hot. There must be some normal hot girls who like rock.

Some of you have misconceptions about metal fans. We're just the guys you see who have rejected this horrible ghetto fabulous image that's sprung up. We're not just a bunch of freaks, we choose a lifestyle that fits in with our cultural interests and does not go 100% against them like rap.

The emasculation and ghettoization of our society will be resisted.
Actually, you're just as bad as the metro R&B guys.

I like dance clubs. I like indie clubs. I like R&B clubs. I like metal clubs. I also like 70's and 80's clubs (don't start a thread on that, please). About the only clubs I don't like are gay clubs, and I've never been to one, and really don't want to! Also, I don't take any club particulary seriously - I just have light hearted fun. Heck, I like prog rock - where the fvck do I find a club that plays that?

Why? Because I'm open minded. This also means that I have loads of mates who I go to different clubs with meaning I have a good network of friends.

Being close minded is as bad as being fat in my opinion.

You sound like you are close-minded and never go anywhere else. Thats fine, you just won't grow as a person as much as us open minded people can. Not to mention you won't get as many women.

No-one should ever join a "culture". They should embrace all "cultures" and learn from, and enjoy them all.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
The hiphop thing definitely is a trend now. Most people listen to it because its hot to do so.

When hiphop started, it was about something.

Most hiphop nowadays is just about how rich the rappers are. I find something wrong about paying to h ear a guy brag about how you're paying to hear him brag.

Same with metal. It used to be about something, about injustice and the wrongs of the world.

Now its mostly completely introspective and pointless, not hopeful or eyeopening but just a dour spiral into self-pity.

We need new music.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
I myself am a total rocker and love all forms of rock music. My hair is kinda long (I'm still growing it) and I like to wear jeans and rock t-shirts of my favourite rock/metal bands. I went to a rock club in Manchester called Rockworld last friday, and realised how important rock music, dressing like a rocker and being in the prescence of other rockers really is to me. I've loved rock music since I was a kid, and I love the fact that rockers don't conform to society's idea of what's 'cool' or 'in fashion'. It's all about being individual and true to yourself in my opinion. Rock music is also written by talented musicians, with something to say in their songs, and attitude behind their music.

I've now decided to concentrate my nights out in rock/metal clubs as the sort of girl I want to be with is a rock/metal/grunge/goth sort of girl. I still need practice at pulling this type of girl, but with such a shared passion for the same music it shouldn't be too hard. I just like the individuality, style and personality of rock chicks.

If any other DJs in the UK are into rock music/rock clubs and rock chicks, let me know some good places to go, PM me or email me and we'll talk.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Luveno
The hiphop thing definitely is a trend now. Most people listen to it because its hot to do so.

When hiphop started, it was about something.

Most hiphop nowadays is just about how rich the rappers are. I find something wrong about paying to h ear a guy brag about how you're paying to hear him brag.

Exactly!! I used to be into hip hop back in the mid 90's when it still meant something, now its just music for retards.

The beats are crap, old hip hop was so much funkier, and now every song is the same old gangsta crap. I honestly don't know how anyone who has half a brain can listen to it.

Music like punk, whilst not very trendy, at least it has some thought process, its about politics etc.