Scary Incident at party last night


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Me and my little cousin went to this house party out of town last night... There had to be at least 200 people there (some house party huh)

There was this guy, who I kinda knew from the last time they threw a house party. He is a white guy, and I was doing the C-Walk to a song and he asked me to show him how to do it. Pretty cool guy, but was always drunk.

Anyway, this guy is going around hitting on women and I can tell he is getting on people's nerves.

So the guy that lives there, at least one of them is talking to him. So the white guy that is drunk called the guy that lived there "baby boy", which is nothing but a name you call someone out of respect, and about 5 seconds later the guy that lives there comes across the counter and just sucker punched the guy, hit him over the couch behind him. I could tell the guy couldn't fight because he tried to put him in a sleeper hold.

So the guy gets up and has a few scratches on him and asked how in the world did that, because by then there were 7-8 guys around them trying to break them up. So they ask him to leave, better yet tell him to leave.

So the guy who hit him, total AFC, is bragging about how "beautiful" his sukker punch was. I pull him aside, mind you I don't know him, he doesn't know me, and I ask him "what the **** did you hit him for? dude it's your damn house, if you don't like him tell him to leave. You don't fight people you don't know, and you espically don't fight people you invite over your house".

Well, I knew this white guy was a crip, the guy he sucker punched... he was telling me that when I was teaching him how to do the C-walk.

So the guy that hit him is still bragging to all of these girls how he "stood" up to the guy and hit him, and my cousin and I are shaking our heads.

I decided to walk outside to talk to a girl that had been checking me out the whole night, and the guy that got sucker punched came back with like... it had to be 7-8 dudes (not that it matters, one was white, all was black).

All he said was tell the dude that hit me to bring his ass out here so he can get delt with.

Now it JUST so happens, that one of the black guys I used to go to school with and was pretty cool with and of couse me and the white guy that got sucker punnhched were pretty cool.

I told my cousin "if I know Phillip (the black guy I k now) like I think i do, he is strapped"

So they go in the house, and pull a gun to the guys head, and make him go outside. (that's what I heard, i was still outside, trying to help deaden the situtaiton and talk to this girl at the same time)

By this time, all the girls are crying and all the dudes that were once bragging about how manily they were were scared as hell.

I told phillip and the white guy (they were still outside) that we were in Conway (outside of our home city), the police were already parked down the street because it's a dry county and they knew that there was a house party going on, and this punk wasn't worth it. I told the white guy that hit him to apologize to him for sucker punching him. They still kicked his ass, but he ended up with a bloody nose, nothing serious, and at least he is still alive.

If I wasn't there, the guy would have been killed, no questions asked, and for what? Even though the white guy was getting on people's nerves, he really didn't do anything wrong, and he said it himself "if you didn't want me here, why the hell didn't you just say something"

I honestly think that me telling them that the police was right down the street, and the fact that I pointed out that there were 200 or so witnesses int he house, made them think otherwise.


Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
wow...that's a really crazy situation.

good job though on being able to stop that from going down. you seem like you have a way with people...that's commendable.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
thanks, but I didn't want the guy to get killed for basically being an AFC, which is what would have happened.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Isn't it funny how people die for the silliest of things? A friend of mine in Asia told me how he saw this guy got beaten to death over an argument involving a $0.30 bowl of rice.

Then the cops came, locked them up, and executed them all.

Isn't it funny how people kill or get killed over the dumbest things? I think in Australia recently someone got murdered over a Playstation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
wasn't there a dude in america that slaughtered an entire house over an xbox, something like that?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Yes, that's the one! Not in australia, but yeah it involved some video game. They said the bodies had been so f*cked up the cops had to send them to the lab to be identified.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2002
Reaction score
Hey backbreaker. Maybe I got this wrong, but did you really think it's kinda okay/understandable these suckers came to the house with a gun and putting it to that guy's head? The one nearly getting killed is the AFC, the dudes with the gun are the cool guys? Isn't there something wrong here?
Probably wasn't a good idea to punch the guy in the first place, but at least it was one vs. one.
But then Mr tough guy has to run and bring his "boys" back with him. What a weak loser. Gangs suck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
both of them were stupid, but I would say the guy that punched them is stupider.

When you get in a fight, the first rule is know who you are fighting. If you don't know who you are fighting, try not to fight.

There have been a couple of times people at clubs/out have gotten into it with me, and I could tell that this isn't a person I need to be fighting... and I can fight, so I let it slide, even if I may look foolish at the time... I would rather be foolish and live then be a brave dead person.

I mean, gang members do what gang members do. Just like AW's do what AW's do and Sluts do what Sluts do. The key is knowing how to deal with them...

You don't sucker punch a gang member and then brag to all of the girls at the party how manily you are.

Do I agree? Of course not, dont' be silly. But i'm not the one int he gang, this guy is, and it doesn't matter if it's silly or not to me, the guy did come back with a gun.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
What do you expect when you hang out with a bunch of punks?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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That's some f'cked up stuff right there. Perfect example of how you never know what your enemy is capable of (or who he knows).


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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You're calling the guy who sucker punched him an AFC????

Look, this kid who wants to crip-walk.... this white kid.... doesn't even know what his f*cking race is! I can never respect someone like that. I know of people like that and they are annoying as sh*t.... People like that need to be slapped right out of their cultural identity crisis or fantasy land or whatever.... Their virtual 'hood.

This kid's been watching Bangin' in Little Rock too many times.... he gets sucker punched... So instead of being a man and getting up to fight the guy one-one one....

....The guy comes back with all his "cool" black friends to show everyone how hard he is. What a punk. If they tried to invade my house like that, they'd be feasting on buckshot. It's bad enough that I have to see that sh*t outside, but I never let it come in my house.

That just proves that those sawed-off little gangbanger runts can only function as a large unit.... They get no respect on an individual basis.

Congratulations on saving the guys life, but the real losers of the night are Mr. White Chocolate and the paper gangster click.

God damn you MTV....

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Originally posted by Pantera_man
Look, this kid who wants to crip-walk.... this white kid.... doesn't even know what his f*cking race is! I can never respect someone like that. I know of people like that and they are annoying as sh*t.... People like that need to be slapped right out of their cultural identity crisis or fantasy land or whatever.... Their virtual 'hood.
True. Infact the other kid should have beat him up a bit more to knock some sense into this rap listening white boy!


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
Yes, that's the one! Not in australia, but yeah it involved some video game. They said the bodies had been so f*cked up the cops had to send them to the lab to be identified.
you got a link?