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  1. P

    metro-sex gone wrong... (pic inside)

    What a pathetic example of a male. That is not a man. What are you guys talking about his woman's a 5 at best- and she STILL doesn't look like she wants anything to do with him. What gay hair. What a gay shirt. That guy definitely doesn't listen to metal. He likes Simple Plan, Usher and...
  2. P

    Is dancing necessary?

    Some excellent advice and reassuring as well. Especially if there actually are heavy metal clubs in my town. Ebach, I can assure you that my testicles are both adequate and where they should be. I'm just not about to strap on a pink button up and ghetto dance to Usher and Beyonce. See what...
  3. P


    At least some good can come about from all this evil.... To the dude that asked about sizes, I'm about 6'1, 175 and the guy was probably around my size but a bit shorter. I couldn't tell from all that baggy ghetto gear the ignorant bastard had on though. It was a situation in which...
  4. P

    Am I homophobic?

    HA! You're worried about being homophobic? The fact that you asked that question says that you're not homophobic enough. Seriously, treating homosexuality as something that isn't a perversion and actually encouraging gayness like society does is nothing but the result of mindless, unchecked...
  5. P


    I got in a fight with some ghetto loser a while back, in which I was the defender and he was the aggressor. Long story short, I smashed his face in good, but broke my knuckle on it BAD. My hand is immobillized and in a cast and I can't lift weights or anything. It sucks a lot.... tons...
  6. P

    Is dancing necessary?

    This sh*t has gone on long enough. My starving **** has never tasted ***** and it'll be 21 in a few days. Never even kissed a girl man..... Basically, I've been completely clueless on anything to do with girls so I just never even tried to communicate with them during my teen years. I Didn't...