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  1. B

    I was dumped like a hot potato!

    yeah that other guy im sure was unde your same cicumnstances My friend this girl did not want to have nothing serious with you since the get go, all them questions about marriage and kids and whatnot were just little tests that she was throwing at you to see the kind of man you are. She is...
  2. B

    I was dumped like a hot potato!

    i only read the first half of your post and thats a total disapointment to your fellow dj's and this site, i will reply on this im a minute in quotations
  3. B

    LTR's question

    Make no mistake about it lol, im the biggest sex fan and freak in the entire universe, the thing is that before we have sex everything goes smoothly converstations, mood, everything just right on point, that nature leads it to sex, but after sex is like she shuts down, no convo, she is just like...
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    LTR's question

    I was wondering, me myself im in a commited LTR of only 3 months (next week will make 3 months). I got a few dilemas here, the first one is on dates, everytime we go out we always do the samething , go out to eat, or go to the movies its always them two and it has been like that since day...
  5. B


    Yes thats quite old to be honest. Showing her that you are the price that she is gonna have to earn regardless of the situation, making her interest level raise, not neccsarly in wanting to get with you, but in wanting to get to know more about you or whatever it is.
  6. B

    Does writing attract girls?

    Regardless of the quality of the poem, NEVER do that. Not for valentines day, anniversary, or wichever other special occasion. Now if its your wife then its a different storie and i still kind of disagree on it. Poems = AFC Now itll be different if thats your proffesion and you...
  7. B

    Offer your girlfriend a date with someone else.

    The idea of offering your girlfriend to another man in a LTR or any relationship is bizarre, ridiculous. Not is it only disrespecting towards your girl but also insulting regardless of your status, wether you are a celebritie, or a bum.
  8. B

    Date Checking Out Other Guys

    Right on point, perfect response for this situation. Also shows that you are secure, confident, and way above her in bs games.
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  10. B

    Blushing answer to this is that may be you are not used to talk in front of people, or hold conversations with people, and are afraid, shy that the person you conversating with might think that what you are saying is stupid. There could be a million reasons why this is happening, but only YOU...
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    Does writing attract girls?

    Lol poems... somebody needs a real hard kick in the ass and get sent to read the dj bible!
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    Anyone play a musical instrument?

    i forgat how to play it but i use to play "LA Flauta" (i dont know how to say it in english:o
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    no-condom sex

    why not just use a bigger condom?
  14. B

    the hottest sex

    interesting thread lol